Infer cell-cell communications based on CellTalkDB
# download the source package of scCrossTalk-1.0.tar.gz and install it
# ensure the right directory for scCrossTalk-1.0.tar.gz
install.packages(pkgs = 'scCrossTalk-1.0.tar.gz',repos = NULL, type = "source")
# install devtools and install scCrossTalk
install.packages(pkgs = 'devtools')
Find highly expressed ligands and receptors between pairwise clusters using Z score for a Seurat
object (>= 3.0.0) after log1p normalization, cluster analysis and tSNE or Umap dimensionality reduction
clu_pairs <- FindPairs(object = mouse_kidney_203_Seurat,
species = "Mouse",
use_LRdb = "LRdb",
revise_gene = T,
cell_min_pct = 0.25,
p_value = 0.05)
PairsSig(clu_pairs = clu_pairs, per_num = 1000, pvalue = 0.05)
CrossTalkSig(clu_pairs = clu_pairs, per_num = 1000, pvalue = 0.05)
PlotPairsNode(clu_pairs = clu_pairs,
show_sig = F,
edge_width = 1,
edge_alpha = 0.5,
node_size_min = 1,
node_size_max = 10,
text_size = 3)
PlotPairsNet(clu_pairs = clu_pairs,
show_sig = F,
show_clu_node = T,
layout = "nicely",
show_text_cutoff = 0,
node_size_min = 5,
node_size_max = 10,
text_size = 3,
text_col = "black",
edge_width = 0.5,
edge_col = "black",
edge_alpha = 0.2)
PlotPairsHeat(clu_pairs = clu_pairs,
LR_pairs = "all",
show_clusters = "all",
show_sig = F,
color_low = "white",
color_high = "red",
border_color = "grey60",
cluster_rows = T,
cluster_cols = T,
symbol = "*",
symbol_col = "black",
symbol_size = 12)
PlotPairsBubble(clu_pairs = clu_pairs,
LR_pairs = "all",
show_clusters = "all",
if_directed = T,
show_sig = F,
bubble_col = "black",
bubble_alpha = 0.6,
bubble_max_size = 20,
show_text_cutoff = 1)
PlotPairsCircle(clu_pairs = clu_pairs,
show_sig = F,
ligand_clu = "1",
receptor_clu = "2")
PlotPairsDim(clu_pairs = clu_pairs,
ligand = "Apoe",
ligand_clu = "4",
receptor = "Sdc4",
receptor_clu = "2",
reduction = "umap",
size = 1,
text_size = 12)
PlotPairsViolin(clu_pairs = clu_pairs,
ligand = "Apoe",
ligand_clu = "4",
receptor = "Sdc4",
receptor_clu = "2",
reduction = "umap",
show_jitter = T,
jitter_size = 2)
PlotCrossTalkSan(clu_pairs = clu_pairs, show_type = "number", show_sig = F)
PlotCrossTalkCircle(clu_pairs = clu_pairs, show_type = "score", show_sig = F)
PlotCrossTalkHeat(clu_pairs = clu_pairs,
show_type = "number",
if_directed = T,
show_sig = F,
color_low = "white",
color_high = "red",
border_color = "grey60",
cluster_rows = T,
cluster_cols = T,
symbol = "*",
symbol_col = "black",
symbol_size = 12)
PlotCrossTalkNet(clu_pairs = NULL,
show_type = NULL,
layout = "nicely",
show_sig = F,
edge_col = "black",
edge_alpha = 0.1,
node_size_min = 5,
node_size_max = 10,
text_size = 3,
text_col = "black")