POC sow014 changes #2496
POC sow014 changes #2496
hmcts-jenkins-a-to-c / Tests / Functional Test - preview
Jan 9, 2025 in 0s
failed: 10, skipped: 61, passed: 600
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F-1020: Get Case Events On Behalf Of User.must successfully update userid with on behalf of user and proxied by user details
Could not verify the actual response against expected one. Below are the issues. ***[actualResponse.headers.VaRy is unavailable though it was expected to be there, actualResponse.headers contains a bad value: Content-Type: expected 'application/json' but got 'application/vnd.uk.gov.hmcts.ccd-data-store-api.case-events.v2+json;charset=UTF-8'] issues in headers are listed just as warnings. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update__X__UPDATE__X__cf3b971a-a02f-4a62-a3b9-92b943b6ada9].event_instance_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update__X__UPDATE__X__cf3b971a-a02f-4a62-a3b9-92b943b6ada9].case_data_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a new case__X__CREATE__X__65877528-f52a-46aa-9b1c-62ba7c761856].event_instance_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a new case__X__CREATE__X__65877528-f52a-46aa-9b1c-62ba7c761856].case_data_id is unexpected.
Stack trace
java.lang.AssertionError: Could not verify the actual response against expected one. Below are the issues.
***[actualResponse.headers.VaRy is unavailable though it was expected to be there, actualResponse.headers contains a bad value: Content-Type: expected 'application/json' but got 'application/vnd.uk.gov.hmcts.ccd-data-store-api.case-events.v2+json;charset=UTF-8'] issues in headers are listed just as warnings.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update__X__UPDATE__X__cf3b971a-a02f-4a62-a3b9-92b943b6ada9].event_instance_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update__X__UPDATE__X__cf3b971a-a02f-4a62-a3b9-92b943b6ada9].case_data_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a new case__X__CREATE__X__65877528-f52a-46aa-9b1c-62ba7c761856].event_instance_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a new case__X__CREATE__X__65877528-f52a-46aa-9b1c-62ba7c761856].case_data_id is unexpected.
at org.junit.Assert.fail(Assert.java:89)
at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(Assert.java:42)
at org.junit.Assert.assertFalse(Assert.java:65)
at uk.gov.hmcts.befta.player.DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.processAnyIssuesInResponse(DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.java:646)
at uk.gov.hmcts.befta.player.DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.verifyThatTheResponseHasAllTheDetailsAsExpected(DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.java:614)
at ✽.the response has all the details as expected(file:///opt/jenkins/workspace/_to_c_ccd-data-store-api_PR-2496/src/aat/resources/features/F-1020%20-%20Get%20Case%20Events%20On%20Behalf%20Of%20UserId/F-1020.feature:18)
Standard out
Given an appropriate test context as detailed in the test data source.......passed
Given a user with [an active profile in CCD]................................passed
And a case [C1, which has just been] created as in [F1020_Case_Data_Create_C1].passed
And a successful call [to get an event token for the case just created] as in [F1020_Prerequisite_Citizen_Token_For_Update_Case].passed
And a successful call [using on_behalf_of user] as in [F1020_Update_Case_With_On_Behalf_Of_User].passed
When a request is prepared with appropriate values..........................passed
And it is submitted to call the [get event for an existing case (V2)] operation of [CCD Data Store].passed
Then a positive response is received........................................passed
And the response has all the details as expected............................failed
F-1021: Retrieve audit events by case ID when case created with onBehalfOfUserId.must return list of audit events successfully for a create case
Could not verify the actual response against expected one. Below are the issues. ***[actualResponse.headers.Content-Length is unexpected., actualResponse.headers.VaRy is unavailable though it was expected to be there, actualResponse.headers contains a bad value: Content-Type: expected 'application/json' but got 'application/vnd.uk.gov.hmcts.ccd-data-store-api.case-events.v2+json;charset=UTF-8'] issues in headers are listed just as warnings. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[AAT_AUTH_15__X____X__Create a new case__X__CREATE__X__PUBLIC__X__TODO__X__To do__X__].event_instance_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[AAT_AUTH_15__X____X__Create a new case__X__CREATE__X__PUBLIC__X__TODO__X__To do__X__].case_data_id is unexpected.
Stack trace
java.lang.AssertionError: Could not verify the actual response against expected one. Below are the issues.
***[actualResponse.headers.Content-Length is unexpected., actualResponse.headers.VaRy is unavailable though it was expected to be there, actualResponse.headers contains a bad value: Content-Type: expected 'application/json' but got 'application/vnd.uk.gov.hmcts.ccd-data-store-api.case-events.v2+json;charset=UTF-8'] issues in headers are listed just as warnings.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[AAT_AUTH_15__X____X__Create a new case__X__CREATE__X__PUBLIC__X__TODO__X__To do__X__].event_instance_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[AAT_AUTH_15__X____X__Create a new case__X__CREATE__X__PUBLIC__X__TODO__X__To do__X__].case_data_id is unexpected.
at org.junit.Assert.fail(Assert.java:89)
at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(Assert.java:42)
at org.junit.Assert.assertFalse(Assert.java:65)
at uk.gov.hmcts.befta.player.DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.processAnyIssuesInResponse(DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.java:646)
at uk.gov.hmcts.befta.player.DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.verifyThatTheResponseHasAllTheDetailsAsExpected(DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.java:614)
at ✽.the response has all other details as expected(file:///opt/jenkins/workspace/_to_c_ccd-data-store-api_PR-2496/src/aat/resources/features/F-1021%20-%20On%20Behalf%20Of%20User%20Id%20after%20Case%20created%20Get%20events%20by%20case%20ID/F-1021.feature:16)
Standard out
Given an appropriate test context as detailed in the test data source.......passed
Given a user with [an active profile in CCD]................................passed
And a case that has just been created as in [F-1021_Standard_Full_Case_Creation_Data].passed
When a request is prepared with appropriate values..........................passed
And the request [contains the Id of the case just created]..................passed
And it is submitted to call the [Retrieve audit events by case ID] operation of [CCD Data Store].passed
Then a positive response is received........................................passed
And the response [contains all audit event details under the case]..........passed
And the response has all other details as expected..........................failed
F-116: Retrieve audit events by case ID (V2).must return list of audit events successfully for a case
Could not verify the actual response against expected one. Below are the issues. ***[actualResponse.headers.Content-Length is unexpected., actualResponse.headers.VaRy is unavailable though it was expected to be there, actualResponse.headers contains a bad value: Content-Type: expected 'application/json' but got 'application/vnd.uk.gov.hmcts.ccd-data-store-api.case-events.v2+json;charset=UTF-8'] issues in headers are listed just as warnings. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update__X__UPDATE].event_instance_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update__X__UPDATE].case_data_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a new case__X__CREATE].event_instance_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a new case__X__CREATE].case_data_id is unexpected.
Stack trace
java.lang.AssertionError: Could not verify the actual response against expected one. Below are the issues.
***[actualResponse.headers.Content-Length is unexpected., actualResponse.headers.VaRy is unavailable though it was expected to be there, actualResponse.headers contains a bad value: Content-Type: expected 'application/json' but got 'application/vnd.uk.gov.hmcts.ccd-data-store-api.case-events.v2+json;charset=UTF-8'] issues in headers are listed just as warnings.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update__X__UPDATE].event_instance_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update__X__UPDATE].case_data_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a new case__X__CREATE].event_instance_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a new case__X__CREATE].case_data_id is unexpected.
at org.junit.Assert.fail(Assert.java:89)
at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(Assert.java:42)
at org.junit.Assert.assertFalse(Assert.java:65)
at uk.gov.hmcts.befta.player.DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.processAnyIssuesInResponse(DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.java:646)
at uk.gov.hmcts.befta.player.DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.verifyThatTheResponseHasAllTheDetailsAsExpected(DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.java:614)
at ✽.the response has all other details as expected(file:///opt/jenkins/workspace/_to_c_ccd-data-store-api_PR-2496/src/aat/resources/features/F-116%20-%20Retrieve%20audit%20events%20by%20case%20ID/F-116.feature:18)
Standard out
Given an appropriate test context as detailed in the test data source.......passed
Given a user with [an active profile in CCD]................................passed
And a case that has just been created as in [Standard_Full_Case_Creation_Data].passed
And a successful call [to create a token for case update event] as in [S-116.1-Prerequisite].passed
And a successful call [to update the case] as in [S-116.1-UpdateCase].......passed
When a request is prepared with appropriate values..........................passed
And the request [contains the Id of the case just created]..................passed
And it is submitted to call the [Retrieve audit events by case ID] operation of [CCD Data Store].passed
Then a positive response is received........................................passed
And the response [contains all audit event details under the case]..........passed
And the response has all other details as expected..........................failed
F-126: Get Case Events On Behalf Of User.must successfully update userid with on behalf of user and proxied by user details
Could not verify the actual response against expected one. Below are the issues. ***[actualResponse.headers.VaRy is unavailable though it was expected to be there, actualResponse.headers contains a bad value: Content-Type: expected 'application/json' but got 'application/vnd.uk.gov.hmcts.ccd-data-store-api.case-events.v2+json;charset=UTF-8'] issues in headers are listed just as warnings. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update__X__UPDATE__X__cf3b971a-a02f-4a62-a3b9-92b943b6ada9].event_instance_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update__X__UPDATE__X__cf3b971a-a02f-4a62-a3b9-92b943b6ada9].case_data_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a new case__X__CREATE__X__65877528-f52a-46aa-9b1c-62ba7c761856].event_instance_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a new case__X__CREATE__X__65877528-f52a-46aa-9b1c-62ba7c761856].case_data_id is unexpected.
Stack trace
java.lang.AssertionError: Could not verify the actual response against expected one. Below are the issues.
***[actualResponse.headers.VaRy is unavailable though it was expected to be there, actualResponse.headers contains a bad value: Content-Type: expected 'application/json' but got 'application/vnd.uk.gov.hmcts.ccd-data-store-api.case-events.v2+json;charset=UTF-8'] issues in headers are listed just as warnings.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update__X__UPDATE__X__cf3b971a-a02f-4a62-a3b9-92b943b6ada9].event_instance_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update__X__UPDATE__X__cf3b971a-a02f-4a62-a3b9-92b943b6ada9].case_data_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a new case__X__CREATE__X__65877528-f52a-46aa-9b1c-62ba7c761856].event_instance_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a new case__X__CREATE__X__65877528-f52a-46aa-9b1c-62ba7c761856].case_data_id is unexpected.
at org.junit.Assert.fail(Assert.java:89)
at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(Assert.java:42)
at org.junit.Assert.assertFalse(Assert.java:65)
at uk.gov.hmcts.befta.player.DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.processAnyIssuesInResponse(DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.java:646)
at uk.gov.hmcts.befta.player.DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.verifyThatTheResponseHasAllTheDetailsAsExpected(DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.java:614)
at ✽.the response has all the details as expected(file:///opt/jenkins/workspace/_to_c_ccd-data-store-api_PR-2496/src/aat/resources/features/F-126%20-%20Get%20Case%20Events%20On%20Behalf%20Of%20User/F-126.feature:18)
Standard out
Given an appropriate test context as detailed in the test data source.......passed
Given a user with [an active profile in CCD]................................passed
And a case [C1, which has just been] created as in [F126_Case_Data_Create_C1].passed
And a successful call [to get an event token for the case just created] as in [F126_Prerequisite_Citizen_Token_For_Update_Case].passed
And a successful call [using on_behalf_of user] as in [F126_Update_Case_With_On_Behalf_Of_User].passed
When a request is prepared with appropriate values..........................passed
And it is submitted to call the [get event for an existing case (V2)] operation of [CCD Data Store].passed
Then a positive response is received........................................passed
And the response has all the details as expected............................failed
F-132: Get Events External API CRUD Tests.User can only see the events in which they have specific CaseEvent R access to
Could not verify the actual response against expected one. Below are the issues. ***[actualResponse.headers.Content-Length is unexpected., actualResponse.headers.VaRy is unavailable though it was expected to be there, actualResponse.headers contains a bad value: Content-Type: expected 'application/json' but got 'application/vnd.uk.gov.hmcts.ccd-data-store-api.case-events.v2+json;charset=UTF-8'] issues in headers are listed just as warnings. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[null].event_instance_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[null].case_data_id is unexpected.
Stack trace
java.lang.AssertionError: Could not verify the actual response against expected one. Below are the issues.
***[actualResponse.headers.Content-Length is unexpected., actualResponse.headers.VaRy is unavailable though it was expected to be there, actualResponse.headers contains a bad value: Content-Type: expected 'application/json' but got 'application/vnd.uk.gov.hmcts.ccd-data-store-api.case-events.v2+json;charset=UTF-8'] issues in headers are listed just as warnings.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[null].event_instance_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[null].case_data_id is unexpected.
at org.junit.Assert.fail(Assert.java:89)
at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(Assert.java:42)
at org.junit.Assert.assertFalse(Assert.java:65)
at uk.gov.hmcts.befta.player.DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.processAnyIssuesInResponse(DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.java:646)
at uk.gov.hmcts.befta.player.DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.verifyThatTheResponseHasAllTheDetailsAsExpected(DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.java:614)
at ✽.the response has all other details as expected.(file:///opt/jenkins/workspace/_to_c_ccd-data-store-api_PR-2496/src/aat/resources/features/F-132%20-%20AC%20CRUD%20external%20getEvent/F-132.feature:16)
Standard out
Given an appropriate test context as detailed in the test data source.......passed
Given a case that has just been created as in [F-132_CreateCase],...........passed
And a user [with no R access to an event]...................................passed
And a successful call [to create a token for event creation] as in [S-132.2_Event5_Token_Creation].passed
And a successful call [to create event] as in [S-132.2_Event5_Creation].....passed
When a request is prepared with appropriate values,.........................passed
And it is submitted to call the [get case events] operation of [CCD Data Store],.passed
Then a positive response is received........................................passed
And the response has all other details as expected..........................failed
And the response [only contains the event the user has R access to].........skipped
F-141: DocumentData endpoint.Document with attributePath didn't have a category, now supplied a valid categoryId - return 200 response with the updated document hierarchy structure for the case
Could not verify the actual response against expected one. Below are the issues. ***[actualResponse.headers.VaRy is unavailable though it was expected to be there, actualResponse.headers contains a bad value: Content-Type: expected 'application/json' but got 'application/vnd.uk.gov.hmcts.ccd-data-store-api.case-events.v2+json;charset=UTF-8'] issues in headers are listed just as warnings. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update Document Category Id__X__DocumentUpdated].event_instance_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update Document Category Id__X__DocumentUpdated].case_data_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a case__X__CREATE].event_instance_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a case__X__CREATE].case_data_id is unexpected.
Stack trace
java.lang.AssertionError: Could not verify the actual response against expected one. Below are the issues.
***[actualResponse.headers.VaRy is unavailable though it was expected to be there, actualResponse.headers contains a bad value: Content-Type: expected 'application/json' but got 'application/vnd.uk.gov.hmcts.ccd-data-store-api.case-events.v2+json;charset=UTF-8'] issues in headers are listed just as warnings.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update Document Category Id__X__DocumentUpdated].event_instance_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update Document Category Id__X__DocumentUpdated].case_data_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a case__X__CREATE].event_instance_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a case__X__CREATE].case_data_id is unexpected.
at org.junit.Assert.fail(Assert.java:89)
at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(Assert.java:42)
at org.junit.Assert.assertFalse(Assert.java:65)
at uk.gov.hmcts.befta.player.DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.processAnyIssuesInResponse(DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.java:646)
at uk.gov.hmcts.befta.player.DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.verifyThatTheResponseHasAllTheDetailsAsExpected(DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.java:614)
at uk.gov.hmcts.befta.player.DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.performAndVerifyTheExpectedResponseForAnApiCall(DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.java:684)
at ✽.a call [to verify that the Case Event History contains a new event called "DocumentUpdated"] will get the expected response as in [F-141_GetCaseEventHistory].(file:///opt/jenkins/workspace/_to_c_ccd-data-store-api_PR-2496/src/aat/resources/features/F-141%20-%20documentData%20endpoint/F-141.feature:113)
Standard out
Given an appropriate test context as detailed in the test data source.......passed
And a successful call [to upload a document] as in [F-141_Document_Upload],.passed
Given a case that has just been created as in [F-141_CreateCase],...........passed
And a user with [an active profile in CCD and has Update access permissions for the Document field named in the AttributePath],.passed
And [a case definition with category structure exists for the case type CT1] in the context,.passed
And [a case definition with Document fields in CaseField tab and ComplexTab exist with a category Id for case type CT1] in the context,.passed
When a request is prepared with appropriate values,.........................passed
And the request [contains the given case reference C1 in the input],........passed
And the request [contains CategoryID value as "CategoryID2" and attributePath value as "Document3" in the input],.passed
And it is submitted to call the [PUT documentData] operation of [CCD Data Store],.passed
Then a positive response is received,.......................................passed
And the response [contains a HTTP 200 status code],.........................passed
And the response has all other details as expected,.........................passed
And a call [to verify that the case is updated with category_id and sub-fields for Document3 and it is populated with "CategoryID2"] will get the expected response as in [S-141.8_GetCase],.passed
And a call [to verify that the Case Event History contains a new event called "DocumentUpdated"] will get the expected response as in [F-141_GetCaseEventHistory]..failed
F-141: DocumentData endpoint.Document with attributePath already had a category in definition file, now supplied a valid new categoryId - return 200 response with the updated document hierarchy structure for the case
Could not verify the actual response against expected one. Below are the issues. ***[actualResponse.headers.VaRy is unavailable though it was expected to be there, actualResponse.headers contains a bad value: Content-Type: expected 'application/json' but got 'application/vnd.uk.gov.hmcts.ccd-data-store-api.case-events.v2+json;charset=UTF-8'] issues in headers are listed just as warnings. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update Document Category Id__X__DocumentUpdated].event_instance_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update Document Category Id__X__DocumentUpdated].case_data_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a case__X__CREATE].event_instance_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a case__X__CREATE].case_data_id is unexpected.
Stack trace
java.lang.AssertionError: Could not verify the actual response against expected one. Below are the issues.
***[actualResponse.headers.VaRy is unavailable though it was expected to be there, actualResponse.headers contains a bad value: Content-Type: expected 'application/json' but got 'application/vnd.uk.gov.hmcts.ccd-data-store-api.case-events.v2+json;charset=UTF-8'] issues in headers are listed just as warnings.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update Document Category Id__X__DocumentUpdated].event_instance_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update Document Category Id__X__DocumentUpdated].case_data_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a case__X__CREATE].event_instance_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a case__X__CREATE].case_data_id is unexpected.
at org.junit.Assert.fail(Assert.java:89)
at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(Assert.java:42)
at org.junit.Assert.assertFalse(Assert.java:65)
at uk.gov.hmcts.befta.player.DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.processAnyIssuesInResponse(DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.java:646)
at uk.gov.hmcts.befta.player.DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.verifyThatTheResponseHasAllTheDetailsAsExpected(DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.java:614)
at uk.gov.hmcts.befta.player.DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.performAndVerifyTheExpectedResponseForAnApiCall(DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.java:684)
at ✽.a call [to verify that the Case Event History contains a new event called "DocumentUpdated"] will get the expected response as in [F-141_GetCaseEventHistory].(file:///opt/jenkins/workspace/_to_c_ccd-data-store-api_PR-2496/src/aat/resources/features/F-141%20-%20documentData%20endpoint/F-141.feature:129)
Standard out
Given an appropriate test context as detailed in the test data source.......passed
And a successful call [to upload a document] as in [F-141_Document_Upload],.passed
Given a case that has just been created as in [F-141_CreateCase],...........passed
And a user with [an active profile in CCD and has Update access permissions for the Document field named in the AttributePath],.passed
And [a case definition with category structure exists for the case type CT1] in the context,.passed
And [a case definition with Document fields in CaseField tab and ComplexTab exist with a category Id for case type CT1] in the context,.passed
When a request is prepared with appropriate values,.........................passed
And the request [contains the given case reference C1 in the input],........passed
And the request [contains CategoryID value as "CategoryID1" and attributePath value as "Document2" in the input],.passed
And it is submitted to call the [PUT documentData] operation of [CCD Data Store],.passed
Then a positive response is received,.......................................passed
And the response [contains a HTTP 200 status code],.........................passed
And the response has all other details as expected,.........................passed
And a call [to verify that the case is updated with category_id and sub-fields for Document2 and it is populated with "CategoryID1"] will get the expected response as in [S-141.9_GetCase],.passed
And a call [to verify that the Case Event History contains a new event called "DocumentUpdated"] will get the expected response as in [F-141_GetCaseEventHistory]..failed
F-141: DocumentData endpoint.Document with attributePath had sub-field category id existing, but also having categoryId in definition file, categoryId request value now supplied as Null - return 200 response with the updated document hierarchy (showing document in category as per definition file) for the case
Could not verify the actual response against expected one. Below are the issues. ***[actualResponse.headers.VaRy is unavailable though it was expected to be there, actualResponse.headers contains a bad value: Content-Type: expected 'application/json' but got 'application/vnd.uk.gov.hmcts.ccd-data-store-api.case-events.v2+json;charset=UTF-8'] issues in headers are listed just as warnings. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update Document Category Id__X__DocumentUpdated].event_instance_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update Document Category Id__X__DocumentUpdated].case_data_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a case__X__CREATE].event_instance_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a case__X__CREATE].case_data_id is unexpected.
Stack trace
java.lang.AssertionError: Could not verify the actual response against expected one. Below are the issues.
***[actualResponse.headers.VaRy is unavailable though it was expected to be there, actualResponse.headers contains a bad value: Content-Type: expected 'application/json' but got 'application/vnd.uk.gov.hmcts.ccd-data-store-api.case-events.v2+json;charset=UTF-8'] issues in headers are listed just as warnings.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update Document Category Id__X__DocumentUpdated].event_instance_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update Document Category Id__X__DocumentUpdated].case_data_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a case__X__CREATE].event_instance_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a case__X__CREATE].case_data_id is unexpected.
at org.junit.Assert.fail(Assert.java:89)
at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(Assert.java:42)
at org.junit.Assert.assertFalse(Assert.java:65)
at uk.gov.hmcts.befta.player.DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.processAnyIssuesInResponse(DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.java:646)
at uk.gov.hmcts.befta.player.DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.verifyThatTheResponseHasAllTheDetailsAsExpected(DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.java:614)
at uk.gov.hmcts.befta.player.DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.performAndVerifyTheExpectedResponseForAnApiCall(DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.java:684)
at ✽.a call [to verify that the Case Event History contains a new event called "DocumentUpdated"] will get the expected response as in [S-141.10_GetCaseEventHistory].(file:///opt/jenkins/workspace/_to_c_ccd-data-store-api_PR-2496/src/aat/resources/features/F-141%20-%20documentData%20endpoint/F-141.feature:145)
Standard out
Given an appropriate test context as detailed in the test data source.......passed
And a successful call [to upload a document] as in [F-141_Document_Upload],.passed
Given a case that has just been created as in [S-141.10_CreateCase],........passed
And a user with [an active profile in CCD and has Update access permissions for the Document field named in the AttributePath],.passed
And [a case definition with category structure exists for the case type CT1] in the context,.passed
And [a case definition with Document fields in CaseField tab and ComplexTab exist with a category Id for case type CT1] in the context,.passed
When a request is prepared with appropriate values,.........................passed
And the request [contains the given case reference C1 in the input],........passed
And the request [contains CategoryID value as "Null" and attributePath value as "Document2" in the input],.passed
And it is submitted to call the [PUT documentData] operation of [CCD Data Store],.passed
Then a positive response is received,.......................................passed
And the response [contains a HTTP 200 status code],.........................passed
And the response has all other details as expected,.........................passed
And a call [to verify that the case is updated with category_id and sub-fields for Document2 and it is populated with "Null"] will get the expected response as in [S-141.10_GetCase],.passed
And a call [to verify that the Case Event History contains a new event called "DocumentUpdated"] will get the expected response as in [S-141.10_GetCaseEventHistory]..failed
F-141: DocumentData endpoint.Document with attributePath had sub-field category id existing but no default categoryID in definition file, now supplied Null categoryId in request - return 200 response with the updated document hierarchy (showing document as Uncategorized) for the case
Could not verify the actual response against expected one. Below are the issues. ***[actualResponse.headers.VaRy is unavailable though it was expected to be there, actualResponse.headers contains a bad value: Content-Type: expected 'application/json' but got 'application/vnd.uk.gov.hmcts.ccd-data-store-api.case-events.v2+json;charset=UTF-8'] issues in headers are listed just as warnings. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update Document Category Id__X__DocumentUpdated].event_instance_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update Document Category Id__X__DocumentUpdated].case_data_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a case__X__CREATE].event_instance_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a case__X__CREATE].case_data_id is unexpected.
Stack trace
java.lang.AssertionError: Could not verify the actual response against expected one. Below are the issues.
***[actualResponse.headers.VaRy is unavailable though it was expected to be there, actualResponse.headers contains a bad value: Content-Type: expected 'application/json' but got 'application/vnd.uk.gov.hmcts.ccd-data-store-api.case-events.v2+json;charset=UTF-8'] issues in headers are listed just as warnings.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update Document Category Id__X__DocumentUpdated].event_instance_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update Document Category Id__X__DocumentUpdated].case_data_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a case__X__CREATE].event_instance_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a case__X__CREATE].case_data_id is unexpected.
at org.junit.Assert.fail(Assert.java:89)
at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(Assert.java:42)
at org.junit.Assert.assertFalse(Assert.java:65)
at uk.gov.hmcts.befta.player.DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.processAnyIssuesInResponse(DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.java:646)
at uk.gov.hmcts.befta.player.DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.verifyThatTheResponseHasAllTheDetailsAsExpected(DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.java:614)
at uk.gov.hmcts.befta.player.DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.performAndVerifyTheExpectedResponseForAnApiCall(DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.java:684)
at ✽.a call [to verify that the Case Event History contains a new event called "DocumentUpdated"] will get the expected response as in [S-141.11_GetCaseEventHistory].(file:///opt/jenkins/workspace/_to_c_ccd-data-store-api_PR-2496/src/aat/resources/features/F-141%20-%20documentData%20endpoint/F-141.feature:161)
Standard out
Given an appropriate test context as detailed in the test data source.......passed
And a successful call [to upload a document] as in [F-141_Document_Upload],.passed
Given a case that has just been created as in [S-141.11_CreateCase],........passed
And a user with [an active profile in CCD and has Update access permissions for the Document field named in the AttributePath],.passed
And [a case definition with category structure exists for the case type CT1] in the context,.passed
And [a case definition with Document fields in CaseField tab and ComplexTab exist with a category Id for case type CT1] in the context,.passed
When a request is prepared with appropriate values,.........................passed
And the request [contains the given case reference C1 in the input],........passed
And the request [contains CategoryID value as "Null" and attributePath value as "Document3" in the input],.passed
And it is submitted to call the [PUT documentData] operation of [CCD Data Store],.passed
Then a positive response is received,.......................................passed
And the response [contains a HTTP 200 status code],.........................passed
And the response has all other details as expected,.........................passed
And a call [to verify that the case is updated with category_id and sub-fields for Document3 and it is populated with "Null"] will get the expected response as in [S-141.11_GetCase],.passed
And a call [to verify that the Case Event History contains a new event called "DocumentUpdated"] will get the expected response as in [S-141.11_GetCaseEventHistory]..failed
F-141: DocumentData endpoint.Document with attributePath had sub-field category id existing, now supplied new value - return 200 response with the updated document hierarchy for the case
Could not verify the actual response against expected one. Below are the issues. ***[actualResponse.headers.VaRy is unavailable though it was expected to be there, actualResponse.headers contains a bad value: Content-Type: expected 'application/json' but got 'application/vnd.uk.gov.hmcts.ccd-data-store-api.case-events.v2+json;charset=UTF-8'] issues in headers are listed just as warnings. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update Document Category Id__X__DocumentUpdated].event_instance_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update Document Category Id__X__DocumentUpdated].case_data_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a case__X__CREATE].event_instance_id is unexpected. actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a case__X__CREATE].case_data_id is unexpected.
Stack trace
java.lang.AssertionError: Could not verify the actual response against expected one. Below are the issues.
***[actualResponse.headers.VaRy is unavailable though it was expected to be there, actualResponse.headers contains a bad value: Content-Type: expected 'application/json' but got 'application/vnd.uk.gov.hmcts.ccd-data-store-api.case-events.v2+json;charset=UTF-8'] issues in headers are listed just as warnings.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update Document Category Id__X__DocumentUpdated].event_instance_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Update Document Category Id__X__DocumentUpdated].case_data_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a case__X__CREATE].event_instance_id is unexpected.
actualResponse.body contains a bad value: auditEvents[Create a case__X__CREATE].case_data_id is unexpected.
at org.junit.Assert.fail(Assert.java:89)
at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(Assert.java:42)
at org.junit.Assert.assertFalse(Assert.java:65)
at uk.gov.hmcts.befta.player.DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.processAnyIssuesInResponse(DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.java:646)
at uk.gov.hmcts.befta.player.DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.verifyThatTheResponseHasAllTheDetailsAsExpected(DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.java:614)
at uk.gov.hmcts.befta.player.DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.performAndVerifyTheExpectedResponseForAnApiCall(DefaultBackEndFunctionalTestScenarioPlayer.java:684)
at ✽.a call [to verify that the Case Event History contains a new event called "DocumentUpdated"] will get the expected response as in [S-141.12_GetCaseEventHistory].(file:///opt/jenkins/workspace/_to_c_ccd-data-store-api_PR-2496/src/aat/resources/features/F-141%20-%20documentData%20endpoint/F-141.feature:177)
Standard out
Given an appropriate test context as detailed in the test data source.......passed
And a successful call [to upload a document] as in [F-141_Document_Upload],.passed
Given a case that has just been created as in [S-141.12_CreateCase],........passed
And a user with [an active profile in CCD and has Update access permissions for the Document field named in the AttributePath],.passed
And [a case definition with category structure exists for the case type CT2] in the context,.passed
And [a case definition with Document fields in CaseField tab and ComplexTab exist with a category Id for case type CT2] in the context,.passed
When a request is prepared with appropriate values,.........................passed
And the request [contains the given case reference C2 in the input],........passed
And the request [contains CategoryID value as "CategoryID6" and attributePath value as "Document4" in the input],.passed
And it is submitted to call the [PUT documentData] operation of [CCD Data Store],.passed
Then a positive response is received,.......................................passed
And the response [contains a HTTP 200 status code],.........................passed
And the response has all other details as expected,.........................passed
And a call [to verify that the case is updated with category_id and sub-fields for Document4 and it is populated with "CategoryID6"] will get the expected response as in [S-141.12_GetCase],.passed
And a call [to verify that the Case Event History contains a new event called "DocumentUpdated"] will get the expected response as in [S-141.12_GetCaseEventHistory]..failed