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Docker quick-start

The five commands:

docker pull hltcoe/steamroller:3
docker volume create my_experiment
docker run -v my_experiment:/experiment hltcoe/steamroller:3 steamroller init
docker run -v my_experiment:/experiment hltcoe/steamroller:3 steamroller run -Q
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -v my_experiment:/experiment hltcoe/steamroller:3 steamroller serve -H

correspond to:

  1. Downloading the prebuilt Python 3 Docker image
  2. Create a named volume for your experiment
  3. Initialize the experiment volume
  4. Perform the experiment
  5. Start the web server

You should then be able to browse to port 8080 on your local machine to see the results.


SteamRoller is a framework for testing the performance of various machine learning models on different tasks in the broad area of "text classification". It is designed to make it extremely easy to define new classification tasks, and new models, and drop them in to compare ther characteristics. It discourages doing anything "special" for different tasks, models, or combinations thereof, to ensure the comparisons are fair and expose all the costs incurred by the different choices.

SteamRoller's user-facing functionality is reflected by four submodules:

  1. tasks
  2. models
  3. metrics
  4. plots

Under the hood, SteamRoller has three additional submodules:

  1. tools
  2. scons
  3. ui

As explained below, changes to the code are usually unnecessary, as the most common conceptual classes (tasks and models) can be extended simply by editing the configuration file.

Getting started

SteamRoller and its dependencies can be installed with pip install steamroller --user. An empty directory can be initialized for performing experiments by executing steamroller init from therein. This creates four files: SConstruct, and steamroller_config.json are the build system description and an example configuration file, respectively. csv/example.txt.gz is a tab-separated file of texts drawn from Python documentation, and SteamRoller source code. tasks/example.tgz is a Concrete archive of the same data, produced using the conversion tool described in this document.

The configuration file describes 150 experiments using the example data across several axes: 5 random folds, 5 model types, and 6 sizes of training data. They can be run locally, in serial, with:

steamroller run

This takes about 6 minutes to complete on a typical laptop. This can be sped up by using multiple threads to build targets in parallel, e.g. you can cut the runtime in half on a dual-core machine with:

steamroller run -j 2

In general, any options accepted by SCons can be included after steamroller run: the only exception is the --config option, which lets you specify a different SteamRoller configuration file. To get a list of SCons options, you can run steamroller run -h. For heavy-duty experiments, you might want to use the HPC functionality described below.

Inspecting results

Once the experiments have finished, you will want to compare their performance. Generally, the final product of a set of SteamRoller experiments is a plot of some metric (accuracy, run-time, memory usage, etc) with respect to some other variable (number of training examples, hyper-parameter value, etc). Running steamroller serve will, by default, start a web server at http://localhost:8080 with links to the plots generated for each task, or you can examine the figures directly in the work/ subdirectory.

Using an HPC Grid

By default, steamroller_config.json has "GRID" : false, and experiments will run serially on the local machine. If you are running on an HPC grid like Univa, Sun Grid Engine, or Torque, setting "GRID" : true instructs SteamRoller to run experiments via the qsub command. Since the jobs are distributed across the grid, the invocation of SteamRoller will submit them and then wait until they have completed, polling the scheduler and printing the current number of running jobs. If you interrupt the SteamRoller command in this state, the grid jobs will continue to run, so you can either allow them to do so (e.g. if the interruption was accidental), or manually kill the running jobs with a command like qdel -u USERNAME. The latter is particularly important if you want to change and rerun experiments, as otherwise you may have multiple jobs simultaneously building the same output file.

Defining a new task

In SteamRoller, a task is simply a pointer to documents annotated with discrete labels. For example, the default steamroller_config.json file has the following entry:

"TASKS" : [
  {"NAME" : "ExampleTask",
   "FILE" : "tasks/example.tgz"

That's it. We use the Concrete data format, so the file is a tar archive where each entry is a Communication object, but SteamRoller has functionality to convert from a simple text format like that of the auto-generated csv/example.txt.gz file. If your data is a text file with lines in tab-separated format:


you can create an appropriate Concrete tar archive by running python -m -i TEXT_FILE -o TAR_FILE. Make sure that any tab characters in the text column are appropriately escaped (SteamRoller uses Python's csv module).

Defining a new model

A model in SteamRoller is defined by the command-line processes for:

  1. Training based on some data
  2. Applying to some new data

Looking again at the default steamroller_config.json, there is an entry:

"MODELS" : [
    {"NAME" : "SVM",
    "TRAIN_COMMAND" : "python -m steamroller.models.scikit_learn --type svm --train ${SOURCES[0]} --input ${SOURCES[1]} --output ${TARGETS[0]} --max_ngram ${MAX_NGRAM}",
    "APPLY_COMMAND" : "python -m steamroller.models.scikit_learn --type svm --model ${SOURCES[0]} --test ${SOURCES[1]} --input ${SOURCES[2]} --output ${TARGETS[0]}"

train_command, when the template strings are replaced by SteamRoller, will train an SVM based on an input file (i.e. the tar archive mentioned earlier) and a train file that is a list of indices in the tar file. The resulting SVM is serialized into the output file. Note the MAX_NGRAM template string: this is a hyper-parameter that you might set directly in the file, or perhaps perform grid search over to find optimal values.

apply_command, again once the template strings are replaced, will read in a serialized SVM and apply it to the instances specified in --test. It writes log-probabilities to the output file in the tab-separated format:

321321 LABEL2 -.03   -.0025

SteamRoller comes with several common models predefined based on the Scikit-Learn suite, which is why these commands are invoking parts of SteamRoller itself, but the only requirement is that the commands meet the criteria described above and can run on the relevant machines (locally or across a grid).

--- The metrics database ---

After all experiments have been run, you will have a lot of files ending in probabilities.txt.gz. Each of these is the result of applying a particular model file to a particular data file, in the tab-separated format produced by an apply_command described in the previous section.

Defining a new plot

Plots, which used to be hard-coded, are now specified in the configuration file (currently, this is experimental). Basically, you can specify the X and Y axes, and coloring, to be any of the metric values computed over the experiments, or any of size, model, fold, task. For example, the default configuration has:

      {"NAME" : "fscore",
       "TITLE" : "Average F-Score",
       "TYPE" : "whisker",
       "XLABEL" : "Training instances",
       "X" : "size",
       "YLABEL" : "Average F-Score",
       "Y" : "F_Score",
       "COLOR_LABEL" : "Model type",
       "COLOR" : "model",

This is asking for a whisker plot (currently the only type implemented), where the X-axis is the training size, Y-axis is the f-score, and the points are colored by the model type. Other values (namely, fold) are aggregated over and used to compute the variance. Each plot is performed per-task.



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