My personal configurations for endeavourOS with the i3 window manager.
A Dynamic theme can be applied to the system based on the main colors of a wallpaper. A script is run at every login that picks a random wallpaper from my wallpapers folder and uses pywal to create a corresponding color scheme. This color scheme can be applied to alacritty, kitty, polybar, neovim and rofi.
# Set the directory of your wallpapers
# Check if the wallpapers directory exists
if [ ! -d "$WALLPAPERS_DIR" ]; then
echo "Wallpapers directory not found."
exit 1
# Get a random wallpaper from the wallpapers directory
random_wallpaper=$(ls $WALLPAPERS_DIR | shuf -n 1)
# Set the wallpaper using feh
feh --bg-fill "$WALLPAPERS_DIR/$random_wallpaper"
# Run script located in ~/Scripts if it exists
if [ -f "$PYWAL_SCRIPT" ]; then
bash "$PYWAL_SCRIPT" "$WALLPAPERS_DIR/$random_wallpaper"
echo " script not found."
- from polybar-themes.
My alacritty config imports a color scheme from .config/wal/templates
like described here. I've also added include ~/.cache/wal/colors-kitty.conf
to my kitty config.
In neovim, I just use wal.vim.
Managed with gnu stow.
- Copy configuration file into ~/dotfiles directory following the same structure as the home folder.
- Before running
stow .
make sure to commit any unsaved changes.
- Copy the whole directory to the corresponding ~/dotfiles location.
- Run stow with the --adopt flag:
stow --adopt .
New files cannot be added directly to the dotfiles directory, instead:
- Make sure to create the file on the default config location.
- Copy the file/directory into ~/dotfiles.
- Run stow with the adopt flag (this will create the new symlinks).