The PRDM9 fandom is a bit of a mess:
- There is inconsistency in how alleles are named
- Different alleles have the same name
- The same name is used for different alleles
- Publications are claiming to have identified novel alleles that have actually been previously described
- Publications and NCBI Nucleotide entries have typos
- There is no database for all of the alleles uncovered to date
This is a collection of all known/described PRDM9 allele and zinc finger variants. In addition, they have been renamed in a standardized manner: alleles are P### and zinc finger repeats are Z###. The allele zinc finger content and zinc finger sequence files contain a "map" to connect the standardized names to original names.
Variants observed in the population:
Above lists plus variants observed only in sperm or as somatic mutations in blood (see Jeffreys et al.)
- Allele sequences blood/sperm
- Zinc finger content of alleles blood/sperm
- Zinc finger sequences blood/sperm
- Step 1: Collect known PRDM9 alleles and associated zinc fingers from publications
- Steps 2-4: Compile the publication variants
- Step 5-8: Collect known PRDM9 allele DNA sequences from NCBI
- Step 9: Infer allele sequencess mentioned in publications but not explicitly defined
- Steps 10-11: Finalize lists of PRDM9 alleles and zinc finger repeats
- Add ref for Genbank alleles L39-L46
- Add ref for undefined allele L50
- Add note re: Alleva using allele N for Jeffreys Av:s:0053:M1S:A-A
- Add novel variants from thesis