A 5-day crash course into front-end web development.
Include JavaScript in an HTML document
Examples: alert-hi.html
Examples: variable-scope.html
Examples: operators.html
Conditional and Loop Statements
Examples: if-statement.html, case-statement.html, loop-statements.html
Examples: functions.html
Examples: events.html
Dialog Boxes
Examples: dialog.boxes.html
User-Defined Objects
Examples: object-1.html, object-2.html, object-with-method.html
Native Objects
Examples: regex.html
Closures, Callbacks and Recursion
Examples: closure-issue.html, closure-1.html, closure-2.html, recursion.html, for-for.html
Iteration structures
Examples: iteration.html
Examples: prototype.html
Examples: template-pattern.html
Document Object Model (DOM)
Examples: dom-old-way.html, dom-inner-html.html
Error Handling
Examples: throw.html, onerror.html
- Phone book app with mocked data service phone-book
- Phone book app with example of async data service phone-book-data
Basic Types
Examples: basic-types
Variable Declarations
Examples: variable-declarations
Examples: destructuring
Examples: interfaces
Examples: classes
Examples: functions
Examples: generics
Examples: enums
Type Inference
Examples: type-inference
Type Compatibility
Examples: type-compatibility
Advanced Types
Examples: advanced-types
Modules AND Namespaces
Examples: modules, namespaces
Examples: decorators
Utility types Examples: utility-types
- Phone book app based on namespaces in separated files phone-book
- Phone book app based on modules phone-book-modules
Attribute, class & style bindings
Examples: user-inputs, emitter
Examples: debounce, emitter, model vs template-driven
Examples: pipes, async-pipe
Custom Attribute Directive
Examples: attribute-directive
HTTP Client
Examples: observables-vs-promises, observables, subject
Resolving routes:
Examples: resolver
Passing state through services:
Examples: service-data
- Phone book app phone-book
- HTTP base phone book app that retrieves contacts list from the server phone-book-http
- Router base phone book app phone-book-router
- Router base phone book app with child router outlet phone-book-router-children
- Router base phone book app that uses modulesphone-book-router-modules
- Router base phone book app that uses lazy-loaded modules phone-book-router-modules-lazy
- Router base phone book app that uses a named outlet phone-book-router-named-outlet
Dependency injection without mocking
Examples: di-no-mock
Dependency injection with mocking
Examples: di-with-mock
Different testing scenarios example
Examples: test-pack
Protractor - End to end testing for Angular
Examples: protractor
Ttile | Link |
Does it Mutate? | https://doesitmutate.xyz/ |
TypeScript Website | http://www.typescriptlang.org/ |
RxMarbles Interactive diagrams of Rx Observables |
http://rxmarbles.com/ |
Angular Cheatsheet | https://angular.io/guide/cheatsheet |
Angular API docs | https://angular.io/api |
Global Events in Angular 2 | http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34700438/global-events-in-angular-2 |
Angular CLI wiki | https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/wiki |
Protractor | http://angular.github.io/protractor/ |
Hristo Georgiev |