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Part of the Math module. The core game math types are: Vec{N, T}, Quaternion{F}, and Mat{C, R, F}.

Vec{N, T}

An N-dimensional vector of T-type components. Unlike Julia's built-in Vector, this is static, immutable, and most importantly allocatable on the stack.

Under the hood, it holds a tuple data::NTuple{N, T}.

Obviously there are some similarities between this type and a static vector (see the StaticArrays package), but if Vec were simply an alias for SVector then I would be committing a lot of type piracy, so the use of a custom struct is warranted.


By dimension

  • Vec2{T}
  • Vec3{T}
  • Vec4{T}

By component type

  • VecF{N} : Float32
  • VecD{N} : Float64
  • VecI{N} : Int32
  • VecU{N} : UInt32
  • VecB{N} : Bool
  • VecT{T, N} allows you to specify a vector's component type before its dimension. For example, VecT{Float32} == VecF.

By dimension and component type

  • Float32:
    • v2f
    • v3f
    • v4f
  • Float64:
    • v2d
    • v3d
    • v4d
  • Int32:
    • v2i
    • v3i
    • v4i
  • UInt32:
    • v2u
    • v3u
    • v4u
  • Bool:
    • v2b
    • v3b
    • v4b

By intent

  • vRGB{T} = Vec3{T}, for 3-component data
    • vRGBu8 for UInt8 channels
    • vRGBi8 for Int8 channels
    • vRGBu for UInt32 channels
    • vRGBi for Int32 channels
    • vRGBf for Float32 channels
  • vRGBA{T} = Vec4{T}, for 4-component data
    • vRGBAu8 for UInt8 channels
    • vRGBAi8 for Int8 channels
    • vRGBAu for UInt32 channels
    • vRGBAi for Int32 channels
    • vRGBAf for Float32 channels


You can construct a vector in the following ways. Julia's type system is a bit tricky, so if you're having problems then come back to this cheat-sheet.

  • Vec{N, T}() constructs an instance of specific size and component type, using all 0's. For example, v3f().
  • Vec(components...) pass in the individual components, which are all promoted to the same type. For example, Vec(1.5, 2) creates a v2d.
    • Vec{T}(components...) casts all elements to T.
    • Vec{N, T}(components...) casts all elements to T and throws an error if the wrong number of components is passed. For example, v3f(3, 4, 5) produces a v3f instead of a Vec{3, Int64}.
  • Vec(f::Callable, n::Int) creates a vector of size n using the given lambda to map each component (1 through n) to a value. For example, Vec(i->i*2, 3) is equivalent to Vec(2, 4, 6).
    • Vec(f::Callable, ::Val{N}) uses a compile-time constant for the size. For example, Vec(i->i*2, Val(3)). Note that this doesn't speed things up unless N is actually a compile-time constant.
    • Vec{N, T}(f::Callable) infers the dimensionality and casts the components to T. For example, v3f(i -> i*2) makes a v3f(2, 4, 6).
  • Vec(N, ::Val{F}) : constructs a vector with N components, of type typeof(F), all set to the value F. For example, Vec(4, Val(0.5)) is equivalent to Vec4(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5).
    • Vec{N}(::Val{F}) is a variant that takes N as a type parameter. For example, Vec4(::Val(0.5)).
    • Vec{N, T}(::Val{F}) is a variant that also casts F to type T. For example, v2f(Val(0.5)) makes a v2f instead of a v2d.
  • Vec(data::NTuple) : directly pass in the ntuple of data.
    • Vec{T}(data::NTuple) is a variant that will cast each element of the tuple to T.
    • Vec{N, T}(data::NTuple) is a variant that will cast each element, and throw an error if the tuple has the wrong number of elements.
  • Vec{T}() and Vec{N, T}() : constructs a 0-D vector of component type T.
    • Another variant Vec{T}(::Tuple{}) and Vec{N, T}(::Tuple{}) is also provided.
    • These constructors are useful for recursive functions.

vappend() lets you combine vectors and scalars into bigger vectors. For example, vappend(Vec(1, 2), 3, Vec(4, 5, 6)) == Vec(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).

Vec is serializable like an array, so it supports the StructTypes package and therefore packages like JSON3.


You can get a tuple of a vector's components by accessing its data field.

You can access the individual components of a vector in several ways:

  • Naming its x, y, z, or w component, also named r, g, b, and a. For example, Vec(1, 2, 3).x == 1.
  • Combining components in any order to "swizzle" a new vector. For example, Vec(55, 66, 77).xxzy == Vec(55, 55, 77, 66).
  • Getting a single component using its index (1-based, like everything else in Julia). For example, v[2] == v.y.
  • Accessing a tuple of component indices. For example, v[1, 1, 3, 2] == v.xxzy.

Swizzling can also use some special characters to insert certain constant values:

  • 0 gets the value 0. For example, v2f(3, 10).x0y turns a 2D vector into 3D one by inserting a Y value of 0.
  • 1 gets the value 1. For example, v3f(0.2, 0.8, 1.0).rgb1 appends an alpha of 1 to an RGB color.
  • Δ (typed as '\Delta' followed by a Tab) gets the largest finite value for the component type. For example, vRGBu8(20, 200, 63).rgbΔ Adds an alpha of 255 to an RGB color.
  • (typed as '\del' followed by a Tab) gets the smallest finite value for the component type. For example, Vec2{Int8}(11, -23).xy∇ appends -128 to the vector.

You can get a range of components by feeding a range into the vector, like v[2:4], but it will be type-unstable as the size isn't known at compile time. If the range is a constant, you can feed it in as a Val to get a type-stable result: v[Val(2:4)].


Vec implements many standard Julia functions for numbers:

  • zero() and one()
  • typemin() and typemax()
  • min(), max(), and minmax()
  • abs(), round(), clamp(), floor(), ceil()

It implements all the standard math operators (including bitwise ops and comparisons), component-wise with two exceptions: == and != are done for the whole Vec, producing a single boolean.

  • For component-wise equality use map, for example map(==, v1, v2).

Vector math is implemented with functions prefixed by v:

  • vdot(a, b) is the dot product.
    • You can also use the operator (typed as '\cdot' followed by a Tab): a ⋅ b
  • vcross(a, b) is the cross product (only defined for Vec3).
    • You can also use the operator × (typed as '\times' followed by a Tab): a × b
  • Calculate distances/lengths with vdist_sqr(a, b), vdist(a, b), vlength_sqr(a, b), and vlength(a, b).
  • vnorm(v), v_is_normalized(v) for normalization
  • vreflect(v, normal) and vrefract(v, normal, IoR)
  • vbasis(forward, up) gets three orthogonal vectors, where the forward vector is exactly equal to forward and the up vector is as close as possible to up.

Vectors also interact nicely with Julia's multidimensional arrays:

  • As an AbstractVector, Vec supports many standard array-processing functions (see below).
    • Note that Vector is Julia's term for a 1D array; don't get them confused.
  • You can get an element of a multidimensional array at an integer-vector index, with arr[vec].
    • Unfortunately, the indexing order of Julia arrays is reversed, so in a 2D array, a Vec index's X coordinate is the row, and Y is the column.
    • To get the more intuitive indexing order, for example when working with arrays of pixels, you can reverse() the vector or wrap the index with TrueOrdering like so: a[TrueOrdering(v)] == a[reverse(v)] == a[v.z, v.y, v.x].
  • You can get the size of a multidimensional array as a vector, with vsize(arr, I=Int32).
    • As mentioned above, the indexing order of Julia arrays is reversed, so for example the vsize of a 2D array gives you the row count in the X component and the column count in the Y component.
    • Pass true_order=true to swap the output's elements and get the more intuitive ordering, useful when working with pixel grids

Some other general utilities:

  • vselect(a, b, t) lets you pick values component-wise using a VecB, sort of like a binary lerp().
    • Note that you can also use lerp() for this, although it may be a tiny bit less efficient.
  • vindex(p, size) to convert a multidimensional coordinate into a flat index, for an array of some multidimensional size. vindex(i::Int, size) can convert in the opposite direction -- a flat index to a multidimensional one.
  • Base.convert() can convert the components of a Vec, for example convert(v2f, Vec(3, 4)). It can also convert a StaticArrays.SVector to a Vec.
  • Base.reinterpret() can reinterpret the bits of a Vec's components, for example reinterpret(v2f, v2u(0xabcdef01, 0x12345678)).


Because vectors are value-types, they are immutable. The only way to "modify" a vector is to replace it with a copy. Fortunately, Julia has Setfield, a built-in package which helps you do this. While it technically does lots of copying, use of Setfield will almost always optimize down to something equivalent to mutating your desired field.

You can use Setfield to "modify" a vector variable with the syntax @set! v.x += 10, or create a mutated copy with the expression v2 = @set v1.x += 10. However, it's important to note that if you try to @set a vector that belongs to something else, like @set! my_class.v.x += 10, Setfield will try to make a copy of that entire owning object (my_class, not just my_class.v).

Coordinate System

B+ allows you to define the engine-wide up axis and handedness of vector math by redefining BplusCore.Math.get_up_axis() = 2 (the default is 3 for the Z axis) and BplusCore.Math.get_right_handed() = false (the default is true) within your own project. For more info on how this works, see How it works below.

An example of when this is useful is if you are primarily developing your project within Dear ImGUI's 2D graphics system rather than 3D OpenGL. Dear ImGUI is left-handed, and arguably Y-up.

There are several built-in functions that respect this configuration:

  • v_rightward(forward, up) does a cross-product based on the current handed-ness. In right-handed systems, it does vcross(forward, up). In left-handed systems, it swaps them.
  • get_up_vector(F = Float32) gets the 3D up vector. For example, if the up axis is 3, then it returns Vec3{F}(0, 0, 1).
  • get_horz_vector(i, F = Float32) gets the first or second 3D horizontal vector, based on whether you pass in 1 or 2.
    • get_horz_axes() gets a tuple of the horizontal indices. For example, if the up-axis is 3 then it returns (1, 2).
  • to_3d(v, f=0) inserts a vertical component to a 2D horizontal vector.
  • get_vert(v) grabs the vertical component of a 3D vector.

How it works

Julia's blurry line between compile-time and run-time allows you to set up compile-time constants directly in the language. You can define a trivial function like my_const() = 5, which Julia will easily inline, and refer to my_const() like any other compile-time constant. Then specific projects can redefine it, e.x. using ThePackage; ThePackage.my_const() = 10. This forces Julia to recompile any functions that referenced my_const(). However, const global variables are never recalculated, so you can't do const C = my_const() and expect C to change when my_const() changes. Consts should never reference functions that are intended to be redefinable like this.

Array-like behavior

Vec{N, T} implements AbstractVector{T, 1}, meaning Julia sees it as a kind of 1D array, and that lets you use all sorts of built-in array-processing functionality with it.

However, most built-in array-processing functions return an actual array (Vector{T}) as output, which is not ideal for vector math. We re-implement many of them to return a Vec. For example, calling map() on a Vec will return another Vec.

Unfortunately, one awesome Julia feature that Vec doesn't support well is broadcasting. Broadcasting operators will treat Vec as a 1D array, which is good, but the output will be an actual array (Vector), which is bad. This can hopefully be improved in the future.

An interesting note about Julia's multidimensional array literals: normally they would notice that Vec is an AbstractVector and treat it as an extra dimension. For example, a literal matrix of v3f would become a 3D array of Float32, with 3 Z-slices. However, the relevant functions (hcat, vcat, and hvncat) are overloaded to prevent this, so that a matrix literal of Vec stays a matrix of Vec.


Julia lets you specify number ranges with the colon syntax begin : end, for example all_one_digit_numbers = 0:9. You can do the same with Vec to create multidimensional ranges. For example, you can get every index of a 2D array a with the range Vec(1, 1):Vec(size(a, 1), size(a, 2)), or more succinctly one(v2i):vsize(a). You can generalze it to work with any number of array dimensions by mixing numbers and vectors: 1:vsize(a).

You can add a step interval other than 1 using Julia's usual stepped range syntax begin:step:end, and again you can mix numbers and vectors. For example, you can skip every other column of a 2D array a with 1 : v2i(1, 2) : vsize(a).

This feature is mostly intended for integer vectors. While nothing stops you from making ranges with float vectors, it's highly recommended to use Box and Interval instead.


The number of digits that a vector is printed with is controlled by the global variable BplusCore.Mat.VEC_N_DIGITS. If you want to change this value only temporarily, call use_vec_digits(). If you want to print a single vector with a specific number of digits, use show_vec.