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Part of the Math module. The core game math types are: Vec{N, T}, Quaternion{F}, and Mat{C, R, F}.

Mat{C, R, F}

A statically-sized matrix, perfect for representing vector transformations.


Aliases are particularly important for Mat to avoid confusion (see the section StaticArrays below).

Matrices are named very similarly to HLSL, with the prefix f for Float32 and d for Float64, and the suffix [columns]x[rows]. If the row and column count is the same, you may abbreviate the suffix with just one number. For example:

  • fmat2x2 is a 2x2 Float32 matrix.
  • dmat3x4 is a 3-column, 4-row Float64 matrix.
  • fmat3 is a 3x3 Float32 matrix.

There are also aliases for specific matrix sizes:

  • Mat2{F} is a 2x2 matrix.
  • Mat3{F} is a 3x3 matrix.
  • Mat4{F} is a 4x4 matrix.

If you need to manually specify a new matrix type, it's highly recommended to use the macro @Mat(C, R, F) because Julia's type system actually requires a fourth parameter which is C * R.


In keeping with vectors and quaternions, matrix operations are prefixed with m_:

  • To apply a matrix transform to a point, use one of the following:
    • m_apply_point(m, p) for coordinates
    • m_apply_vector(m, v) for vectors (ignores translation)
    • If your matrix is affine (almost always true for world and view matrices, but not for a perspective projection matrix), you can use optimized versions:
      • m_apply_point_affine(m, p) for coordinates and affine matrices.
      • m_apply_vector_affine(m, v) for vectors and affine matrices.
  • m_combine(a, b...) multiplies matrices together in chronological order, to produce a transformation of "a, then b, then ..."
  • m_invert(m) inverts a matrix.
  • m_tranpose(m) transposes a matrix.
    • You can also use the ' operator, for example m = m'.
  • m_identity(C, R, F) creates an identity matrix.
    • m_identityf(C, R) creates a Float32 matrix.
    • m_identityd(C, R) creates a Float64 matrix.
  • m_to_mat4x4(m) converts a 3x3 matrix to 4x4.
  • m_to_mat3x3(m) drops the last row and column off a 4x4 matrix.
  • Operator * performs multiplication with Vec, or other Mat instances. You can use it to transform a point/vector by a matrix, but the above explicit functions are preferred.
    • B+ uses pre-multiplication, i.e. M*v. To make that unambiguous, v*M is not defined at all.


  • m3_translate(delta) and m4_translate(delta) make 2D and 3D translation matrices, respectively.
  • m_scale(v) and m_scale(f, N) creates a scale matrix using a vector, or a scalar spread over N dimensions, respectively.
  • m[N]_rotate[A](radians) makes a rotation matrix around axis A, in 3x3 or 4x4 format N.
    • For example, m3_rotateX(radians).
  • m3_rotate(q) and m4_rotate(q) make a rotation matrix for a quaternion.
  • m4_world(pos, rot, scale) makes a typical World transform matrix.
  • m4_look_at(cam_pos, target_pos, up) makes a typical View transform matrix.
  • m3_look_at(forward, up, right; [new basis]) makes a rotation matrix to turn the given basis into a typical View basis (by default: +X right, +Y up, -Z forward).
    • You can also think of this as a camera View matrix without the translation.
  • m3_look_at(from::VBasis, to::VBasis) makes a rotation matrix that turns the "from" vector basis into the "to" vector basis.
  • m4_projection(near_clip, far_clip, aspect_width_over_height, fov_degrees) creates a typical OpenGL perspective matrix.
  • m4_ortho(range::Box3) makes an orthographic projection matrix, mapping the given axis-aligned box to the range -1 => +1 along each axis.

Component access

Mat behaves very similar to a Julia multidimensional array, and can be accessed in the same way.

As mentioned in the Vec docs, indexing a matrix with a 2D integer Vec is counter-intuitive: the X component is the row, and the Y component is the column.


Under the hood, Mat is just an alias for StaticMatrix, or SMatrix, from the StaticArrays package. However, it swaps the type parameters in order to be aligned with OpenGL -- Column then Row, whereas SMatrix does Row then Column. Fortunately, the memory order of matrices is already in sync between StaticArrays and OpenGL. They are column-major, meaning the second element in memory (my_matrix[2]) is column-1, row-2.

All SMatrix types come with a fourth type parameter, which is the total length (row count * column count). Since this can be computed trivially from C and R, the convenience macro @Mat(C, R, F) is provided. And of course there are plenty of aliases to cover 99% of the matrix types you will encounter in graphics.