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File metadata and controls

93 lines (73 loc) · 6.12 KB

A grab-bag of B+ utilities you'll likely find useful.

Game Loop

Handles all the boilerplate of a basic game loop for you. Refer to the doc-string @game_loop, and the file Helpers/game_loop.jl, for detailed info on usage.

The loop handles all built-in B+ services for you: Input, GUI, and BasicGraphics

Within the loop you'll have access to the variable LOOP::GameLoop, which has the following fields which you can read but should not set:

  • delta_seconds::Float32 : the amount of time elapsed since the last loop iteration.
  • frame_idx::Int : the number of elapsed frames so far, plus 1.
  • last_frame_time_ns::UInt64 : the most recent timestamp, from the end of the last frame.
  • context::Context : the OpenGL/GLFW context
  • service_input : the Input service.
  • service_basic_graphics : the Basic Graphics service.
  • service_gui : the GUI service.

LOOP also has some fields which you can set to configure the loop. You can set them both in the SETUP phase and the LOOP phase.

  • max_fps::Optional{Int} = 300 caps the game's framerate.
  • max_frame_duration::Float32 = 0.1 caps the delta_seconds field in the case of very slow frames. This prevents significant jumps in the game after a hang.

Basic Graphics

A B+ Context service that provides lots of basic resources: e which defines a bunch of useful GL resources:

  • screen_triangle : A 1-triangle mesh with 2D positions in NDC-space. When drawn, it will perfectly cover the entire screen, making it easy to spin up post-processing effects. The UV coordinates can be calculated from the XY positions (or from gl_FragCoord).
  • screen_quad : A 2-triangle mesh describing a square, with 2D coordinates in NDC space (-1 to +1) This can be used for post-processing effects, but it's less efficient than screen_triangle for technical reasons.
  • blit : A simple shader to render a 2D texture (e.x. copy a Target to the screen). Refer to simple_blit().
  • empty_mesh : A mesh with no vertex data, for dispatching entirely procedural geometry. Uses PrimitiveType.points.

To draw a texture, call simple_blit(tex_or_view; params...). It has the following named parmeters:

  • quad_transform::fmat3x3 transforms the 2D quad.
    • Defaults to the identity transform.
  • color_transform::fmat4x4 transforms the sampled color into an output color.
    • Defaults to the identity transform.
  • output_curve::Float32 is an exponent that can be applied to all 4 output channels.
  • disable_depth_test::Bool is a flag for automtically disabling depth tests before drawing the quad, then reinstating the depth test state afterwards.
    • By default it's true.
  • manage_tex_view::Bool is a flag for automatically calling view_activate() and view_deactivate() on the blitted texture/view if it's not already activated.
    • By default it's true.


A representation of a movable, turnable 3D camera.

  • Cam3D{F} represents the camera state, using F as the floating-point type (e.x. Float32).
  • Cam3D_Settings{F} represents the camera's config.
  • Cam3D_Inputs{F} represents the camera controls for a particular frame.

To update the camera, do (cam, settings) = cam_update(cam, settings, input, delta_seconds). Note that the settings may change too; this is the case if you support the speed_change input.

  • cam_basis(cam) and cam_rightward(cam) calculate the camera's facing vectors (the former gets all 3 axes, the latter gets just the rightward axis).
  • Get the view matrix with cam_view_mat(cam).
  • Get the projection matrix with cam_projection_mat(cam).
    • The camera's projection settings are either a PerspectiveProjection{F} or an OrthographicProjection{F}.

File Cacher

A system for reloading files from disk anytime they are changed. To use this system, do the following:

  1. Define the type of data that is cached. We will refer to this type as TCached. For example, a texture cache could use BplusApp.GL.Texture.
  2. Define a function which loads, or re-loads, an asset from disk. We will refer to this as reload_response::Base.Callable.
    • The signature should be (path::AbstractString[, old_data;:TCached]) -> new_data::TCached[, dependent_files].
      • If your loaded asset depends on other files beyond its own path, add a second return value which is an iterator of those files. Then a reload can be triggered by any of these files changing.
    • This function is allowed to throw if the file can't be loaded for any reason.
  3. Define a function which acknowledges an error from calling reload_response. We will refer to this as error_response::Base.Callable.
    • The signature should be (path::AbstractString, exception, trace[, old_data::TCached]) -> [fallback_data::TCached].
    • If you want to return a fallback instance (like an "error texture"), you can return it here. Otherwise, return anything other than a TCached, such as nothing.
    • You may also want to log an error here, e.x. @error "Failed to load $path" ex=(exception, trace)
  4. Create an instance of the cacher with the above parameters: FileCacher{TCached}(reload_response=reload_response, error_response=error_response, other_args...).
    • Pass relative_path = p to change the relative path for files.
      • It defaults to pwd(), a.k.a. the location Julia is running from.
    • Pass check_interval_ms = a:b to change the randomized time interval for checking each file for changes.
      • The randomization prevents all cached files from being checked at the same time, which could cause a disk bottleneck.
      • Default is 3000:5000, i.e. 3-5 seconds.
  5. Update the cacher with check_disk_modifications!(cacher)::Bool.
    • It returns true if any files have been reloaded.
    • The naive way to call this is once every frame, but you can probably get away with doing it much less often since files are not reloaded very frequently.
  6. Get a file with get_cached_data!(cacher, relative_or_absolute_path)::Optional{TCached}.
    • If your error_response provides a fallback instance, then this function always returns a TCached.