#Firework Rockets This mod introduces firework rockets. There are 30 variants of firework.
You can shoot them with regular rocket launcher, in spidertron or build a mortar crate to auto deploy firework.
Youtube: https://youtu.be/vxRuDU0aKcQ
There are 4 types of firework rocket.
- Warm / shoot warm colors firework
- Cool / shoot cool colors firework
- Colorful / shoots multi-colors firework, Type 4 & 9
- Random / shoots all of the above (using warm, cool, colorful variants)
- Small / shoot type 1, 2, 3
- Large / shoot type 5, 6, 7, 10
- Flare / Shoot type 8
A mortar crate which you can load firework rockets to auto fire.
Regular / Explosive rocket can shoot yellow firework. (Startup Setting, Default: Off)
Firework Fire hazard. (Startup Setting, Default: Off)
Firework pollution. (Global Setting, Default: On, 5 pollution units per shot)
- This option requires map pollution to be enabled as well. Otherwise, it does nothing.
- Other tweaks and user requests.
Bought the firework graphic from neogeo37 https://graphicriver.net/item/fireworks-effect-sprites/21893898
Royalty free sound effects from: https://www.zapsplat.com/sound-effect-category/fireworks/
Sampled from ChannelAGG's Japan Firework Videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChannelAGG
Mortar Crate Graphics and mortar shooting sound: 1000MHz
- UK: Met_en_Bouldry
You can help translate this mod directly online by going to the following link and finding "ERM" or "Enemy Race Manager":
New translation will be released in the next version.