- Create REST APIs/ Web Services with Spring
- Discuss REST concepts, JSON and HTTP messaging
- Install REST client tool: Postman
- Develop REST APIs/ Web Services with @RestController
- Build a CRUD interface to the database with Spring REST
Most common use of REST is over HTTP. Below is the list of HTTP methods for CRUD operations.
- POST - Create a new entity
- GET - Read a list of entities or single entity
- PUT - Update an existing entity
- DELETE - Deleting an existing entity
It consists of three areas
- Request Line - the HTTP command
- Header Variables - request metadata
- Message body - contents of message
It also consists of three areas
- Response Line - server protocol and status code
- Header variables - response metadata
- Message body - contents of message
Code Range | Description |
100-199 | Informational |
200-299 | Successful |
300-399 | Redirection |
400-499 | Client Error |
500-599 | Server Error |
- The message format is described by MIME content type
- Multipurpose Internet Mail-Extention
- Basic Syntax: type/sub-type
- Examples
- text/html, text/plain
- application/json, application/xml, ....
NOTE : When we add @RestController Annotation it adds the REST support.
- Data binding is the process of converting JSON data to a java POJO
- Also known as Mapping, Serialization/ Deserialization, Marshalling/ Unmarshalling.
- Spring uses the Jackson Project behind the scenes, jackson handles data binding between JSON and Java POJO
- Retrieve a single student by id /api/students/{studentId}
- This studentId is known as path variable
- Create a custom error response class
- Create a custom exception class
- Update REST service to throw exception if student not found
- Add an exception handler method using @ExceptionHandler