This is a quite simple blog application I develop for my girlfriend. The productive version can be found here.
This is a symfony 3 project, so you can run the following command to make sure everything is in place:
Simply checkout the repository
git clone
Install the necessary packages via composer (if you don't have one
locally installed, there's a phar in the bin/
./bin/composer.phar install
This will prompt you for some configuration parameters. Create the database and the schema:
./bin/console doctrine:database:create
./bin/console doctrine:schema:create
To get started publishing blog posts, you first have to create a admin user (replace the terms in the brackets with your information):
./bin/console fos:user:create [username] [email] [password] --super-user
Now you can start your local server
./bin/console server:start
And navigate to
In order to access the admin part, visit