The helping hands lab website is now successfully deployed here on Khoury NEU server! The previous preview version on is still available here.
**As our website is newly launched, to avoid website collapse, please create your own branch for modification, and then make a pull request.:) Sorry for the inconvience. I will frequently check and examine the request. **
- tips: you can find a preview link in your github request page in 2 minutes after pulling a request, if no errors in your files. If it shows 'fail to preview', you can use error logs for debugging. :)
- tips: If you would like to use the above method to debug, pls contain "testing" in your request topic so that I won't merge it.
- tips: If you would like to preview the modification, pls follow this instruction
It often need about 5 min for website to update after merging.
Please only do add/modify/delete actions in the content folder. :)
Add publication:
Create a folder, e.g. '/content/publication/$YOURNAME_PAPERNAME', copy a template and cite.bib from '/content/publication/my_conference_paper' folder and modify it. You can save a feature picture as 'featured.jpg' (or 'featured.jpg') in your folder.
Change publication category:
Modify publication_types in '/content/authors/$YOURNAME_PAPERNAME/'
Modify your own page
Modify in '/content/authors/$YOURNAME_PAPERNAME/'
Redirect it to your personal project website: find your folder and append the following in '/content/authors/$YOURNAME_PAPERNAME/'. Substitude 'yourURL'.
<meta http-equiv = "refresh" content = " 0 ; url = yourURL"/>
- tips: Please link to the PDF. Use the url option in the header of to add buttons such as 'project, PDF, Video'
Internal link
If you want to link to some files in your folder, the path should be like '/publication/$YOURNAME_PAPERNAME/$FILENAME'
Add people:
Create a folder, e.g. '/content/authors/$YOURNAME', copy a from other's folder and modify it. Your avatar must be saved as 'avatar.jpg' in your folder.
Change people category:
Modify user group in '/content/authors/$YOURNAME/'
Modify your own page
Modify in '/content/authors/$YOURNAME/'. And I strongly suggest you modify the social info in your own profile. It is in '/content/authors/$YOURNAME/'.
Redirect it to your personal website: find your folder and append the following in '/content/authors/$YOURNAME/'
<meta http-equiv = "refresh" content = " 0 ; url = yourURL"/>
Add videos
Modify in '/content/video/'.
Notice that the videos in this section should NOT be introduction video, short talk, etc. for a specific paper. Those videos should be placed along with the paper in publications. Put long talks / demos / other videos that do not belong to a specific paper here.
Modify in '/content/author/admin/'.
Add/modify news
In /content/home/
To add/delete widgets on home page
Add/delete a markdown file in /content/home. You can change the order of widgets by adjusting 'weight'. More instructions are here.
Modify template lay-outs
In case you want to modify template lay-outs, you can find templates here.
- Building: YAML, mapping values are not allowed in this context
- One space after "KEY:" in yaml or your
- Enclose your content in quotation marks after "KEY:" in yaml or your, espectially when your content contains colons (":").
- Link news section to lab twitter account
- Mar 25, 2022: Automatic deployment after new pr or commit.
- Mar 20, 2022: Our website finally successfully deployed on Khoury server!
- Mar 12, 2022: paper tile directly link to pdf page, by Dian
- Mar 9, 2022: people directly link to personal page, by Dian
- Mar 9, 2022: add side feature pic on publication page, by Dian
- Mar 3, 2022: Support dark mode! by Mingxi
- Mar 2, 2022: HH website launched! by Mingxi