Replica of a TI83p calculator written in VHDL as part of a computer architecture course project.
All documented instructions and almost all undocumented instructions of the Z80 processor are implemented. Only interrupt mode 1 and 2 have been implemented since TI calculators never use IM0 or nonmaskable interrupts. Currently runs the TI83p operating system fine, as well as all games that have been tested. Uses a PS2 keyboard for input and a VGA monitor at 640x480 resolution for displaying the LCD, as well as live register values for debugging.
- Execution mask and flash rom protection is not implemented.
- Grayscale LCD (add second LCD memory for pixel intensities)
- TI84p
- crystal timers
- MD5 module
- alternate memory mapping
- other ports
- Z80 instructions and functionality
- Z80 Family CPU User Manual by Zilog
- Internal design of the Z80
- Programming the Z80 by Rodney Zaks
- Structure of TI83p memory and programs
- TI-83 Plus Developer Guide by Texas Instruments
- Information repositories about Z80 and TI calculators
- TI Emulators
- Archive of TI83p programs
- Functionality of the LCD controller
- T604A datasheet by TOSHIBA
The implementation was written by a group of four computer engineering students:
- Jakob Arvidsson
- Dennis Derecichei
- Yousef Hashem
- Noah Hellman