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Helge Langehaug edited this page Jan 4, 2014 · 14 revisions

Some general findings...

For personal reference only...

Arduino Eclipse plugin

Has some problems with the code not finding Arduino.h from Wire.h. suggested the utility directory was not included in path. Select your project->properties->C/C++ general->Paths and symbols select the includes path click add; click workspace; select the utility folder in the ethernet folder. select ok; make sure you have "add to all languages" and "add to all configurations" on. Select OK Following libraries will need this: Wire;SD and Ethernet Fixed the problem for me.

More info:,

Playing with RF433

Just installed the code as listed in Note that without antenna, the transfer did only go 30-40cm. After adding antenna (10-15cm) 3 meters was no problem. Also some info here:

I2C bus

Does it exis a pinout standard ? Quick google showed nothing. Several users their "own" standard. One uses says: "Personally I went with [VCC, SDA, GND, SCL] to be easily routed to/from this chip and also be immune to a VCC/GND mix up when plugged in backward.", ref .

Library files in same directory as sketch

Seems like default the Arduino IDE looks for library files in the arduino default libraries folder. I wanted my library files together with my sketch (same git repo). Had some problems with that until I realized that I have to restart the IDE after moving library folders into the sketch folder.