This is a study exploring golang, the northwind database, and an order status story.
- connect Go to Postgres featuring the Northwind database augmented with Frostpunk tables
- interact with a Go CLI
- simulate orders, view a report & have fun!
Golang 1.8+ install gvm
SELECT C.category_name
,COUNT(P.category_id) AS total_products
FROM categories AS C
JOIN products AS P
ON P.category_id = C.category_id
GROUP BY C.category_name
ORDER BY total_products DESC;
First, start the up the database container in a terminal using the northwind_psql repo not this repo!
cd northwind_psql
docker-compose up
From the pgAdmin4 or psql, you will need to modify this database to include the frostpunk-inspired tables.
Open a second terminal for the API which is back to this repo.
go run .
You should see the message Successfully connected to the Northwind database
The API has to be running in a separate terminal before you can interact with it via the CLI
Open a third terminal to run the CLI
cd cli
go run .
go test ./...