This is the explanation of how the bundle is structured and also an installation / example tutorial for the bundle.
Mailer bundle allows you to write very clean code when sending emails. By default it uses Swiftmailer, but if you want, you can override the complete mailer implementation and use some other mailer library. Emails can be forwarded (send) to Swiftmailer directly in the code where you require it, and also if you implement a queueable mailer, sending of the mails can be postponed until Symfony's kernel.terminate event, which is handled after the output is already sent to the user, so the user does not notice the delay of the mailing.
The code is coupled to the Symfony2 framework, as it is presented in the bundle. It might be decoupled later if needed or requested.
php composer.phar require tomazahlin/symfony-mailer-bundle
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Ahlin\Bundle\MailerBundle\AhlinMailerBundle(),
bin/phpspec run
View a controller with examples here
The bundle provides you with the mailing service which gives you access to other services as well, because it uses composition. It exposes one service, so you only have to inject one dependency, preferably the MailingInterface, to keep things decoupled.
namespace Company\App;
use Ahlin\Mailer\MailingInterface;
class MyService
private $mailing;
public function __construct(MailingInterface $mailing)
$this->mailing = $mailing;
public function doSomething()
// How to access factory to create mail instances
$factory = $this->mailing->getFactory();
// How to access mailer to send or queue the mail
$mailer = $this->mailing->getMailer();
To define your service, you should inject the ahlin_mailer.mailing service:
<service id="my_bundle.my_service" class="Company\App\MyService">
<argument type="service" id="ahlin_mailer.mailing" />
To override anything in the bundle, you can of course use bundle inheritance, but for simplicity you can also override some classes by overriding some of the default parameters of the bundle. And to override templates you can define your custom templates in app/Resources.
The bundle is packaged with a default responsive html template:
- Resources/views/Mail/default.html.twig
You can easily replace the template, by defining your own in app/Resources folder or you can use bundle inheritance to do the same.
To define your own templates, the bundle uses Open for extension / closed for modification solid principle. To define your own templates, you need to create a class and tag it with "ahlin_mailer.mapping". Let's say you wanted to create a mapping for your UserBundle.
Create a class which implements TemplateMappingInterface.
namespace Company\Bundle\UserBundle\Mapping;
use Ahlin\Mailer\Mapping\TemplateMappingInterface;
class UserMapping implements TemplateMappingInterface
public function getMappings()
return array(
'registration' => array('view' => 'CompanyUserBundle:Mail:registration.html.twig', 'contentType' => 'text/html'),
'activation' => array('view' => 'CompanyUserBundle:Mail:activation.html.twig', 'contentType' => 'text/html'),
'forgot_password' => array('view' => 'CompanyUserBundle:Mail:forgot_password.html.twig', 'contentType' => 'text/html'),
As you can see, it is only a mapping between aliases and their paths, so when you need to specify which template you want to use, your code will be much shorter and cleaner. And the service definition for the container would look like this:
<service id="my_user_bundle.user_mapping" class="Company\Bundle\UserBundle\Mapping\UserMapping" public="false">
<tag name="ahlin_mailer.mapping" />
You can define (override) the parameters which are always passed to the email templates, by overriding the parameter:
<parameter type="collection" key="ahlin_mailer.default.parameters">
<parameter key="myHomepageUrl" type="string">https://localhost</parameter>
In the twig template, you can access it with {{ myHomepageUrl }}.
For any questions or issues regarding this bundle, please do not hesitate to ask. Feel free to create your own forked version or submit any pull requests.
Version 2.2 allows you to add Filters, which modify the email's body. Some filters (if they maybe convert images from url to inline images) also can modify the Swift_Message model. All you have to do is to implement FilterInterface and tag the filter with "ahlin_mailer.filter".
Version 2.2 allows you to use the Mailer class to send Swfit_Message instances.