Collection of survey papers about human computation
Quality Control in Crowdsourcing: A Survey of Quality Attributes, Assessment Techniques and Assurance Actions. | paper | ACM Computing Surveys | 2017 |
Crowdsourcing Processes: A Survey of Approaches and Opportunities. | paper | IEEE Internet Computing | 2016 |
Crowdsourcing: A taxonomy and systematic mapping study | paper | Computer Science Review | 2015 |
Brief survey of crowdsourcing for data mining | paper | Expert Systems with Applications | 2014 |
Considering human aspects on strategies for designing and managing distributed human computation | paper | Journal of Internet Services and Applications | 2014 |
Quality Control in Crowdsourcing Systems: Issues and Directions | paper | IEEE Internet Computing | 2013 |
The future of crowd work | paper | CSCW | 2013 |
Human computation: a survey and taxonomy of a growing field | paper | CHI | 2011 |
A Survey of Crowdsourcing Systems | paper | SocialCom | 2011 |
Crowdsourcing systems on the World-Wide Web | paper | ACM Communications | 2011 |
A survey of crowdsourcing as a means of collaboration and the implications of crowdsourcing for interaction design | paper | CTS | 2011 |
Who are the Crowdworkers? Shifting Demographics in Mechanical Turk | paper | CHI EA | 2010 |
A Survey of Human Computation Systems | paper | CSE | 2009 |
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