Add coverage instrumentation to haz3lmenhir library #6022
GitHub Actions / Test Report
Oct 31, 2024 in 0s
131 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped
✅ junit_tests.xml
131 tests were completed in 0ms with 131 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
HazelTests | 131✅ | 0ms |
✅ HazelTests
✅ Integer Literal
✅ Fun
✅ String Literal
✅ Bool Literal
✅ Empty Hole
✅ Var
✅ Parens
✅ BinOp
✅ Let
✅ Tuple
✅ Match
✅ If
✅ Deferred Ap
✅ Cons
✅ ListLit
✅ Constructor
✅ Type Alias
✅ Test
✅ Filter
✅ List Concat
✅ Let binding with type ascription
✅ named_function
✅ Function with unknown param
✅ Function with known param
✅ bifunction
✅ function application
✅ function deferral
✅ Integer literal
✅ Integer sum
✅ Function application
✅ Function deferral
✅ Deferral applied to hole
✅ rev_if with false
✅ rev_if with true
✅ dedup
✅ dedup_f
✅ group_by with constant function preserves list
✅ group_by groups into evens/odds
✅ range generates sequential integers [1,6)
✅ range defaults lower bound to 0
✅ range lo = hi is empty
✅ Invalid range raises error
✅ mk_frame creates a frame from the beginning
✅ mk_frame creates a frame from the end
✅ mk_frame raises when making a frame past the end
✅ mk_frame raises when making a frame before the beginning
✅ mk_frame makes a frame splitting the list
✅ mk_frame makes a frame splitting the list
✅ split with no found element returns the original list
✅ split with first found returns the head and tail
✅ splits on the middle element
✅ combine_opt
✅ is_empty with empty list
✅ is_empty with non-empty list
✅ flat_map with empty list
✅ flat_map with non-empty list
✅ flat_map with non-empty list and empty result
✅ join with empty list
✅ join with single element list
✅ join with multiple element list
✅ hd_opt with empty list
✅ hd_opt with non-empty list
✅ nth_opt with empty list
✅ nth_opt with non-empty list
✅ nth_opt with out of bounds index
✅ split_n_opt with empty list
✅ split_n_opt with non-empty list
✅ split_n_opt with out of bounds index
✅ split_n_opt with zero index
✅ split_n with empty list
✅ split_n with non-empty list
✅ split_n with out of bounds index
✅ split_n with zero index
✅ split_sublist_opt with empty list
✅ split_sublist_opt with non-empty list
✅ split_sublist_opt with out of bounds index
✅ split_sublist_opt with zero index
✅ split_sublist with empty list
✅ split_sublist with non-empty list
✅ split_sublist with out of bounds index
✅ split_sublist with zero index
✅ sublist with empty list
✅ sublist with non-empty list
✅ sublist with out of bounds index
✅ Integer Literal
✅ Empty Hole
✅ Free Variable
✅ Parenthesized Expression
✅ Let Expression
✅ Function Application
✅ Named Function Definition
✅ Incomplete Function Definition
✅ Constructor
✅ Type Alias
HazelTests.Elaboration tests
✅ Single integer
✅ Empty hole
✅ Free variable
✅ Let expression
✅ Inconsistent binary operation
✅ Consistent if statement
✅ An unapplied function
✅ Application of function on free variable
✅ Inconsistent case statement
✅ Let expression for a function
✅ Function application with a deferred argument
✅ Function application with a single remaining argument after deferral
✅ Function application with a deferral of a hole
HazelTests.Menhir elaboration tests
✅ Filter test (menhir)
✅ Test failed (menhir)
✅ Built-in function (menhir)
✅ Dynamic error hole (menhir)
✅ Constructor test (menhir)
✅ Failed cast test (menhir)
✅ Type ap test (menhir)
✅ Let expression for a tuple (menhir)
✅ Single integer (menhir)
✅ Let expression for a function (menhir)
✅ Empty hole (menhir)
✅ Free var (menhir)
✅ Bin op (menhir)
✅ Inconsistent case (menhir)
✅ ap fun (menhir)
✅ Consistent if (menhir)
✅ Undefined test (menhir)
✅ List exp (menhir)
✅ Invalid test (menhir)
✅ Type alias test (menhir)
✅ List concat test (menhir)
✅ Unary operation test (menhir)
✅ Sequence test (menhir)
✅ FixF test (menhir)