find an Italian restaurant that is vegetarian and delivers:
find any open Korean restaurant:
find an open restaurant that offers vegetarian options (regardless of style or delivery option):
- Cloud-Native: Fully hosted and operational in the cloud (GCP - no personal azure sub).
- Minimal Maintenance: Serverless architecture minimizes the need for ongoing maintenance.
- IaC: Terraform scripts for full infrastructure setup.
- Backend Storage: Cloud Storage bucket for log retention.
- Security: Leveraging GCP's secure environment, with no authentication required for hitting endpoints (public access).
- Automatic CI/CD: Application updates and infrastructure changes are handled through GitHub Actions.
Deployment Instructions:
- Clone the repository.
- Set up required GH service account in GCP & grant permissions.
- Configure GitHub repository secrets (GCP service account key, Docker hub credentials, Terraform Cloud API Key).
- Push changes to trigger CI/CD pipelines for deployment.
Looking forward to feedback :) !