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Pixilate Style Abilities

haven1433 edited this page Mar 19, 2022 · 8 revisions

Example Table

The Goal

This tutorial lets you add type-changing abilities to FireRed. Pokemon with these abilities change all moves of one type to another, similar to the later generation abilities Pixilate, Normalize, Galvanize, and Refrigerate. You can also provide power boosts, like how Pixilate gives a 20% boost to normal-turned-fairy moves.

Download the script: Right click this text and choose Save link as....

Using the Script

  1. (Optional) If you haven't edited your move stats table format, you can skip this step. Open this script in your favorite text editor and modify the line that mentions BattleMove.type if you've adjusted where your moves store their type. Likewise, you may want to change the part that mentions BattleMove.power. For example, if you've used HMA's move expansion routine, you'll want to change the type offset from #2 to #3, and the power offset from #1 to #2.
  2. Open your FireRed romhack in HexManiacAdvance and then drag-drop the script over your rom. This will add the new table and the thumb code to use it.
  3. Edit the new data.abilities.typeswaps table to change which types are modified by which abilities. By default, the script only puts one entry in the table, causing the Blaze ability to make all normal moves into Fire moves, scaling damage to 100% (no change). You can replace that one, it's only meant as an example.
  4. You can add multiple table entries for a single ability. For example, you could make an ability Normalize that changes all types to Normal by adding one row for each type that you want the ability to change.
  5. Add Haven's Type-Swap Abilities to your hack's Credits.


  • Moves that change their own types, like WeatherBall and Hidden Power, override this effect.
  • Moves that don't care about types, like Sonic Boom and Dragon Rage, override this effect.
  • Status moves like Thunder Wave are unaffected.
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