10.000.000 million particles in a square domain. Central particles get a high initial velocity and crash into the rest of the material. (Domain is rotated by 90°)
git clone https://github.com/hausler89/gas2017.git
Simple n-body simulation of particles with Lennard-Jones repulsion between them. North and South wall are periodic, east and west are LJ repulsive.
Main source file is gas.cpp, there you will find the definition of global variables, system parameters and the main function. The verlet integrator is directly implemented in main(), as this is the main purpose of this program anyways.
Beware: Program is very rough around the edges and has neither reasonable data input, nor output. It's a classroom demonstration.
Needs ncurses to be available on your system. On Ubuntu use
sudo apt-get install libncurses-dev
Compile with
Compile with OpenMP support
make openmp
Compile with ncurses graphical output
make gfx
Compile and run with
make run
Clean with
make clean
Recompile everything
make new
Compile with debugging symbols
make debug