Clone this repo. Copy app/config/custom_example.yml to app/config/custom.yml (this file is used instead of parameters.ini) Adjust parameters in custom.yml file (enter your email under my_email key).
Run from console following commans to:
Install all required vendors like Symfony, ExtJS, Doctrine, Translations etc... $ php bin/vendors install
Create database (according to your app/config/custom.yml) $ php app/console doctrine:database:create
Set all defaults tables: $ php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Load default data: $ php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load
Install HatimeriaExtJS (creates a symlink in ExtJSBundle points to HatimeriaExtJS) $ php app/console hatimeria:extjs:install --symlink --docs
Login with email from custom.yml and password: 'hatimeria'