GIRO: Group-wise Image Registration and nOrmalization for Liquid-Chromatography tandem Mass-Spectrometry (LCMS) Data Processing
LCMS is the work-horse for proteomics study. Due to various reasons the retention time of chromatograms may shift from run to run. This software implements a B-spline image registration based method to warp multiple LCMS samples simultaneously so that the retention time differences across samples can be aligned.
To install this software package, Julia 0.6 is needed. In a Julia REPL, type in:
This will install the main package as well as the dependencies listed in REQUIRE file. The main workflow is in main_cmd.jl file, please run it for help. More detailed descriptions can be found in Documentation.
addprocs(Sys.CPU_CORES) # Add CPU cores for parallel computation
@everywhere using GIRO.AlignmentStrategies
# Define data directory:
FileDir = "/path/to/data"
# Define data file name as a string vector:
FileName = ["Data1.mzml", "Data2.mzml"]
# For more parameters to tune please refer to the documentation.
# Run a chosen alignment strategy, currently only
# MultiResL1LS: L1 regulated least square with multi-resolution is implemented.
AlignmentStrategyChosen = MultiResL1LS()
runalignment(AlignmentStrategyChosen, FileDir, FileName)
The output alignment files will be written into the data directory.
Alternatively GIRO can be run from outside Julia REPL by creating a script.jl file:
$ echo 'addprocs(Sys.CPU_CORES); @everywhere using GIRO.AlignmentStrategiesusing; runalignment(ARGS)' > script.jl
$ julia script.jl *List-of-Arguments*
where the minimal arguments required are:
-D /path/to/data
-F file1.mzML file2.mzML ... fileN.mzML
Thank you for your interest in GIRO. Please contact me or leave a comment if there is any GIRO related issue which concerns you.