Releases: hastarin/HAST-Elite-Assistant
Beta 1.6.1
Latest changes
- New routing algorithm using the A* algorithm. It might be a bit slower, but it's optimal.
It defaults to least jumps but has a check box for plotting an economical (fuel efficient) route. - Bugfixes for #31 and #32.
- More bugfixes for #36 and hopefully #34/#35.
- Additional exception handling/logging (#33).
Older changes
- A message should be displayed, and the error logged, if the database fails to be setup.
- The number of systems in the database is now shown under the Settings flyout.
- I've tweaked what shows in the Settings flyout.
- Various logging has been added to try and narrow down remaining bugs.
- Validation has been added for the Source/Destination
- Autocomplete is now case insensitive
Request for logs
You can find the log.txt file in %localappdata%\HAST\HAST_Elite_Assistant.exe_Url_*
If you can't get this to run please send me a copy of that log. Either a PM on the forums, or even better, just create an issue describing your problem and include the log.
Note about LocalDb vs SQL Express
NOTE: The default configuration is to use LocalDb. If you actually have a full SqlExpress instance installed you may want to edit the installed configuration file. Ie "HAST Elite Assistant.exe.config" to enable that instead by commenting out the LocalDb version and uncommenting the SqlExpress so it looks like the following.
<defaultConnectionFactory type="System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.SqlConnectionFactory, EntityFramework" />
<!-- <defaultConnectionFactory
<parameter value="v11.0" />
</defaultConnectionFactory> -->
v0.8.2 Alpha
You MUST uninstall any previous version. There was an error with the version of the application in the installer.
NOTE: This version copies the next system to the clipboard by default. There is a setting to change it but no interface to do so yet. As per usual, try this at your own risk. I'm not kidding about the Alpha. ;)