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A diagram showing the binomial sampling regions
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idontgetoutmuch committed Jun 14, 2024
1 parent a7ee5a0 commit 7bd8b7b
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Showing 4 changed files with 280 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions System/Random/MWC/Distributions.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -361,6 +361,8 @@ pkgError func msg = error $ "System.Random.MWC.Distributions." ++ func ++
-- * Kachitvichyanukul, V. and Schmeiser, B. W. Binomial Random
-- Variate Generation. Communications of the ACM, 31, 2 (February,
-- 1988) 216. <>
-- Here's an example of how the algorithm's sampling regions look
-- ![Something](docs/RecreateFigure.svg)

-- | Random variate generator for Binomial distribution
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260 changes: 260 additions & 0 deletions docs/RecreateFigure.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-type-defaults #-}

module Main(main) where

import System.FilePath ()
import Data.Colour
import Diagrams.Backend.SVG.CmdLine
import Diagrams.Prelude hiding ( sample, render, Vector, offset )
import System.Environment

majorizingFn :: Int -> Double -> Double -> Double
majorizingFn i pp x
| x <= xL - 0.5 = c * exp (-lambdaL * (xL - x - 0.5))
| x <= xR - 0.5 = (1 + c) - abs (bigM - x) / p1
| otherwise = c * exp (-lambdaR * (x + 0.5 - xR))
(xL, xR, _, c, p1, bigM, fm, q, r) = xLRMc i pp
a = (fm - xL) / (fm - xL * r)
lambdaL = a * (1 + a / 2)
b = (xR - fm) / (xR * q)
lambdaR = b * (1 + b / 2)

minorizingFn :: Int-> Double -> Double -> Double
minorizingFn i pp x
| x <= xL - 0.5 = 0.0
| x <= xR - 0.5 = 1.0 - abs (bigM - x) / p1
| otherwise = 0.0
(xL, xR, _, _, p1, bigM, _, _, _) = xLRMc i pp

xLRMc :: Int -> Double ->
(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)
xLRMc i pp = (xL, xR, xM, c, p1, bigM, fm, q, r)
m :: Double
m = fromIntegral i
r = min pp (1 - pp)
q = 1 - r
fm = m * r + r
bigM :: Double
bigM = fromIntegral $ floor fm
p1 = (fromIntegral (floor (2.195 * sqrt (m * pp * q) - 4.6 * q) :: Int)) + 0.5
xM = bigM + 0.5
xL = xM - p1
xR = xM + p1
c = 0.134 + 20.5 / (15.3 + bigM)

n :: Int
n = 200

p :: Double
p = 0.25

m1, sd :: Double
m1 = (fromIntegral n) * p + p
sd = sqrt $ (fromIntegral n) * p * (1- p)

lb, ub :: Double
lb = m1 - 3 * sd
ub = m1 + 3 * sd

tick, skala :: Double
tick = 0.01
skala = 20.0

majors :: [(Double, Double)]
majors = [(x, majorizingFn n p x) | x <- [lb, lb + tick .. ub]]

minors :: [(Double, Double)]
minors = [(x, minorizingFn n p x) | x <- [lb, lb + tick .. ub]]

integralBinomialPDF :: (Integral a, Fractional b) => a -> b -> a -> b
integralBinomialPDF t q 0 = (1 - q)^t
integralBinomialPDF t q x = integralBinomialPDF t q (x - 1) * a * b
a = fromIntegral (t - x + 1) / fromIntegral x
b = q / (1 - q)

binPdfs :: [Double]
binPdfs = map (/ v) $ map (integralBinomialPDF n p) $ map floor $ map (+ 0.5) [lb :: Double, lb + tick .. ub]

v :: Double
v = integralBinomialPDF n p bigM
bigM = floor $ (fromIntegral n) * p + p

majorVs :: [P2 Double]
majorVs = map p2 majors

binPdfVs :: [P2 Double]
binPdfVs = map p2 $ zip (map fst majors) binPdfs

minorVs :: [P2 Double]
minorVs = map p2 minors

lineChart :: String -> IO ()
lineChart fn = do
withArgs ["-h 800", "-w 800", "-o" ++ fn ++ ".svg"] (mainWith exampleQ)

main :: IO ()
main = lineChart "docs/RecreateFigure"

exampleQ :: Diagram B
exampleQ = strutX 2 ||| mconcat
[ mconcat cs # fc purple # lw none

-- x-axis
, strokeLocT xAxisT # lc black # lwL 0.01 # scaleY skala
, moveTo (p2 (xM - offset , - 2.0)) $ text "Number of Successes"
, strokeLocT brokenXAxisT # lc black # lwL 0.05

-- y-axis
, strokeLocT yAxisT # lc black # lwL 0.01 # scaleY skala
, moveTo (p2 (-sd - yAxixOffset - 3.0 , skala * 1.0)) $ text "Probability Density (Unnormalised)" # rotateBy (1/4)

-- Key
, let majKey = fromVertices $ map p2 [ (xM - offset - 10.0, skala * 2.0 - 2.0)
, (xM - offset, skala * 2.0 - 2.0)
in strokeLocT majKey # lc blue # lwL 0.1 ===
moveTo (p2 (xM - offset + 8, skala * 2.0 - 4.0)) (text "Majorizing Function" # fc blue)
, let minKey = fromVertices $ map p2 [ (xM - offset - 10.0, skala * 2.0 - 4.0)
, (xM - offset, skala * 2.0 - 4.0)
in strokeLocT minKey # lc green # lwL 0.1 ===
moveTo (p2 (xM - offset + 8, skala * 2.0 - 6.0)) (text "Minorizing Function" # fc green)
, let tgtKey = fromVertices $ map p2 [ (xM - offset - 10.0, skala * 2.0 - 6.0)
, (xM - offset, skala * 2.0 - 6.0)
in strokeLocT tgtKey # lc red # lwL 0.1 ===
moveTo (p2 (xM - offset + 8, skala * 2.0 - 8.0)) (text "Target PDF" # fc red)
, moveTo (p2 (xM - offset - 3 * sd, skala * 2.0 - 10.0)) (text ("n = " ++ show n) # fc black)
, moveTo (p2 (xM - offset - 3 * sd, skala * 2.0 - 11.0)) (text ("p = " ++ show p) # fc black)

-- Areas
, area1, area2, area3, area4
, moveTo (p2 (xM - 0.5 - offset, 0.5 * skala * xMinM)) $ text "One"
, moveTo (p2 (xM - 0.5 - offset, skala * (0.5 * (xMajM - xMinM) + xMinM))) $ text "Two"
, moveTo (p2 (lb + (xL - lb) / 2 - offset, 0.5 * skala * majorizingFn n p (lb + (xL - lb) / 2))) $ text "Three"
, moveTo (p2 (ub + (xR - ub) / 2 - offset, 0.5 * skala * majorizingFn n p (ub + (xR - ub) / 2))) $ text "Four"

, strokeLocT majorT # lc blue # lwL 0.01 # scaleY skala
, strokeLocT binPdfT # lc red # lwL 0.01 # scaleY skala
, strokeLocT minorT # lc green # lwL 0.01 # scaleY skala
, strokeLocT verticalLT # lc purple # lwL 0.01
, strokeLocT verticalRT # lc purple # lwL 0.01

, moveTo (p2 (xL - 0.5 - offset, - 1.0)) $ text $ show (xL - 0.5)
, moveTo (p2 (xR - 0.5 - offset, - 1.0)) $ text $ show (xR - 0.5)
, moveTo (p2 (0.0, - 1.0)) $ text $ show $ (fromIntegral (round (lb * 100))) / 100
, moveTo (p2 (ub - offset, - 1.0)) $ text $ show $ (fromIntegral (round (ub * 100))) / 100
, let y = 1.5 in moveTo (p2 (-sd - yAxixOffset - 1.0, skala * y)) $ text $ show $ (fromIntegral (round (y * 100))) / 100
, let y = 1.0 in moveTo (p2 (-sd - yAxixOffset - 1.0, skala * y)) $ text $ show $ (fromIntegral (round (y * 100))) / 100
, let y = 0.5 in moveTo (p2 (-sd - yAxixOffset - 1.0, skala * y)) $ text $ show $ (fromIntegral (round (y * 100))) / 100
xAxisT :: Located (Trail V2 Double)
xAxisT = (fromVertices $ map p2 [(m1 - 4 * sd, 0), (m1 + 4 * sd, 0)]) `at` (-sd ^& 0)

brokenXAxisT :: Located (Trail V2 Double)
brokenXAxisT = fromVertices $ map p2 [ (m1 - 4 * sd - offset - 0.0, 0.0)
, (m1 - 4 * sd - offset - 0.1, 0.3)
, (m1 - 4 * sd - offset - 0.2, 0.0)
, (m1 - 4 * sd - offset - 0.3, -0.3)
, (m1 - 4 * sd - offset - 0.4, 0.0)
, (m1 - 4 * sd - offset - 2.0, 0.0)

yAxixOffset = 2.0
yAxisT :: Located (Trail V2 Double)
yAxisT = fromVertices $ map p2 [(-sd - yAxixOffset , 0.0), (-sd - yAxixOffset , 2.0)]

binPdfT :: Located (Trail V2 Double)
binPdfT = fromVertices binPdfVs `at` (0 ^& (minimum binPdfs))

majorT :: Located (Trail V2 Double)
majorT = fromVertices majorVs `at` (0 ^& (minimum (map snd majors)))

minorT :: Located (Trail V2 Double)
minorT = fromVertices minorVs `at` (0 ^& (minimum (map snd minors)))

verticalLT :: Located (Trail V2 Double)
verticalLT = fromVertices $ map p2 [(xL - 0.5 - offset, 0.0)
, (xL - 0.5 - offset, skala * xMajL)

verticalRT :: Located (Trail V2 Double)
verticalRT = fromVertices $ map p2 [ (xR - 0.5 - offset, 0.0)
, (xR - 0.5 - offset, skala * xMajR)

pt1 = (xL - 0.5, 0.0)
pt2 = (xR - 0.5, 0.0)
pt3 = (xM - 0.5, skala * xMinM)

area1 :: Diagram B
area1 = t # fc red # opacity 0.1
t :: Diagram B
t = strokeLocT $ mapLoc Trail u
u :: Located (Trail' Loop V2 Double)
u = ((fromVertices $ map p2 [pt1, pt2, pt3]) # closeLine) `at` ((xL - offset -0.5) ^& 0)

area2 :: Diagram B
area2 = t # fc blue # opacity 0.1
t :: Diagram B
t = strokeLocT $ mapLoc Trail u
u :: Located (Trail' Loop V2 Double)
u = (fromVertices ([w1] ++ vs ++ [wn, w2]) # closeLine) `at` ((xL - offset - 0.5) ^& 0)
vs = fmap (scaleY 20.0) $ filter (\x -> fst (unp2 x) <= xR - 0.5) $ filter (\x -> fst (unp2 x) > xL - 0.5) majorVs
w1 = p2 (fst (unp2 (head vs)), 0.0)
w2 = p2 (xM - 0.5, skala * xMinM)
wn = p2 (fst (unp2 (last vs)), 0.0)

area3 :: Diagram B
area3 = t # fc yellow # opacity 0.1
t :: Diagram B
t = strokeLocT $ mapLoc Trail u
u :: Located (Trail' Loop V2 Double)
u = (fromVertices ([w1] ++ vs ++ [wn]) # closeLine) `at` (0 ^& 0)
vs = fmap (scaleY 20.0) $ filter (\x -> fst (unp2 x) <= xL - 0.5) majorVs
w1 = p2 (fst (unp2 (head vs)), 0.0)
wn = p2 (fst (unp2 (last vs)), 0.0)

area4 :: Diagram B
area4 = t # fc yellow # opacity 0.1
t :: Diagram B
t = strokeLocT $ mapLoc Trail u
u :: Located (Trail' Loop V2 Double)
u = (fromVertices ([w1] ++ vs ++ [wn]) # closeLine) `at` ((xR - offset - 0.5) ^& 0)
vs = fmap (scaleY 20.0) $ filter (\x -> fst (unp2 x) > xR - 0.5) majorVs
w1 = p2 (fst (unp2 (head vs)), 0.0)
wn = p2 (fst (unp2 (last vs)), 0.0)

cs = map mkCircle $ map p2 $ [ (xL - 0.5 - offset, 0.0)
, (xL - 0.5 - offset, skala * xMajL)
, (xM - 0.5 - offset, skala * xMinM)
, (xM - 0.5 - offset, skala * xMajM)
, (xR - 0.5 - offset, 0.0)
, (xR - 0.5 - offset, skala * xMajR)
, (0.0, 0.0)
, (ub - offset, 0.0)

(xL, xR, xM, _, _, _, _, _, _) = xLRMc n p

xMinM = minorizingFn n p (xM - 0.5)
xMajL = majorizingFn n p (xL - 0.5)
xMajR = majorizingFn n p (xR - 0.5)
xMajM = majorizingFn n p (xM - 0.5)
offset = minimum (map fst majors)

mkCircle q = circle 0.1 # moveTo q
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions docs/RecreateFigure.svg
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions mwc-random.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ extra-source-files:


GHC ==8.0.2
|| ==8.2.2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,3 +147,15 @@ test-suite mwc-doctests
, primitive
, vector >=0.11
, random >=1.2

executable Docs
hs-source-dirs: docs
main-is: RecreateFigure.hs
, colour
, diagrams
, diagrams-lib
, diagrams-svg
, filepath
, mwc-random

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