This project is designed to provide an API proxy for web services to contact any number of TurtleCoin nodes for basic information regarding the state of the Node. It utilizes a cache that helps speed up the delivery of responses to clients while minimizing the load against the daemon by remote callers.
The sample service.js includes an example of how to quickly spin up the web service. It supports clustering via PM2 and I highly recommend that you run it with multiple threads.
- NodeJS v8.x
This will spin up a copy of the webservice on See the additional options below to customize the port or IP the web service binds to.
git clone
cd turtlecoin-api-proxy
npm i
node service.js
I'm a big fan of PM2 so if you don't have it installed, the setup is quite simple.
npm install -g pm2
pm2 startup
pm2 install pm2-logrotate
pm2 start service.js --watch --name turtlecoin-api-proxy -i max
pm2 start cacheUpdater.js --name turtlecoin-api-proxy-cache
pm2 save
This is incredibly simple to setup and use. No options are required but you can customize it as you see fit. Default values are provided below.
const TRTLProxy = require('./')
var service = new TRTLProxy({
cacheTimeout: 30, // How quickly do we timeout cached responses from individual nodes
timeout: 2000, // How long to wait for underlying RPC calls to return
bindIp: '', // What IP address do we bind the web service to
bindPort: 80 // What port do we bind the web service to
defaultHost: '', // The default node to look to for RPC calls
defaultPort: 11898, // The default port to use on the default node
seeds: [], // Nodes that we want to pre-cache information from
pools: [], // The pools we want to return data for, if none are supplied look to the official TurtleCoin list on the repos
// Blockchain database cache options
autoStartUpdater: false, // Whether we auto start the blockchain database cache
dbCacheQueryTimeout: 20000, // How long should the database cache updated wait for a RPC response
updateInterval: 5, // How long, in seconds, that we pause for before checking for new blocks when we're synced up or we finish scanning a batch
dbEngine: 'sqlite', // What database engine to use, see below for additional detais.
dbFolder: 'db', // What folder to use to store the database file, only valid for some database engines
dbFile: 'turtlecoin', // The filename to use to store the database file, only valid for some database engines
dbHost: '', // The IP address of the external DB server to connect to, only valid for some database engines
dbPort: 3306, // The port of the external DB server to connect to, only valid for some database engines
dbUser: '', // The username to the external DB server to, only valid for some database engines
dbPassword: '', // The password to the external DB server, only valid for some database engines
dbDatabase: '', // The database name used on the external DB server, only valid for some database engines
dbSocketPath: false, // The path to the nix socket for the external DB server, only valid for some database engines
dbConnectionLimit: 10, // The maximum number of connections to open to the external DB server, only valid for some database engines
Starts the web service
Stops the web service
Event is emitted when an error is encountered.
service.on('error', (err) => {
// do something
Event is emitted when the web service is listening for connections.
service.on('ready', (ip, port) => {
// do something
Event is emitted when the web service is stopped.
service.on('stop', () => {
// do something
Refer to the TurtleCoin documentation for the API commands supported. Generally speaking, all commands from the JSON HTTP API and JSON RPC API are supported.
To query a node other than the one supplied in defaultHost
call any of the API commands in one of the following formats:
- /endpoint
- /:node:/endpoint
- /:node:/:port:/endpoint
- /getinfo
- /
- /
- /json_rpc
- /
- /
You will receive a JSON response of pools like such below. By default this serves the pool list from
"name": "",
"url": ""
"name": "",
"url": ""
You will receive a JSON response of trusted nodes like such below. This is in reference to the new opts.seeds used during initialization as these are the nodes we "trust".
"host": "",
"port": 11898
"host": "",
"port": 11898
"host": "",
"port": 11898
"host": "",
"port": 11898
"host": "",
"port": 11898
You will receive a JSON response of height information as gathered from the trusted Nodes.
"max": 319932,
"min": 319835,
"avg": 319908,
"med": 319932,
"cnt": 5,
"ans": 4,
"con": 0.75,
"win": 319932,
"cached": true
You will receive a JSON response of height information as gathered from the pools.
"max": 319934,
"min": 311319,
"avg": 318795,
"med": 319934,
"cnt": 13,
"con": 0.6923076923076923,
"win": 319934,
"cached": true
You will receive a JSON response of difficulty information as gathered from the trusted Nodes.
"max": 303926695,
"min": 54848952,
"avg": 241657259,
"med": 303926695,
"cnt": 5,
"ans": 4,
"con": 0.75,
"win": 303926695,
"cached": false
You will receive a JSON response of difficulty information as gathered from the pools.
"max": 303926695,
"min": 14439,
"avg": 242315265,
"med": 303926695,
"cnt": 14,
"con": 0.7142857142857143,
"win": 303926695,
"cached": false
Copyright (C) 2018 Brandon Lehmann, The TurtleCoin Developers
Please see the included LICENSE file for more information.