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An opinionated CLI tool to deploy and manage standalone test networks.


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An opinionated CLI tool to deploy and manage standalone test networks.

Table of Contents


Solo Version Node.js Kind Solo Chart Hedera Kubernetes Kubectl Helm k9s Docker Resources Java
0.29.0 >= 20.14.0 (lts/hydrogen) >= v1.29.1 v0.30.0 v0.53.0+ >= v1.27.3 >= v1.27.3 v3.14.2 >= v0.27.4 Memory >= 8GB, CPU >= 4 >= 21.0.1+12
0.30.0 >= 20.14.0 (lts/hydrogen) >= v1.29.1 v0.30.0 v0.54.0+ >= v1.27.3 >= v1.27.3 v3.14.2 >= v0.27.4 Memory >= 8GB, CPU >= 4 >= 21.0.1+12


  • Install Node. You may also use nvm to manage different Node versions locally:
nvm install lts/hydrogen
nvm use lts/hydrogen

Install Solo

  • Run npm install -g @hashgraph/solo

Setup Kubernetes cluster

Remote cluster

  • You may use remote kubernetes cluster. In this case, ensure kubernetes context is set up correctly.
kubectl config use-context <context-name>

Local cluster

  • You may use kind or microk8s to create a cluster. In this case, ensure your Docker engine has enough resources (e.g. Memory >=8Gb, CPU: >=4). Below we show how you can use kind to create a cluster

First, use the following command to set up the environment variables:

export SOLO_NAMESPACE=solo

Then run the following command to set the kubectl context to the new cluster:

kind create cluster -n "${SOLO_CLUSTER_NAME}"

Example output

Creating cluster "solo" ...
 ✓ Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.29.1) 🖼
 ✓ Preparing nodes 📦 
 ✓ Writing configuration 📜
 ✓ Starting control-plane 🕹️
 ✓ Installing CNI 🔌
 ✓ Installing StorageClass 💾
Set kubectl context to "kind-solo"
You can now use your cluster with:

kubectl cluster-info --context kind-solo

Have a nice day! 👋

You may now view pods in your cluster using k9s -A as below:

 Context: kind-solo                                <0> all   <a>       Attach       <ctr… ____  __.________
 Cluster: kind-solo                                          <ctrl-d>  Delete       <l>  |    |/ _/   __   \______
 User:    kind-solo                                          <d>       Describe     <p>  |      < \____    /  ___/
 K9s Rev: v0.32.5                                            <e>       Edit         <shif|    |  \   /    /\___ \
 K8s Rev: v1.27.3                                            <?>       Help         <z>  |____|__ \ /____//____  >
 CPU:     n/a                                                <shift-j> Jump Owner   <s>          \/            \/
 MEM:     n/a
┌───────────────────────────────────────────────── Pods(all)[11] ─────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ NAMESPACE↑          NAME                                        PF READY STATUS   RESTARTS IP          NODE     │
│ solo-setup     console-557956d575-4r5xm                    ●  1/1   Running         0  solo-con │
│ solo-setup     minio-operator-7d575c5f84-8shc9             ●  1/1   Running         0  solo-con │
│ kube-system         coredns-5d78c9869d-6cfbg                    ●  1/1   Running         0  solo-con │
│ kube-system         coredns-5d78c9869d-gxcjz                    ●  1/1   Running         0  solo-con │
│ kube-system         etcd-solo-control-plane                     ●  1/1   Running         0  solo-con │
│ kube-system         kindnet-k75z6                               ●  1/1   Running         0  solo-con │
│ kube-system         kube-apiserver-solo-control-plane           ●  1/1   Running         0  solo-con │
│ kube-system         kube-controller-manager-solo-control-plane  ●  1/1   Running         0  solo-con │
│ kube-system         kube-proxy-cct7t                            ●  1/1   Running         0  solo-con │
│ kube-system         kube-scheduler-solo-control-plane           ●  1/1   Running         0  solo-con │
│ local-path-storage  local-path-provisioner-6bc4bddd6b-gwdp6     ●  1/1   Running         0  solo-con │
│                                                                                                                 │
│                                                                                                                 │


Example - 1: Deploy a standalone test network (version 0.54.0-alpha.4)

  • Initialize solo with tag v0.54.0-alpha.4 and list of node names node1,node2,node3:
# reset .solo directory
rm -rf ~/.solo

solo init -t v0.54.0-alpha.4 -i node1,node2,node3 -n "${SOLO_NAMESPACE}" -s "${SOLO_CLUSTER_SETUP_NAMESPACE}"
  • Example output

******************************* Solo *********************************************
Version			: 0.31.0
Kubernetes Context	: kind-solo
Kubernetes Cluster	: kind-solo
Kubernetes Namespace	: solo
�✔� Setup home directory and cache
�✔� Check dependency: helm [OS: linux, Release: 5.15.0-119-generic, Arch: x64]
�✔� Check dependencies
�✔� Setup chart manager

Note: solo stores various artifacts (config, logs, keys etc.) in its home directory: /home/runner/.solo
If a full reset is needed, delete the directory or relevant sub-directories before running 'solo init'.
�✔� Copy templates in '/home/runner/.solo/cache'
  • Generate pem formatted node keys
solo node keys --gossip-keys --tls-keys
  • Example output

******************************* Solo *********************************************
Version			: 0.31.0
Kubernetes Context	: kind-solo
Kubernetes Cluster	: kind-solo
Kubernetes Namespace	: solo
�✔� Initialize
�✔� Backup old files
�✔� Gossip key for node: node1
�✔� Gossip key for node: node2
�✔� Gossip key for node: node3
�✔� Generate gossip keys
�✔� Backup old files
�✔� TLS key for node: node1
�✔� TLS key for node: node2
�✔� TLS key for node: node3
�✔� Generate gRPC TLS keys
�✔� Finalize

PEM key files are generated in ~/.solo/keys directory.

hedera-node1.crt    hedera-node3.crt    s-private-node1.pem s-public-node1.pem  unused-gossip-pem
hedera-node1.key    hedera-node3.key    s-private-node2.pem s-public-node2.pem  unused-tls
hedera-node2.crt    hedera-node4.crt    s-private-node3.pem s-public-node3.pem
hedera-node2.key    hedera-node4.key    s-private-node4.pem s-public-node4.pem
  • Setup cluster with shared components
solo cluster setup
  • Example output

******************************* Solo *********************************************
Version			: 0.31.0
Kubernetes Context	: kind-solo
Kubernetes Cluster	: kind-solo
Kubernetes Namespace	: solo
�✔� Initialize
�✔� Prepare chart values
�✔� Install 'solo-cluster-setup' chart

In a separate terminal, you may run k9s to view the pod status.

  • Deploy helm chart with Hedera network components
    • It may take a while (5~15 minutes depending on your internet speed) to download various docker images and get the pods started.
    • If it fails, ensure you have enough resources allocated for Docker engine and retry the command.
solo network deploy
  • Example output

******************************* Solo *********************************************
Version			: 0.31.0
Kubernetes Context	: kind-solo
Kubernetes Cluster	: kind-solo
Kubernetes Namespace	: solo
�✔� Initialize
�✔� Copy Gossip keys to staging
�✔� Copy gRPC TLS keys to staging
�✔� Prepare staging directory
�✔� Copy Gossip keys
�✔� Node: node1
�✔� Copy Gossip keys
�✔� Node: node3
�✔� Copy TLS keys
�✔� Copy Gossip keys
�✔� Node: node2
�✔� Copy node keys to secrets
�✔� Install chart 'solo-deployment'
�✔� Check Node: node1
�✔� Check Node: node2
�✔� Check Node: node3
�✔� Check node pods are running
�✔� Check Envoy Proxy for: node2
�✔� Check Envoy Proxy for: node1
�✔� Check Envoy Proxy for: node3
�✔� Check HAProxy for: node1
�✔� Check HAProxy for: node3
�✔� Check HAProxy for: node2
�✔� Check proxy pods are running
�✔� Check MinIO
�✔� Check auxiliary pods are ready
  • Setup node with Hedera platform software.
solo node setup
  • Example output

******************************* Solo *********************************************
Version			: 0.31.0
Kubernetes Context	: kind-solo
Kubernetes Cluster	: kind-solo
Kubernetes Namespace	: solo
�✔� Initialize
�✔� Check network pod: node1
�✔� Check network pod: node3
�✔� Check network pod: node2
�✔� Identify network pods
�✔� Update node: node3 [ platformVersion = v0.54.0-alpha.4 ]
�✔� Update node: node2 [ platformVersion = v0.54.0-alpha.4 ]
�✔� Update node: node1 [ platformVersion = v0.54.0-alpha.4 ]
�✔� Fetch platform software into network nodes
�✔� Set file permissions
�✔� Node: node1
�✔� Set file permissions
�✔� Node: node3
�✔� Set file permissions
�✔� Node: node2
�✔� Setup network nodes
  • Start the nodes
solo node start
  • Example output

******************************* Solo *********************************************
Version			: 0.31.0
Kubernetes Context	: kind-solo
Kubernetes Cluster	: kind-solo
Kubernetes Namespace	: solo
�✔� Initialize
�✔� Check network pod: node3
�✔� Check network pod: node1
�✔� Check network pod: node2
�✔� Identify existing network nodes
�✔� Start node: node1
�✔� Start node: node3
�✔� Start node: node2
�✔� Starting nodes
�✔� Check network pod: node1  - status ACTIVE, attempt: 16/120
�✔� Check network pod: node2  - status ACTIVE, attempt: 17/120
�✔� Check network pod: node3  - status ACTIVE, attempt: 17/120
�✔� Check nodes are ACTIVE
�✔� Check proxy for node: node1
�✔� Check proxy for node: node2
�✔� Check proxy for node: node3
�✔� Check node proxies are ACTIVE
�✔� Adding stake for node: node1
�✔� Adding stake for node: node2
�✔� Adding stake for node: node3
�✔� Add node stakes
  • Deploy mirror node
solo mirror-node deploy
  • Example output

******************************* Solo *********************************************
Version			: 0.31.0
Kubernetes Context	: kind-solo
Kubernetes Cluster	: kind-solo
Kubernetes Namespace	: solo
�✔� Initialize
�✔� Prepare address book
�✔� Deploy mirror-node
�✔� Enable mirror-node
�✔� Check Hedera Explorer
�✔� Check Postgres DB
�✔� Check GRPC
�✔� Check Monitor
�✔� Check Importer
�✔� Check REST API
�✔� Check pods are ready
�✔� Insert data in public.file_data
�✔� Seed DB data
  • Deploy a JSON RPC relay
solo relay deploy
  • Example output

******************************* Solo *********************************************
Version			: 0.31.0
Kubernetes Context	: kind-solo
Kubernetes Cluster	: kind-solo
Kubernetes Namespace	: solo

You may view the list of pods using k9s as below:

Context: kind-solo                                <0> all   <a>       Attach       <ctr… ____  __.________
 Cluster: kind-solo                                          <ctrl-d>  Delete       <l>  |    |/ _/   __   \______
 User:    kind-solo                                          <d>       Describe     <p>  |      < \____    /  ___/
 K9s Rev: v0.32.5                                            <e>       Edit         <shif|    |  \   /    /\___ \
 K8s Rev: v1.27.3                                            <?>       Help         <z>  |____|__ \ /____//____  >
 CPU:     n/a                                                <shift-j> Jump Owner   <s>          \/            \/
 MEM:     n/a
┌───────────────────────────────────────────────── Pods(all)[31] ─────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ NAMESPACE↑          NAME                                                           PF READY STATUS   RESTARTS I │
│ kube-system         coredns-5d78c9869d-994t4                                       ●  1/1   Running         0 1 │
│ kube-system         coredns-5d78c9869d-vgt4q                                       ●  1/1   Running         0 1 │
│ kube-system         etcd-solo-control-plane                                        ●  1/1   Running         0 1 │
│ kube-system         kindnet-q26c9                                                  ●  1/1   Running         0 1 │
│ kube-system         kube-apiserver-solo-control-plane                              ●  1/1   Running         0 1 │
│ kube-system         kube-controller-manager-solo-control-plane                     ●  1/1   Running         0 1 │
│ kube-system         kube-proxy-9b27j                                               ●  1/1   Running         0 1 │
│ kube-system         kube-scheduler-solo-control-plane                              ●  1/1   Running         0 1 │
│ local-path-storage  local-path-provisioner-6bc4bddd6b-4mv8c                        ●  1/1   Running         0 1 │
│ solo                envoy-proxy-node1-65f8879dcc-rwg97                             ●  1/1   Running         0 1 │
│ solo                envoy-proxy-node2-667f848689-628cx                             ●  1/1   Running         0 1 │
│ solo                envoy-proxy-node3-6bb4b4cbdf-dmwtr                             ●  1/1   Running         0 1 │
│ solo                solo-deployment-grpc-75bb9c6c55-l7kvt                     ●  1/1   Running         0 1 │
│ solo                solo-deployment-hedera-explorer-6565ccb4cb-9dbw2          ●  1/1   Running         0 1 │
│ solo                solo-deployment-importer-dd74fd466-vs4mb                  ●  1/1   Running         0 1 │
│ solo                solo-deployment-monitor-54b8f57db9-fn5qq                  ●  1/1   Running         0 1 │
│ solo                solo-deployment-postgres-postgresql-0                     ●  1/1   Running         0 1 │
│ solo                solo-deployment-redis-node-0                              ●  2/2   Running         0 1 │
│ solo                solo-deployment-rest-6d48f8dbfc-plbp2                     ●  1/1   Running         0 1 │
│ solo                solo-deployment-restjava-5d6c4cb648-r597f                 ●  1/1   Running         0 1 │
│ solo                solo-deployment-web3-55fdfbc7f7-lzhfl                     ●  1/1   Running         0 1 │
│ solo                haproxy-node1-785b9b6f9b-676mr                                 ●  1/1   Running         1 1 │
│ solo                haproxy-node2-644b8c76d-v9mg6                                  ●  1/1   Running         1 1 │
│ solo                haproxy-node3-fbffdb64-272t2                                   ●  1/1   Running         1 1 │
│ solo                minio-pool-1-0                                                 ●  2/2   Running         1 1 │
│ solo                network-node1-0                                                ●  5/5   Running         2 1 │
│ solo                network-node2-0                                                ●  5/5   Running         2 1 │
│ solo                network-node3-0                                                ●  5/5   Running         2 1 │
│ solo                relay-node1-node2-node3-hedera-json-rpc-relay-ddd4c8d8b-hdlpb  ●  1/1   Running         0 1 │
│ solo-cluster        console-557956d575-c5qp7                                       ●  1/1   Running         0 1 │
│ solo-cluster        minio-operator-7d575c5f84-xdwwz                                ●  1/1   Running         0 1 │
│                                                                                                                 │

Access Hedera Network services

Once the nodes are up, you may now expose various services (using k9s (shift-f) or kubectl port-forward) and access. Below are most used services that you may expose.

  • Node services: network-<node ID>-svc
  • HAProxy: haproxy-<node ID>-svc
    # enable portforwarding for haproxy
    # node1 grpc port accessed by localhost:50211
    kubectl port-forward svc/haproxy-node1-svc -n "${SOLO_NAMESPACE}" 50211:50211 &
    # node2 grpc port accessed by localhost:51211
    kubectl port-forward svc/haproxy-node2-svc -n "${SOLO_NAMESPACE}" 51211:50211 &
    # node3 grpc port accessed by localhost:52211
    kubectl port-forward svc/haproxy-node3-svc -n "${SOLO_NAMESPACE}" 52211:50211 &
  • Envoy Proxy: envoy-proxy-<node ID>-svc
  • Hedera explorer: solo-deployment-hedera-explorer
  • JSON Rpc Relays
    • You can deploy JSON RPC relays for one or more nodes as below:
    solo relay deploy -i node1
    # enable relay for node1
    kubectl port-forward svc/relay-node1-hedera-json-rpc-relay -n "${SOLO_NAMESPACE}" 7546:7546 &

Example output

******************************* Solo *********************************************
Version			: 0.31.0
Kubernetes Context	: kind-solo
Kubernetes Cluster	: kind-solo
Kubernetes Namespace	: solo
�✔� Initialize
�✔� Prepare chart values
�✔� Deploy JSON RPC Relay
�✔� Check relay is ready

For Developers Working on Hedera Service Repo

First, please clone hedera service repo and build the code with ./gradlew assemble. If need to running nodes with different versions or releases, please duplicate the repo or build directories in multiple directories, checkout to the respective version and build the code.

To set customized settings.txt file, edit the file ~/.solo/cache/templates/settings.txt after solo init command.

Then you can start customized built hedera network with the following command:

solo node setup --local-build-path <default path to hedera repo>,node1=<custom build hedera repo>,node2=<custom build repo>

# example: solo node setup --local-build-path node1=../hedera-services/hedera-node/data/,../hedera-services/hedera-node/data,node3=../hedera-services/hedera-node/data

For Developers Working on Platform core

To deploy node with local build PTT jar files, run the following command:

solo node setup --local-build-path <default path to hedera repo>,node1=<custom build hedera repo>,node2=<custom build repo> --app PlatformTestingTool.jar --app-config <path-to-test-json1,path-to-test-json2>

# example: solo node setup --local-build-path ../hedera-services/platform-sdk/sdk/data,node1=../hedera-services/platform-sdk/sdk/data,node2=../hedera-services/platform-sdk/sdk/data --app PlatformTestingTool.jar --app-config ../hedera-services/platform-sdk/platform-apps/tests/PlatformTestingTool/src/main/resources/FCMFCQ-Basic-2.5k-5m.json


You can find log for running solo command under the directory ~/.solo/logs/ The file solo.log contains the logs for the solo command. The file hashgraph-sdk.log contains the logs from Solo client when sending transactions to network nodes.

Using IntelliJ remote debug with Solo

NOTE: the hedera-services path referenced '../hedera-services/hedera-node/data' may need to be updated based on what directory you are currently in. This also assumes that you have done an assemble/build and the directory contents are up-to-date.

Example 1: attach jvm debugger to a hedera node

solo node keys --gossip-keys --tls-keys
solo network deploy -i node1,node2,node3 --debug-nodeid node2
solo node setup -i node1,node2,node3 --local-build-path ../hedera-services/hedera-node/data
solo node start -i node1,node2,node3 --debug-nodeid node2

Once you see the following message, you can launch jvm debugger from Intellij

  Check node: node1,
  Check node: node3,  Please attach JVM debugger now.
  Check node: node4,

Example 2: attach jvm debugger with node add operation

solo node keys --gossip-keys --tls-keys
solo network deploy -i node1,node2,node3 --pvcs
solo node setup -i node1,node2,node3 --local-build-path ../hedera-services/hedera-node/data
solo node start -i node1,node2,node3
solo node add --gossip-keys --tls-keys --node-id node4 --debug-nodeid node4 --local-build-path ../hedera-services/hedera-node/data

Example 3: attach jvm debugger with node update operation

solo node keys --gossip-keys --tls-keys
solo network deploy -i node1,node2,node3
solo node setup -i node1,node2,node3 --local-build-path ../hedera-services/hedera-node/data
solo node start -i node1,node2,node3
solo node update --node-id node2  --debug-nodeid node2 --local-build-path ../hedera-services/hedera-node/data --new-account-number 0.0.7 --gossip-public-key ./s-public-node2.pem --gossip-private-key ./s-private-node2.pem --agreement-public-key ./a-public-node2.pem --agreement-private-key ./a-private-node2.pem

Example 4: attach jvm debugger with node delete operation

solo node keys --gossip-keys --tls-keys
solo network deploy -i node1,node2,node3,node4
solo node setup -i node1,node2,node3,node4 --local-build-path ../hedera-services/hedera-node/data
solo node start -i node1,node2,node3,node4
solo node delete --node-id node2  --debug-nodeid node3


If you have a question on how to use the product, please see our support guide.


Contributions are welcome. Please see the contributing guide to see how you can get involved.

Code of Conduct

This project is governed by the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code of conduct.


Apache License 2.0