This package installs scripts that can run from the command line. In addition, the script deploys applications to the HAPI K8s Clusters.
AWS Login (Within appropriate AWS Account)
Kubectl config file
aws eks --region us-east-1 update-kubeconfig --name adexk8s-eks-cluster-{stack} --alias env-{stack}
git clone repository.
cd hapi-k8s-deploy/
pip install .
cd hapi-k8s-deploy/
pip install -U .
Must set ENV Variable or pass in ECR_ACCOUNT_ID
export ECR_ACCOUNT_ID={{ ECR Account Id }}
Must be logged into the appropriate AWS account for secrets stack/secretname
to exist.
usage: k8sdeploy [-h] [-s STACK] [-a ACTION] [-d] [-f FILENAME] [-e ECR_ACCOUNT_ID]
Create K8s artifacts within cluster.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s STACK, --stack STACK
-a ACTION, --action ACTION
Action verb: create, delete, apply (default='apply')
-d, --delete-namespace
Delete Namespace: only used if action is 'delete'
-f FILENAME, --filename FILENAME
Specific filename to pass in k8s vars yaml file. Default: {current
-e ECR_ACCOUNT_ID, --ecr-account-id ECR_ACCOUNT_ID
ECR Account ID. Default: Environment Variable 'ECR_ACCOUNT_ID'
Variable | Type | Description | Default Value |
deploy_type | string | deploy type: api,job,cronjob | api |
target_namespace | string | Required field - Kubernetes namespace | default |
target_app_name | string | Required field with application name (Alphanumeric with dash separator) | |
target_app_port | int | required field - port exposed within container | |
target_image_name | string | Optional image name of ECR image | target_app_name |
target_image_tag | string | Required field - Specific image tag within ECR | |
target_app_secrets_ref | json | Optional AWS Secrets Manager secret references | |
target_app_env | json | Optional environment values to pass to the container | |
target_memory_mb | int | Memory allocated to the container | Not used currently |
target_replica_count | int | Optional field - Desired container count | 3 |
create_ingress | string | Optional Boolean | true |
create_service | string | deploy a service | true |
ingress_hostname | string | Required field if create_ingress is True - Hostname for ALB | |
ingress_path | string | Optional field if create_ingress is True - Path route to set within ALB | / |
ingress_health_check_path | string | Optional field if create_ingress is True - Health Check Path | / |
successful_response_codes | string | Optional field if create_ingress is True - Health Check Path | '200' |
ingress_load_balancer_name | string | Required Field if create_ingress is True - Name of AWS ALB | |
ingress_group_name | string | Application Load Balancer group, combine multiple applications within one ALB | ingress_load_balancer_name |
ingress_inbound_security_groups | string | Inbound Security group Ids | Apigee Edge IPs and DMSDEVOPS Tunnel |
ingress_tags | string | Comma separated string of default tags added to ingress | "Name={{ ingress_load_balancer_name }},dms_app_family=adex,dms_service=adex,dms_stack={{ stack }},environment={{ environment }},huit_assetid=9301,product=adexk8s,waf-type=external-alb" |
ingress_additional_tags | string | additional tags you want added to ingress | '' |
deploy_type=job or cronjob
Variable | Type | Description | Default Value |
job_interval | string | Cron Syntax if job_interval not set will perform once as a Kubernetes Job. | None |
restart_policy | string | Restart Policy: Never or OnFailure is allowed. | OnFailure |
backoff_limit | string | There are situations where you want to fail a Job after some amount of retries due to a logical error. Specify the number of retries before considering a Job as failed. | 6 |
concurrency_policy | string | Specifies how to treat concurrent executions of a job that is created by this CronJob. Concurrency policies: Allow, Forbid, Replace | Allow |
Variable | Type | Description | Default Value |
target_volume_mount | list of objects | description of volume mounts | | | string | name of volume | |
target_volume_mount.path | string | path of mount | |
target_volume_mount.type | string | secret or configmap | |
target_volume_mount.secret_name | string | specific secret name added outside of deploy process | secret name generated by deploy process |
target_volume_mount.configmap_name | string | specific configmap name added outside of deploy process | configmap name generated by deploy process |
target_volume_mount.mode | string | file permissions | 420 |
target_volume_mount.data_items | list of objects | key and path | |
target_volume_mount.data_items.key | string | key within secret or configmap | |
target_volume_mount.data_items.path | string | path with filename |