Interactive Fiction engine in Haskell and some games (under HIF.Games
) using it.
Implements an ECS in which the game is built up incrementally inside the State monad.
The following example from HIF.Games.ExampleGame
implements a simple game demonstrating most of the functionality. Click below to view a cast of the example code in action.
buildGame :: App ()
buildGame = do
-- Create a few locations.
forest <- mkLocation "forest"
clearing <- mkLocation "clearing"
unknown <- mkLocation "unknown location"
-- Link the locations geographically.
-- We need to specify both directions, because we allow for non-reversible paths.
forest `isSouthOf` clearing
clearing `isNorthOf` forest
-- Add a simple constant description to the forest and the through-the-portal place.
"A thick, overgrown forest. Little sunlight penetrates the canopy overhead."
"The land beyond the portal is strange beyond description. Say 'end' to conclude the game."
-- Create and describe the player.
player <- mkPlayer "yourself" forest
describeC player "You are a weary adventurer, wandering this forest."
-- Create a simple, interactable object that appears in the clearing.
-- It can be referred to by the alias 'chain'.
-- By making it 'Storable' it can be picked up, and by 'Wearable' can be worn.
necklace <- mkSimpleObj "necklace" ["necklace", "chain"] (Just clearing)
describeC necklace "A simple golden necklace. It radiates mystery. You should try it on."
modifyEntity (set storable Storable) necklace
modifyEntity (set wearable Wearable) necklace
-- Add a dynamic description to the clearing.
-- Whenever the description is called upon, the lambda will be called
-- with an up-to-date view of the 'clearing' entity.
describe clearing $ const do
wearingNecklace <- player `isWearing` necklace
if wearingNecklace
then return "A clearing in the forest. The necklace you found has caused a portal to open."
else return "An unremarkable clearing in the otherwise dense forest."
-- Add a watcher that opens and closes the portal based on the status of the necklace.
-- All watchers trigger each turn.
addWatcher do
wearingNecklace <- player `isWearing` necklace
if wearingNecklace
then unknown `isNorthOf` clearing
else modifyEntity (set toNorth Nothing) clearing
-- 'Win' the game by following the instructions to say 'end'
addSayHandler (\words -> when (words == "end") setGameOver)
-- Finally, add an achievement for eating the necklace...
registerAchievement "Fool's Gold"
modifyEntity (set edible Edible) necklace
addEatHandler necklace $ const do
logT "You struggle, but manage to swallow the necklace whole."
addAchievement $ Achievement "Fool's Gold" "You should fix up your diet..."
-- The below will kick off the game loop after constructing the above game.
main :: IO ()
main = runWithBuilder buildGame
We can write some nice declarative tests for the above as follows:
main :: IO ()
main = hspec do
describe "ExampleGame" do
it "is winnable" do
[ "go north"
, "get necklace"
, "wear necklace"
, "go north"
, "say end"
[ gets (view gameOver) ]
it "can't be won without wearing the necklace" do
[ "go north"
, "go north"
[ lastInstructionFailed ]
`stack run <bin-name>` should suffice; also `stack –nix` on Nix systems (though `stack –nix ghci` is broken on macOS, a known issue).