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/_/ \_\__,_|\__,_| \___/|_| |_|
A HipChat Add-On that provides an endpoint for Segment.io to post events to. The events are then sent to a HipChat room as notifications. The project was started using the HipChat Add-On Generator.
This is a Sinatra application that uses MongoDB for storage. You need to clone it and deploy it to, say, Heroku and MongoLab.
You will also need to set four environment variables as follows:
- MONGO_URL=mongodb://username:[email protected]:27739/database-name
- BASE_URI=http://your-hipchat-add-on.herokuapp.com
- HIPCHAT_SCOPES=send_notification
Then navigate to http://your-hipchat-add-on.herokuapp.com and install the HipChat Add-On.
Finally, in your Segment.io account, enable the WebHook integration and set the WebHook URL to http://your-hipchat-add-on.herokuapp.com/segment_io/AccountId/RoomIdOrName.
The HipChat room must already exist. You can retrieve the AccountId from the MongoDB database after you have installed the HipChat Add-On.
If you would like to contribute a bug fix or feature:
- Check that the latest version from the master branch does not contain an equivalent bug fix or feature.
- Fork the project.
- Create a bug fix or feature branch.
- Commit your changes and push until you are happy with your contribution.
- Create a pull request.
- Follow the same coding style as used in the project.
- Write good commit messages.
- Keep it simple: Any contribution that changes a lot of code or is difficult to understand should be discussed before you put in the effort.
© 2014 Martin Harrigan