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hwu30 authored and hwu30 committed Aug 16, 2019
0 parents commit 955a6e1
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Showing 12 changed files with 1,119 additions and 0 deletions.
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Package: Wind
Title: Wind: weighted indexes for clustering evaluation
Version: 0.9.1
Date: 2019-08-16
Author: Zhijin Wu <[email protected]>, Hao Wu <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Zhijin Wu <[email protected]>, Hao Wu <[email protected]>
Depends: R (>= 3.5), infotheo, matrixStats
Suggests: BiocStyle, knitr, rmarkdown
Description: This package provide two new metrics for evaluating cell clustering results
from single cell RNA-seq data: weighted Rand index (wRI)
and weighted normalized mutual information (wNMI). The new metrics
take into account the hierarchical structure of cell types
in evaluating the clustering result.
License: GPL
VignetteBuilder: knitr
biocViews: Sequencing, RNASeq, SingleCell

7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions R/wNMI.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
## functions for weighted normalized mutual information

## This function creates reference structure,
## given an expression matrix and true cell classes
createRef <- function(Y, classes) {
## normalize by total
ss = colMeans(Y)
ss = ss / median(ss)
Ynorm = sweep(Y, 2, ss, FUN="/")
## get cluster means
allClasses = unique(classes)
mY = matrix(0, nrow=nrow(Y), ncol=length(allClasses))
for(i in 1:length(allClasses)) {
ix = classes == allClasses[i]
mY[,i] = rowMeans(Ynorm[,ix])
colnames(mY) = allClasses

## select some marker genes to hclust
ix = selectMarker(mY)
mY2 = mY[ix,]
hc = hclust(dist(t(log(mY2+1))))

## create output
weights = rev(hc$height) / max(hc$height)
Ref = matrix(0, nrow=length(allClasses), ncol=length(allClasses)-1)
for(i in 2:length(allClasses))
Ref[,i-1] = cutree(hc,k=i)
rownames(Ref) = allClasses

list(Ref=Ref, weights=weights, hc=hc)


## function to select marker genes for creating reference structure
## I'm using the ones with the largest variance (of log counts), and the mean greater than 15
selectMarker <- function(YY) {
rr = matrixStats::rowVars(log(YY+1))
## rr = rowMeans(mY)
flag = rep(FALSE, length(rr))
ix = order(rr, decreasing=TRUE)[1:1000] ## select 1000 or so
flag[ix] = TRUE
flag[rowMeans(YY)<15] = FALSE
ix = which(flag)

## Weighte normalized mutual information
## Given the celltype structure, true classes and cluster result
## Note trueclass don't have to be the groud truth.
## It can just be a clustering of cells
wNMI <- function(ctStruct, trueclass, cluster, use.weight=TRUE) {
Ref = ctStruct$Ref
weights = ctStruct$weights
weights = rep(1, length(ctStruct$weights))

## create extended reference data with the same number of rows as Y
X = Ref[trueclass,]
X1 = cbind(1, X)
HX = rep(NA,ncol(X))
for(i in 2:ncol(X1)) {
HX[i-1] = condentropy(as.factor(X1[,i]), as.factor(X1[,i-1]) )

HX.Y = apply( X, 2, function(xxx) condentropy(as.factor(xxx),cluster) )
HX.Y = diff(c(0,HX.Y))
HX0 = sum(HX)
HY0 = entropy(cluster)
MI1 = (sum(HX*weights)-sum(HX.Y*weights)) / sum(HX*weights) #fraction of HX* explained by Y
NMI1 = MI1*HX0*2 / (HX0+HY0)

## adjusted entropy
aH <- function(X,d=rep(1,ncol(X))) {
X1 = cbind(rep(1,nrow(X)),X)
HX = rep(NA,ncol(X))

for(i in 2:ncol(X1)){
HX[i-1] = condentropy(X1[,i],X1[,i-1])

96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions R/wRI.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
## functions for weighted Rand Index (wRI)

## This function computes the weights used for weighted Rand Index,
## given an expression matrix and true cell classes
createWeights <- function(Y, classes) {
## normalize by total
ss = colMeans(Y)
ss = ss / median(ss)
Ynorm = sweep(Y, 2, ss, FUN="/")

## get cluster means
allClasses = unique(classes)
mY = matrix(0, nrow=nrow(Y), ncol=length(allClasses))
for(i in 1:length(allClasses)) {
ix = classes == allClasses[i]
mY[,i] = rowMeans(Ynorm[,ix])
colnames(mY) = allClasses

## select some marker genes - this step is tricky
ix = selectMarker(mY)
mY2 = mY[ix,]

## W1 is the correlation of cluster centers
W1 = cor(mY2) ## note it can be negative

## W0 is the average within group variances
W0 = matrix(1, nrow=nrow(W1), ncol=ncol(W1))
rownames(W0) = rownames(W1)
colnames(W0) = colnames(W1)
for( i in 1:nrow(W1) ) {
ix = classes==allClasses[i]
tmp = cor(Y[,ix])
diag(tmp) = NA
W0[i,i] = 1- mean(tmp, na.rm=TRUE)

list(W0=W0, W1=W1)

## The main Weighted Rand Index function
wRI <- function(trueclass, cluster, w0=NULL, w1=NULL) {
J = length(unique(trueclass)) #number of true classes

if (is.null(w0)) {
w0 = 1-diag(J)
colnames(w0) = names(table(trueclass))
} # credit for keeping celltype j1 and j2 separate
if (is.null(w1)) {
w1 = diag(J)
colnames(w1) = names(table(trueclass))

T1 = table(cluster, trueclass)
T1 = T1[,colnames(w0)]
T0 = table(trueclass, trueclass)
T0 = T0[colnames(w0), colnames(w0)]

S1 = GetScore(T1, w0=w0, w1=w1)
S0 = GetScore(T0, w0=w0, w1=w1)
wRI1 = sum(S1[1:4])/sum(S0[1:4]) ## weighted Rand Index

NI1 = (S1["N11"]+S1["N01"])/(S1["N11"]+S1["d0"]) #adjusted positive predicative value
NI2 = (S1["N00"]+S1["N10"])/(S1["b0"]+S1["c0"]) #adjusted negative predicative value
n = length(trueclass)
output = c("wRI"=wRI1,"NI1"=NI1,"NI2"=NI2,"p1"=(S1["N11"]+S1["d0"])/choose(n,2),
names(output) = c("wRI","NI1","NI2","p1", "p0")


GetScore <- function(T1, w0, w1) {
n = sum(T1)
J = ncol(T1)
I = nrow(T1)

a = sum(choose(T1,2)) # friends remain friends (N11)
c = d = 0 # c:friends separated (N10); d: foes called friends (N01)
b0 = c0 = d0 = 0

for(i in 1:I){
for( j in 1:J) {
c = c + sum(T1[i,j]*T1[-i,j]*w0[j,j])/2 #partial score in N10
d = d + sum(T1[i,j]*T1[i,-j]*w1[j,-j])/2 #partial score in N01

b0 = b0 + sum(T1[i,j]*colSums(matrix(T1[-i,-j],ncol=J-1)))/2
c0 = c0 + sum(T1[i,j]*T1[-i,j])/2
d0 = d0 + sum(T1[i,j]*T1[i,-j])/2
Binary file added data/Zhengmix8eq.RData
Binary file not shown.
61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions man/createRef.Rd
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@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
Create reference hierarchy for computing weighted normalized mutual
information (wNMI)

This function takes an expression matrix and true cell classes, and
returns two square (JxJ) matrices, where J is the
number of classes provided by true cell class.

createRef(Y, classes)
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
\item{Y}{The expression matrix. Rows are genes, columns are cells.}
\item{classes}{True cell classes.}

The weights used in wNMI are computed based on the heights of the branches
of the hierarchical tree of different cell types. We first compute mean
expression profiles for all cell types, and then select 1000 marker
genes using the same procedure as described in 'createWeights' function. A hierarchical tree
is then constructed based on the mean expression from marker genes. We
then obtain the tree height (from the bottom) at each branching
point. The ratios of these heights to the maximum tree height are used
as the weight in computing wNMI.

A list with following fields:
\item{Ref}{A matrix for the reference cell type clustering when
cutting the full hierarchical tree at different branching point. Each column
represents a cut. For example, if a column is [1,1,1,2,2,3], it
means the first 3 cell types are deemed in the same cluster, the
next two are in another cluster, and the last cell type is in a
cluster by itself.
\item{weights}{A vector for the relative tree heights at different
cut. This will be used as weights in computing wNMI.}
\item{hc}{An object of class 'hclust'. This is the hierarchical tree
of the reference cell types.}

Zhijin Wu <>, Hao Wu <>


ctStruct = createRef(Y, trueclass)
76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions man/createWeights.Rd
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@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@

Create weights used for computing weighted Rand Index (wRI)

This function takes an expression matrix and true cell classes, and
returns two square (JxJ) matrices, where J is the
number of classes provided by true cell class.

createWeights(Y, classes)

\item{Y}{The expression matrix. Rows are genes, columns are cells.}
\item{classes}{True cell classes.}

There are two weight matrices W1 (score for putting two cells in the
same cluster) and W0 (score for separating two cells in different
clusters). We set W1 has diagonal values 1 and off-diagonal less than
1. To obtain off-diagonal values entry (i,j) in W1, we compute the
mean expression profiles for all cell types from single-cell data, and
then use the Pearsons correlation of mean expression from cell types
i and j as W1[i,j]. Note that in general, correlations among
expression from different cell types are high because a majority of
genes are not differentially expressed among cell types. To make W1
scores more distinctive, we take a marker selection step to pick the
top 1000 genes with the largest variances of log expressions. The
Pearsons correlation of mean expression from these genes are then
taken as the off-diagonal values for W1[i,j].

We make W0 has off diagonal values 1 and diagonal between 0 and 1,
reflecting that keeping the
separation existing in the reference receives full credit, but
breaking a (weak) tie may not reduce the score completely to 0. We
compute W0[i,i] based on the inter-cellular expression variances within
cell type i. To be specific, we take expressions for all cells in cell
type i and compute their Pearsons correlations. W0[i,i] is defined as
1 minus the average inter-cellular Pearsons correlations from all
cells. Thus, for a tight cluster where the within cell type
correlation is high, the score will be closer to 0, indicating
stronger penalty for separating cells for such a cluster. On the other
hand, for a loose cluster where the within cell type correlation is
low, the score will be larger, indicating weaker penalty.

A list with following fields:
\item{W0}{A square matrix of dimension JxJ, where J is the
number of classes provided by true cell class. The (i,j)-th entry is
the score of separating two cells of types i and j in different
\item{W1}{A square matrix of dimension JxJ, where J is the
number of classes provided by by true cell class The(i,j)-th entry is
the score for putting two cells of different types in the same

Zhijin Wu <>, Hao Wu <>


weights = createWeights(Y, trueclass)

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