Neutral meson and Photon was analyzied concentrately in PWGGA at the past using public source code with other physics group. In currentl, GA (Neutral meson and Photon) group and JE (Jets) joined together to EM group. Detail explantation is shown below link. This analysis presents measurement of neutral meson inside jets with method of source code and root file for experiment data.
There are some data files which are experimental data and MC simulation data. If you want to contact, Please send me by mail of [email protected].
For detaily, GammaCalo_* which are analyzied by calorimetric mothod (EMCal, PHOS)
train config 950 by EMCal, 951-4 for cut studies of INT7 trigger, 961-4 for cut studies of EG1 trigger, 971-974 for cut stuides of EG2 trigger.
In addiditional to, 950_5,10,20GeV which is purpose for cut studies of jet minimum pT
GammaCalo_918 by PHOS, GammaConvV1_500 by PCM, GammaConvCalo_2300 by PCMEMC
In this section, some script code are for starter of afterburner, systematic error and cut studies. In additional to, each analysis for run code in each directory.
In "MainAnalysis" directory, There are presented each code with analysis neede for me without public source code.
It is important analysis of correction to measure particle, which is neutral meson correction function inside jets.
The dependence of jet minimum transvese momentum of neutral meson inside jets is shown in here.
Result root file can view below link with passward, which is also to contact me by mail [email protected]