The purpose of this library is to simplify the implementation of pagination library for specific use-cases. The current version supports the use-case when there is an infinite list coming from the network where we also need the state of the network call (we know if at the moment there is some data loading in the list or the loading has failed).
This version doesn't support pagination for lists with database caching and placeholders.
Basically what it wraps the google provided sample into a library
The library provides a helper method to create a PagedResult model which can be returned from your repository to your consumer. The consumer is able to use a delegate to build and publish PagedList from the PagedResult model. For the UI a RecyclerView.Adapter is introduced which handles the loading at the end of your list. Also some helper methods are introduced to ease the observation of the delegate. Currently only coroutines are supported, but RxJava or callback based implementation can be introduced too if they are requested.
// top level build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
// ...
maven {
url ""
credentials {
username = project.findProperty("GITHUB_USERNAME") ?: System.getenv("GITHUB_USERNAME")
password = project.findProperty("GITHUB_TOKEN") ?: System.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")
// OR
// top level build.gradle.kts
allprojects {
repositories {
// ...
maven {
url = uri("")
credentials {
username =["GITHUB_USERNAME"] as String? ?: System.getenv("GITHUB_USERNAME")
password =["GITHUB_TOKEN"] as String? ?: System.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")
Note: you only need one maven declaration with "halcyonmobile/{specific}", every other package will be accessible.
Tho following description contains the most basic setup and some common use-cases.
- Simple list without any modification
- Simple list with additional force-refresh
- Paginated search
- Paginated List that can be modified by the user
- Introducing additional Header items to the paginated list
Add the following dependency in your build.gradle file.
implementation ""
This is a simple example repository which presents the usage of the helper function when you don't need to modify the data, you just want to display it on the UI.
class FooRepository(private val fooRemoteSource: FooRemoteSource) {
fun get(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope): PagedResult<String, Foo, NetworkError> =
coroutineScope = coroutineScope,
request = { key: String, pageSize : Int -> fooRemoteSource.get(key, pageSize) },
initialPageKey = ""
// the signiture of the fooRemoteSource.get():
suspend fun get(key: String, pageSize: Int): Pair<List<Foo>, String>
//NetworkError is your specific exception which you throw when the network request failed.
Add the following dependency in your build.gradle file.
implementation ""
This is a simple example how to consume the PagedResult from the fooRepository.
class MainViewModel(
private val repository: FooRepository,
delegate : PagedListViewModelDelegate<String, Foo, NetworkError>
) : ViewModel(), PagedListViewModel<Foo, FooRemoteSource.NetworkError> by delegate {
init {
delegate.setupPagedListByRequest {
This will make your viewModel provide two livedata defined in PagedListViewModel interface. The values of these livedata will be set by the delegate using the PagedResult returned by the repository.
val pagedListResult: LiveData<PagedList<Foo>>
val state: LiveData<DataSourceState<NetworkError>>
A simple example that shows how to handle the PagedList with loading indicator at the end of the list.
class FooAdapter: LoadingMorePagedListAdapter<Foo, FooAdapter.MainViewHolder>(FooDiffUtilCallback()){
override fun getDataItemViewType(position: Int): Int = R.layout.item_foo
override fun onCreateDataItemViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): FooViewHolder = FooViewHolder(parent)
override fun onBindDataItemViewHolder(holder: FooViewHolder, position: Int) {
class FooViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup) : BindingViewHolder<ItemMainViewBinding>(parent, R.layout.item_foo){
fun bindData(foo: Foo){ = foo
class FooDiffUtilCallback : DiffUtil.ItemCallback<Foo>(){
override fun areItemsTheSame(oldItem: Foo, newItem: Foo): Boolean = ==
override fun areContentsTheSame(oldItem: Foo, newItem: Foo): Boolean =
oldItem == newItem
As you can see it's similar how you'd implement a PagedListAdapter. The only thing you have to consider is to not return the same viewType as for the laoding-more-indicator or loading-more-error-indicator. If you can't garantee this with the default values consider overriding them. You are able to switch out them completely if you need that.
Simple example how to tie your adapter to the viewModel.
val adapter = FooAdapter()
binding.recyclerView.adapter = adapter
binding.recyclerView.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
viewModel.observeList(this, adapter)
viewModel.observeInitialLoadingAndShowIndicator(this, binding.initialProgressBar)
viewModel.observeInitialErrorAndShowIndicator(this, binding.errorState) {
binding.errorState.retryView.setOnClickListener{ it.invoke() }
viewModel.observeEmptyStateAndShowIndicator(this, binding.emptyState)
You are in luck, that's a pretty common use case. You have two options:
- you either have job for the delegate call and cancel it and recreate the whole PagedResukt / PagedList etc
- or you add an invalidator to the createPagedResultFromRequest function and define a fetch method in the repository which invokes that invalidator
The first option is advised when you have something like a paginated search, because in this case you need to change the request parameters also. The second aproach is advised if your request should be in the same format, because in this case only the datasource will be recreated.
So for a simple force-refresh the second option is advices.
private val dataSourceInvalidator = DataSourceInvalidator<String, Foo>()
fun get(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope): PagedResult<String, Foo, NetworkError> =
coroutineScope = coroutineScope,
request = { key: String, pageSize : Int -> fooRemoteSource.get(key, pageSize) },
initialPageKey = "",
invalidator = dataSourceInvalidator
fun fetch(){
fun forceRefresh(){
val adapter = FooAdapter()
binding.recyclerView.adapter = adapter
binding.recyclerView.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
viewModel.observeList(this, adapter)
viewModel.observerLoadingAndUpdateSwipeRefreshLayout(this, binding.swipeRefreshLayout)
binding.swipeRefreshLayout.setOnRefreshListener { viewModel.onForceRefresh() }
viewModel.observeInitialErrorAndShowIndicator(this, binding.errorState) {
binding.errorState.retryView.setOnClickListener{ it.invoke() }
viewModel.observeEmptyStateAndShowIndicator(this, binding.emptyState)
And that's it, now on swipe-to-refresh you should see your data being discarded and the pages will start to load again.
Very well, that's a bit more tricky, but nothing too out of the ordinary. So what should we change? First you will need to implement your search api in your remote source with a "query" argument, then you can modify the repository.
fun get(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope, query: String): PagedResult<String, Foo, NetworkError> =
coroutineScope = coroutineScope,
request = { key: String, pageSize : Int -> fooRemoteSource.get(key, pageSize, query) },
initialPageKey = "",
invalidator = dataSourceInvalidator
Okay now you have a paginated list list defined by a query keyword, so what now?
You will need the first option mentioned under force-refresh section.
private var searchJob: Job? = null
private fun startRequests(query: String){
searchJob = viewModelScope.launch{
delegate.setupPagedListByRequest {
Now when your text changes or a search button is clicked, you notify your viewModel about it and call startRequests with the query, and that's it.
So it works with immutable lists, but I need to delete / modify / add element to the paginated list, now what?
Now you gonna write code. First things first, do NOT call notifyItemChanged/Deleted/Inserted on the adapter, you gonna shoot yourself in the foot with IndexOutOfBounds exceptions or inconsistent UI. So what should you do then?
Now you gonna need a cache, which stores all the values which is stored in the PagedList also, modify this cache however you wish and then invalidate the DataSource. This way the DataSource will be recreated, but it will get the values from the cache first and DiffUtil will call the appropiate notifyItemChanged/Deleted/Inserted methods for you. Cool, how do you do this?
Here is an example for Delete.
Introducing the caching class.
class FooPagedMemoryCache(){
private var cachedList: List<Foo>? = null
private var cachedKey: String? = null
fun get() : Pair<List<Foo>, String>?{
val key = cachedKey ?: return null
val list = cachedList ?: return null
return list to key
fun clear(){
cachedKey = null
cachedList = null
fun cache(pageToCache: List<Foo>, keyOfPageToCache: String){
cachedKey = keyOfPageToCache
list = list?.plus(pageToCache) ?: pageToCache
fun deleteFoo(foo: Foo){
cachedList = cachedList?.filterNot{ it == foo }
class FooRepository(fooPagedMemoryCache: FooPagedMemoryCache, fooRemoteSource: FooRemoteSource){
private val dataSourceInvalidator = DataSourceInvalidator<String, Foo>()
fun get(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope): PagedResult<String, Foo, NetworkError> {
fooPagedMemoryCache.clear() // this you only need if when the list is recreated you want a fetch
coroutineScope = coroutineScope,
request = { key: String, pageSize : Int -> getFromNetworkAndCacheIt(key, pageSize) },
initialPageKey = ""
invalidator = dataSourceInvalidator,
cache = { key : String, pageSize: Int -> fooPagedMemoryCache.get() }
private suspend fun getFromNetworkAndCacheIt(key: String, pageSize: Int) : Pair<List<Foo>, String>{
val data = fooRemoteSource.get(key, pageSize)
fooPagedMemoryCache.cache(data.first, data.second)
return data
// the order is important, if the request failed, you may not want to remove the element from the UI.
// also you have to change the cache Before you invalidate, that's because after invalidation it will get the data from the Cache, if it isn't modified, nothing will change.
// if you don't want to wait for the request to remove the element, but instead remote it instantly and reinsert it if the request failed, well that can be done by modifying the cache in similar fashion, but that's on you.
suspend fun deleteFoo(foo: Foo){
// add the following method
fun deleteFoo(foo: Foo){
try {
} catch(networkError: NetworkError){
// todo show snackbar or however you handle error
// todo show confirmation message or whatever is needed.
And that's it, now you can modify / delete / add elements.
In this case what you should do is to modify the list returned from the network, example for such modification in the repository can be found below.
class FooRepository(private val fooRemoteSource: FooRemoteSource) {
fun get(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope): PagedResult<String, Foo, NetworkError> =
coroutineScope = coroutineScope,
request = { key: String, pageSize : Int -> fooRemoteSource.get(key, pageSize) },
initialPageKey = ""
private suspend fun getDataFromNetworkAndMapIt(key: String, pageSize: Int) : Pair<List<Foo?>, String>{
val (list, key) = fooRemoteSource.get(key, pageSize)
return if (key.isInitial()){
listOf<Foo?>(null).plus(list) to key
} else {
list to key
To represent the header, a null was added add the start of the list, you may introduce a sealed class or something similar for more complex use-cases. As you can see you are responsible what data is paginated. The library only helps to handle the states and add a general guideline to avoid pitfalls.
You need to update your repository, it will look something like this:
lass BarRepository(
private val barRemoteSource: BarRemoteSource,
private val barLocalSource: SuspendValueLocalStorage<Int, Bar>,
private val keyLocalStorage: SuspendKeyLocalStorage<Int, Bar>
) {
fun get(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope): PagedResult<Int, Bar, NetworkError> =
coroutineScope = coroutineScope,
networkPageSize = 10,
keyLocalStorage = keyLocalStorage,
valueLocalStorage = barLocalSource,
request = barRemoteSource::get,
initialPageKey = 0
The barLocalSource and keyLocalStorage implementation will be coming from the app module.
You can also use ValueToKeyMapper instead of keyLocalStorage if the key can be extracted from the last value of the list.
The ui stays the same, you don't need to change anything there. What you need to do in the app is provide a LocalSource and a PageKeyLocalSource
LocalSource will look something like this:
class BarLocalSourceImpl(private val barDao: BarDao) : PagedSuspendLocalStorage<Int, Bar, BarEntity>(barDao) {
override fun valueEntityToValue(valueEntity: BarEntity): Bar = Bar(id =, title = valueEntity.something)
override fun valueToValueEntry(value: Bar): BarEntity = BarEntity(id =, something = value.title)
Where BarDao looks like this:
abstract class BarDao : SuspendPagedDao<Int, Bar, BarEntity> {
@Query("SELECT * from barEntity ORDER BY id")
abstract override fun getValueEntitiesFactory(): DataSource.Factory<Int, BarEntity>
abstract override suspend fun insert(valueEntities: List<BarEntity>)
For the PageKeyLocalSource you have two option:
- the page-key can be extracted from the last value
- the page has to be saved in the database
When the key can be extracted, you should implement ValueToKeyMapper, something like this:
class BarToPageKeyMapper: ValueToKeyMapper<String, Bar>() {
override fun mapValueToKey(value: Bar): String = value.nextPageKey
When the key has to be saved to the database you should implement SuspendKeyLocalStorage, will look something like this:
class BarPageKeyLocalSource(private val pagedKeyDao: PageKeyDao) : PagedSuspendKeyLocalStorage<Int, Bar, String, KeyEntity>(
BAR_PAGE_KEY_ID, pagedKeyDao), BarKeyLocalStorage {
override fun endToKeyEntity(): KeyEntity =
KeyEntity(keyEntityId, 0, true)
override fun keyToKeyEntity(key: Int): KeyEntity =
KeyEntity(keyEntityId, key.toLong(), false)
override fun keyEntityToKey(keyEntity: KeyEntity): KeyOrEndOfList<Int> =
if (keyEntity.isEnd) KeyOrEndOfList.EndReached() else KeyOrEndOfList.Key(keyEntity.value.toInt())
companion object {
private const val BAR_PAGE_KEY_ID = "BAR"
Where the pagedKeyDao looks like this:
abstract class PageKeyDao : SuspendKeyDao<String, KeyEntity> {
@Query("SELECT * FROM keyentity WHERE id = :id")
abstract override suspend fun get(id: String): KeyEntity
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
abstract override suspend fun insert(keyEntity: KeyEntity)
I have to show some additional data from the first request on the ui, what should I do? (example: number of items as a badge)
You need to update your RemoteSource to return a Triple instead of Pair, ListOfData, NextPageKey, AdditionalData Then you can use the WithAdditionalData builders to build a PagedResultWithAdditionalData.
Using With Database that needs an additional LocalStorage to store the additional data such as itemCount. This is really similar to the PagedKeyLocalStorage implementation. You need to implement SuspendAdditionalDataLocalStorage, there is a default implementation which you can extend PagedSuspendAdditionalDataLocalStorage.
Instead of using PagedListViewModel and PagedListViewModelDelegate you will use PagedListWithAdditionalDataViewModel and PagedListWithAdditionalDataViewModelDelegate.
Note: You can still use PagedListViewModel with the AdditionalDataDelegate, if you want the additional data to have some other name in the public api.
You only have to change in your viewModel: where you call the delegates function you should map the pagedResult the following way:
viewModelScope.launch {
delegate.setupPagedListByRequest(10, 10) {
valueToNewValue = {
// TODO map to your UI model
newValueToValue = {
// TODO map back from your UI model to the original model, that's needed so next page loading works properly
Do you have a common use-case which is not defined? Either write a ticket or implement it and we can add it to the library then.
That's the basic module containing the building blocks of the pagination and Interfaces so the it can be more specific.
An extension of the page module, which implements the interfaces in a way so the user of the module can use suspend lambdas instead of interfaces.
Contains the interface for the delegate, the Adapter and the helper observers
Contains a delegate which uses corutines.
If you use RxJava, consider writing a ticket, if enough people request it, I will write a pageui-rxJava / page-rxJava module. If you don't want to wait that much, simply write your own based on the example of page-coroutine / pageui-coroutine.
Copyright (c) 2020 Halcyon Mobile.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.