Releases: hadashiA/VContainer
Releases · hadashiA/VContainer
What's Changed
- Add non-generic Register(Type, Type, Lifetime) by @hadashiA in #614
- [website] Update docusaurus 3.1 by @hadashiA in #616
- Make ITickable not stop even if an exception is thrown. by @hadashiA in #617
- Make suer RootLifetimeScope should be Instantiate instead of prefab by @hadashiA in #627
- Add using new faster unity find object method by @LovorDev in #629
- [CI] release action more automated by @hadashiA in #626
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 1.14.0...1.15.0
What's Changed
- feat: add
arg builder toContainerBuilderUnityExtensions
by @SettingDust in #526 - Fix wrong method visibility by @left- in #516
- [sourcegenerator] Fix a bag that field type not referencing namespace by @hadashiA in #532
- Fix a memory leaking with CappedArrayPool by @hadashiA in #535
- Update register-type.mdx by @FogyX in #550
- Fixed injection on MonoBehaviours not working if the registration was made using base class identifier by @pnarimani in #559
- Update register-callbacks.mdx by @heymeepo in #547
- Add UnmanagedSystem support in ECS Integration by @stenyin in #467
- Remove ILPostProcessor and mono-cecil by @hadashiA in #548
- System.Object always passed to InjectTypeInfo by @AlonTalmi in #580
- Fix withParameter not working (With code generation) by @AlonTalmi in #578
- Fix withParameter not working by @adarapata in #457
- Fixed LifetimeScope's Container is null during build callback by @AlonTalmi in #586
- Fix compilation errors for C# 8 by @hadashiA in #590
- Move test to the out of package by @hadashiA in #591
- Support for Value Types delegate registration by @slimshader in #521
- Suppress warning by using SetParent() by @VeyronSakai in #593
- Support Incremental Source Generator by @hadashiA in #592
- Exposed IObjectResolver to prefab and parent finders in ComponentRegistrationBuilder by @AlonTalmi in #576
- Add open generic registration api and resolve feature by @DenisPimenov in #367
- Quick fix compilation errors by @hadashiA in #595
- Open generic bugfixes by @DenisPimenov in #596
- FIx for unity older version by @hadashiA in #602
- Fix diagnostic windows are not updating realtime by @PeraSite in #568
- Inject before awake when instantiating by @AlonTalmi in #575
- Awaitable support by @hadashiA in #601
- Add RegisterDisposeCallback and refine callback implementation by @hadashiA in #603
- Remove RegisterOpenGeneric instead of to use Register by @hadashiA in #604
- Add IObjectResolver.CreateInstance by @hadashiA in #607
- Increase visibility of RegistrationBuilder and InjectorCache to make VContainer more extensible. by @pnarimani in #564
- Revert "Add IObjectResolver.CreateInstance" by @hadashiA in #609
- 1.14.0 by @hadashiA in #608
Incremental Source Generator
Source Generator now using Roslyn 4.3.0.
- If your UNity version si 2022.2 or newer, use
- If your Unity version is 2022.1 or older, use
New Contributors
- @SettingDust made their first contribution in #526
- @left- made their first contribution in #516
- @FogyX made their first contribution in #550
- @pnarimani made their first contribution in #559
- @heymeepo made their first contribution in #547
- @stenyin made their first contribution in #467
- @AlonTalmi made their first contribution in #580
- @slimshader made their first contribution in #521
- @VeyronSakai made their first contribution in #593
- @DenisPimenov made their first contribution in #367
- @PeraSite made their first contribution in #568
Full Changelog: 1.13.2...1.14.0
What's Changed
- Add Unity.Collections reference by @chikacc in #495
- Root parenting fix by @voreshmag in #497
- Fix virtual member injection multiple calls by @hadashiA in #505
- [sourcegenerator] Exclude Attribute classes by @hadashiA in #510
- [website] Add docs about
by @hadashiA in #511 - Remove the sourcegenerator dll from default assets by @hadashiA in #512
- Support LifetimeScope.Enqueue* multiply by @hadashiA in #513
New Contributors
- @chikacc made their first contribution in #495
- @voreshmag made their first contribution in #497
Full Changelog: 1.13.1...1.13.2
What's Changed
- [website] Add docs about missiong steps to enalbe roslyn analyzer by @hadashiA in #478
- [sourcegenerator] Fix naming conflict for local vars by @hadashiA in #480
- Better LifetimeScope.EnqueueParent by @kamyker in #482
- [website] docusaurus 2.3 by @hadashiA in #484
- Fix asmdef entities expression to (0.60, 999) by @airtonmotoki in #481
- Supports private member injection into base classes. by @nishikawa-joro in #468
- [website] Add github star count by @hadashiA in #487
- 1.13.1 by @hadashiA in #485
New Contributors
- @kamyker made their first contribution in #482
- @airtonmotoki made their first contribution in #481
- @nishikawa-joro made their first contribution in #468
Full Changelog: 1.13.0...1.13.1
What's Changed
- fix typo in entrypoint.mdx by @ElisarEisenbach in #460
- Make ParentReference initializable by @IShix-g in #454
- Fix: Instantiation of a MonoBehaviour doesn't inject the entire instantiated GameObject by @alvinsay in #452
- Remove itself from Inspector's Parent by @IShix-g in #458
- Add VContainer.SourceGenerator by @hadashiA in #429
- 1.13.0 by @hadashiA in #476
New Contributors
- @ElisarEisenbach made their first contribution in #460
- @IShix-g made their first contribution in #454
Full Changelog: 1.12.0...1.13.0
What's Changed
- Fix an null ref error from root-lifetimescope that has not entrypoint by @hadashiA in #400
- Support for DomainReloading disalbe in unity 2022.1 by @hadashiA in #402
- Fix InjectAttribute by @YegorStepanov in #403
- Fix a compilation error with VCONTAINER_PARALLEL_CONTAINER_BUILD by @hadashiA in #405
- Use old behaviour when root.autorun=false by @YegorStepanov in #412
- Add option to delete (Clone) postfix by @YegorStepanov in #411
- Fix a issue with root lifetimescope running even though not play mode by @hadashiA in #406
- Make root.autoRun completely lazy by @YegorStepanov in #413
- LifetimeScope: added generic overloads for CreateChild() by @pspgit in #404
- Fixed a bug that entry-point events in Scoped/Transient does not work by @hadashiA in #425
- Fix MessagePipe link by @korinVR in #424
- Support
by @hadashiA in #419 - Fix root startup timing due to undefined behavior before scene load by @hadashiA in #418
- Update hello-world.mdx by @oywq2020 in #430
- Make Instantiate create objects in scope scene by @YegorStepanov in #414
- Fix some bugs by broken parent-child relationship by @hadashiA in #436
- Handle the case where a MonoBehaviour is null by @JesseTG in #444
- fix: Exception thrown when InjectGameObject is reentered by @alvinsay in #441
- Support ECS (beta) [email protected] support by @CodeWiesel in #439
- update: compatible to "enter play mode" by @joe2643 in #442
- 1.12.0 by @hadashiA in #450
New Contributors
- @YegorStepanov made their first contribution in #403
- @pspgit made their first contribution in #404
- @korinVR made their first contribution in #424
- @oywq2020 made their first contribution in #430
- @alvinsay made their first contribution in #441
- @joe2643 made their first contribution in #442
- @CodeWiesel
Full Changelog: 1.11.1...1.12.0
Bug fixes
- Fix collection resolve on parent @adarapata @hadashiA
- Fix a bug that RegisterComponentInHierarchy with As* #326 @hadashiA
- PrefabComponentProvider.SpawnInstance will change the spawned prefab's active state on failed injection
#331 @yanuararistya
- Fixed circular dependency checker when using interface #311 @hadashiA
- Fix Scope Parent searching when the parent is marked as DontDestroyOnLoad #299 @revolt3r
Improving Documentation
- Add documentationUrl and licenceUrl to package.json #290 @shiena
- Proofread constructor-injection.mdx #293 @JesseTG
- Proofread property-field-injection.mdx #294 @JesseTG
- Update method-injection.mdx #295 @JesseTG
- Proofread installation.mdx #296 @JesseTG
- Update register-factory.mdx #310 @JesseTG
- 日本語版の About ページ内のリンクを修正 #314 @adoringonion