Hadar Hai, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
The objective of this project is to develop a codebase that enables autonomous navigation for drones within urban settings using a trajectory planning algorithm. The autonomous drone will initiate its flight from a designated start position and maintain a constant height while navigating the most efficient route towards a specified goal position. Upon reaching the goal, the drone will enter a hovering state, signifying its arrival at the destination.
The drone's LIDAR sensor will be utilized to detect obstacles obstructing its flight path, thereby preventing a direct route to the goal position. Upon identifying such obstacles, the drone is required to implement an evasion strategy, circumventing the obstruction until a clear pathway to the goal is achievable.
The code is intended to be used on Windows 10 machines, and on a compact version of AirSim.
Therefore, if the normal AirSim installation does not work, please contact us for the slim version.
Install the Python environment.
- Create an environment.
python -m venv venv
pip install wheel
- Install the AirSim Python API dependencies.
pip install numpy msgpack-rpc-python matplotlib pandas shapely pyqt5
- Install AirSim Python API.
pip install airsim
- Install conda.
- Create a conda environment:
conda create --name autDrone python=3.8
- Activate the environment:
conda activate autDrone
- Install the AirSim API package:
pip install numpy msgpack-rpc-python matplotlib pandas airsim
- Make sure that the AirSim application is up and running.
- Run
using your desired path, e.g.:
python main.py --start_x -700 --start_y -1100 --end_x -1216 --end_y -372 --height -50
We provide in the Examples
directory several navigation examples in video format, using different heights and different paths used, for the following navigation paths:
We thank Hila Manor for contributing the needed resources for running the project.
The project was created as a part of course CS236927 of Computer Science faculty, Technion.