Releases: hackolade/Oracle
added commenting/filtering of DDL when schema is flagged as inactive
added a warning badge in the Properties Pane if an index does not have a name when required, disabled AS IDENTITY property when a column already has the flag enabled
added support for GENERATED ALWAYS AS expression, in addition to existing identity
added schema name before index name in CREATE INDEX script
added possibility to export composite primary keys and unique keys to Excel
added possibility to export composite primary keys and unique keys to Excel
Adjusted COMMENT ON statements for Materialized Views in DDL Script tab
Adjusted COMMENT ON statements for Materialized Views in DDL Script tab
added escaping of quotes in DDL comments forward-engineering
added escaping of quotes in DDL comments forward-engineering
added logic so unique key and primary key constraints are mutually exclusive
added logic so unique key and primary key constraints are mutually exclusive
added filtering of sequences and synonyms that are not used by the tables or views being reverse-engineered, added support for ON NULL clause for column default value
added filtering of sequences and synonyms that are not used by the tables or views being reverse-engineered, added support for ON NULL clause for column default value