Releases: hackolade/CockroachDB
Releases · hackolade/CockroachDB
added commenting/filtering of DDL when schema is flagged as inactive
added a warning badge in the Properties Pane if an index does not have a name when required
added possibility to export composite primary keys and unique keys to Excel, suppressed varchar default length when creating new column
added possibility to export composite primary keys and unique keys to Excel, suppressed varchar default length when creating new column
added logic so unique key and primary key constraints are mutually exclusive
added logic so unique key and primary key constraints are mutually exclusive
added possibility for a foreign key relationship to reference a parent column with a (composite) unique key constraint, even if it is not a primary key
added possibility for a foreign key relationship to reference a parent column with a (composite) unique key constraint, even if it is not a primary key
added commenting of trailing comma if last attribute is deactivated
added commenting of trailing comma if last attribute is deactivated
disabled wrapping of CURRENT_USER in quotes
disabled wrapping of CURRENT_USER in quotes
changed default object name
changed default object name
enabled same target reference to external table at entity level
enabled same target reference to external table at entity level