This is a platform agnostic rust driver for the TMC5160 Trinamic integrated stepper motor controller.
Fully supported in #![no_std]
An example can be found in examples/
To implement this driver, consult the example:
Put this into your cargo.toml
tmc5160 = { git = "" }
# required for the register configs to_u32_le() function
modular-bitfield-to-value = {git = ""}
Add the following imports:
use tmc5160::registers::*;
use tmc5160::{DataPacket, Error, Tmc5160};
// required for the to_u32_le() function.
use modular_bitfield_to_value::ToValue;
Configure the SPI bus in the main()
function as follows:
let spi = Spi::spi1(
(sck, miso, mosi),
which essentially is the same as:
let spi = dp.SPI1.spi(
(sclk, sdo, sdi),
spiMode {
polarity: Polarity::IdleHigh,
phase: Phase::CaptureOnSecondTransition,
and to use the driver, implement the driver as shown below:
// set up spi ...
// set up stepper driver
let mut stepper_driver = Tmc5160::new(spi, nss);
// optionally, you could attach an EN pin, which then lets you use the `enable()` and `disable()` functions:
// let mut stepper_driver = Tmc5160::new(spi, nss).attach_en(en);
// you could also invert this pin (normally not required):
// let mut stepper_driver = Tmc5160::new(spi, nss).attach_en(en).en_inverted(true);
// clear G_STAT register
match stepper_driver.clear_g_stat(){
Ok(packet) => {
sprintln!(in_out, "SPI status has been updated: {}", packet.status.to_u32_le().unwrap_or(0));
Err(error) => {
sprintln!(in_out, "Error clearing GSTAT is {:?}", error);
// read OFFSET
match stepper_driver.read_offset() {
Ok(offset) => {
sprintln!(in_out, "Stepper driver offset is {}", offset);
Err(error) => {
sprintln!(in_out, "Error for reading offset is {:?}", error);
// set G_CONF register
match stepper_driver.update_g_conf(){
Ok(packet) => {
sprintln!(in_out, "SPI status has been updated: {}", packet.status.to_u32_le().unwrap_or(0));
Err(error) => {
sprintln!(in_out, "Error for updating GCONF is {:?}", error);
match stepper_driver.read_drv_status() {
Ok(status) => {
// either use fields of the register
sprintln!(in_out, "Stepper driver is in standstill: {}", status.standstill());
// or extract the u32 value from the register
sprintln!(in_out, "Stepper driver DRV_STATUS register is {}", status.to_u32_le().unwrap_or(0));
sprintln!(in_out, "SPI status has been updated: {}", stepper_driver.status.to_u32_le().unwrap_or(0));
Err(error) => {
sprintln!(in_out, "Error for reading DRV_STATUS is {:?}", error);
match stepper_driver.read_gstat() {
Ok(status) => {
sprintln!(in_out, "Stepper GSTAT register is {}", status.to_u32_le().unwrap_or(0));
sprintln!(in_out, "SPI status has been updated: {}", stepper_driver.status.to_u32_le().unwrap_or(0));
Err(error) => {
sprintln!(in_out, "Error for reading GSTAT is {:?}", error);