In this workshop, you'll learn how all about Julia! Julia is a high-level and high-performance programming language that has gained some popularity in recent years. It's designed to be as easy to learn as Python while still giving users the speed of C/C++! Right now, it's mainly being used in Data Science and Technical Computing, but many people believe it will overtake Python in the near future. This is a great workshop to attend if you want to know an up-and-coming new tool
For this workshop, you will need to have a basic understanding of programming in general. Since this is a new language, you don't need to have knowledge of any specific language, but the content assumes you are not new to programming in general. A little bit of knowledge about compilers and general behind-the-scenes stuff about how programming languages work is helpful but not necessary to understand most of the content.
Today's workshop covers:
Julia Background:
Intro to Coding for Julia: