Deto (Deteksi Tumor Otak) is an application that is used to classify brain MRI photos to determine whether this photo has a brain tumor?
There are 4 labels, namely:
no_tumor = Normal glioma_tumor = Glioma tumor pituiry_tumor = Hypothesis Tumor meninglomia_tumor = Malignant Tumor we created an application that can detect brain tumors. We created 4 classes of the classification which are normal brain, glioma tumor, meningioma tumor, and pituitary tumor. Our application will give hospital recommendations for users so that they can get medical attention as soon as possible. In the application, we also create features so that users can search articles regarding brain tumors, such as how to avoid them, how to effectively overcome them, etc. To create the android application, we will use Kotlin as the programming language, Tensorflow to create the machine learning model for the image classification and detecting the brain tumor.
for the model you can look at :
for the Application source code at :
for the Application Apk at :