A virtual keyboard component built with VUE 3 and VITE.
Inspired from simple-keyboard by Francisco Hedge and from Keyboard(jQuery plugin) by Rob Garrison.
- Fully responsive.
- Supports unicode values in the layout. Both images and special characters.
- Supports dark and light theme out of the box. Using the user's preferred color scheme.
- Theme can be set with the built-in theme switcher. It uses local storage to remember the selected theme.
- 150 microsoft keyboard layouts included in the package.
- Add support for physical keyboard.
- Support for filtering layouts with includedLayouts prop.
- Support for providing default display option as prop.
- Add possibility to style one or more buttons different from the rest.
- Refactor keyboard button to accept multiple layout values and display them in the button.
- Fix function button issues.
- Fix issue with button rendering the space button. It gets the wrong css class so the styling is incorrect.
- Check missing microsoft layouts.
- Create new documentation (WIP).
- Add your own layout by following these steps.
- Exported Interfaces.
- Select options. Complete list.
- Default with theme and layout selector.
- Styled buttons.
- Demo with customized layout from app.
- Playground where devs can test their layouts(sandbox).
- List of QWERTY keyboard language variants
- README Icon's List
- Symbols Ascii code list
- Keyboard example
- Keyboard example
- Keyboard example
- Vue Search Select
Help is needed defining which images or text to use for the different keyboard layouts. Look at the German display definition below:
display: {
// eslint-disable sort-keys
'{alt}': `Alt`,
'{altleft}': `Alt`,
'{altright}': `Alt Gr`,
'{bksp}': `\u232b`,
'{caps}': `\u21ea`,
'{ctrl}': `Strg`,
'{ctrlleft}': `Strg`,
'{ctrlright}': `Strg`,
'{empty}': ` `,
'{enter}': `\u21A9`,
'{lock}': `caps \u21ea`,
'{shift}': `\u2191`,
'{shiftleft}': `\u2191`,
'{shiftright}': `\u2191`,
'{space}': ` `,
'{tab}': `\u2b7e`,
Create a new issue or report a bug.
If you enjoyed this project — or just feeling generous, consider buying me a beer. Cheers! 🍻
npm install
npm run dev
npm run build
npm run lint
npm run lint:style
npm run lint:fix
npm run build
In order to publish the package, you need to follow these steps
npm version patch -m "message"
git tag
git push --follow-tags
npm publish