These scripts have been used to train and evaluate convolutional classification restricted Boltzmann machines.
The code provided here was used for the experiments in
Combining Generative and Discriminative Representation Learning
for Lung CT Analysis with Convolutional Restricted Boltzmann Machines
by Gijs van Tulder and Marleen de Bruijne
in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (2016)
If you have any questions, comments or are using this code for something interesting, we would love to know. We would also appreciate it if you cite our paper if you use this code for your own publications.
For the most recent version of these files, see
February 2016
Gijs van Tulder
Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam
Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
The experiments were done on data from a public dataset for interstital lung diseases, which is described in
Building a reference multimedia database for interstitial lung diseases
by Adrien Depeursinge et al.
in Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (April 2012)
Once you have a copy of this dataset, you can use the MATLAB scripts in
to extract patches.
We have used this code with:
- Python 2.7 with NumPy, SciPy, scikit-learn, matplotlib
- Theano 0.7
The code uses a modified version of Morb, a modular RBM implementation in Theano. The modifications include support for classification RBMs.
You will need Ruby to run the glue scripts that generate the parameter sets and schedule the experiments.
See morb-repo/
for details, or go to
The original version of Morb by Sander Dieleman can be found at
The main components are:
: trains an
: loads an RBM and extracts and saves
: loads an RBM and performs
: loads a dataset and trains a random forest
These scripts are fairly generic and take a set of parameters to run. To run the actual experiments, we used two other scripts:
: creates the commands to train RBMs with various parameters and training and test foldsexperiment-planner.rb
: runs the random forest evaluations after the RBMs have been trained
As baselines, we used Leung-Malik and Schmidt filter banks. Code to generate
these filters can be found in the filter-banks/
Copyright (c) 2016 Gijs van Tulder / Erasmus MC, the Netherlands.
This code is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.