This collects Free Proxies/VPNs and Cloudflare Edgetunnel Domains for neobox, and parses version list for version-manager. And also restores the collected data into a github/gitee repository.
go install
mq@mqMac pxy % ./pxy -h
Proxy Collector Commands:
add-domain Adds rawDomains to rawDomain list.
add-subscribedUrls Adds urls to subscribedUrl list.
get-proxies Collects proxies.
reset-cryptokey Resets cryptoKey.
set-localproxy Sets local proxy for fetcher.
show-cryptokey Shows cryptoKey.
show-rawdomains Shows rawDomain list.
show-subscribedurls Shows subscribed urls.
test-domains Tests domains for edgetunnels.
version-add-repo Add github repos for parsing release list.
version-fetch Get version list for gvc.
Additional Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
-h, --help help for this command
Use " [command] --help" for more information about a command.