Pretty much a command line fork of the excellent Assembly Information package.
Scans a directory and optionally subdirectories for .NET assemblies compiled for debug.
Helpful to verify that your projects are being published in release mode.
Command line arguments:
/P[ath]=<relative or absolute path> Optionally specify the directory to begin scanning. Default is current directory
/S[ubdirectories] Current or chosen directory and all subdirectories
/D[istinct] Treat assemblies from different directories but with the same name as distinct
/R[egex] Optional search pattern. If included, this string is prepended to '.dll' and used for filename matching
I'd like to make a dotnet core version when dotnet core 2.0 gets released with support for the flags on DebuggableAttribute
C:\Code>CheckDebugFlags /S /P=. /D /R="DLL Name"