This is proof-of-concept prototype to work with Causal Loop Petri Nets, or just Causal Loop Nets (CLN).
The prototype includes:
- a small scala DSL to specify CLN
- calculation of reachability graphs
- visualization of CLN and reachability graphs
- verification of some properties
A CLN is a formal representation for Causal Loop Diagrams, which allows to verify some properties over them. The theory behind CLN is to appear in a paper published in CSD&M Asia'18.
To compile and run the prototype you can use sbt
(build tool for Scala) by executing the command sbt console
in the terminal under the project folder (clpn/).
After executing sbt console
you can import the necessary classes listed below, and
try some examples as follows.
import clpn._
import clpn.backend.Dot
import clpn.DSL._
import clpn.analysis.ReachabilityGraph._
import clpn.analysis.Verification._
// A CLN corresponding to the temperature CLD example below
// Initial marking set to an increase in variable 4 (desired temperature)
var tmp = newclpn ++ (
1 -->+ 2 by "t1",
2 -->- 3 by "t2",
3 -->+ 1 by "t3",
4 -->+ 3 by "t4"
) initMark((4, Set(1)))
// A similar CLN for the temperature example
// assuming an initial marking in two different variables, and
// a delay of 3 time units in transition t1
var tmpDelay = newclpn ++ (
1 -->+ 2 by "t1" in 3,
2 -->- 3 by "t2",
3 -->+ 1 by "t3",
4 -->+ 3 by "t4"
) initMark((4, Set(1)),(2,Set(-1)))
For example, the CLN tmp
corresponds to the CLD below,
with the following mapping between variable numbers and names: 1 -> Temperature Setting; 2 -> Actual temperature; 3 -> Gap; 4 -> Desired Temperature
We can obtain the reachability graph associated to a CLN by using the following command.
/// The behavior of a CLN, i.e., its reachability graph
val reachGraph = tmp.behavior
It is possible to translate a CLN and a reachability graph into a graph described in the dot
language. This way it is easy to visualize and debug CLN.
//outputs the CLN in dot format
//outputs the reachability graph obtained from the CLN in dot format
//outputs the reachability graph obtained from the CLN in dot format but showing only information associated to variable 2
For example the first command outputs the following dot description:
digraph G {
{node [xlabel="1",label="",shape="circle"] 1}
{node [xlabel="2",label="",shape="circle"] 2}
{node [xlabel="3",label="",shape="circle"] 3}
{node [xlabel="4",label="",shape="circle"] 4}
{node [label="t1\n+",shape="box",width=0.2, height=.4] t1}
{node [label="t2\n-",shape="box",width=0.2, height=.4] t2}
{node [label="t3\n+",shape="box",width=0.2, height=.4] t3}
{node [label="t4\n+",shape="box",width=0.2, height=.4] t4}
1 -> t1 -> 2
2 -> t2 -> 3
3 -> t3 -> 1
4 -> t4 -> 3
To visualize the resulting dot graph description, we can use an online tool for graphviz ( or through the command line if dot
is installed in the system, and
obtained the following figures.
CLN | Reachability Gragph |
Currently the prototype can help to verify properties regarding the behavior of a given variable v
. In particular,
we can verify if v
eventually exhibits an expected behavior.
We can ask this using two different methods, exists
and relaxedExists
. In both cases the methods take a reachability graph, a variable, and a list of tokens, which represents the property
or expected behavior.
In the exists
method, the lists of token is interpreted as it is, and can have any number of consecutive increas, decreas, or no change tokens.
The methods searches for a trace of states in the reachability graph such that the given variable behaves exactly as in the list of tokens.
In the relaxedExists
method, the list consists only of increase and decrease tokens, and it cannot have consecutive tokens of the same type.
The method searches for a trace of states in the reachability graph that satisfies the expected behavior using the simulation relation ~1.
We illustrate their use with some examples over the temperature CLN:
// returns = Trace(List(2, 3, 4, 5))
// returns = Trace(List())
// an empty trace means the property is not satisfied
// returns = Trace(List(1, 2, 3, 4))
Notice that List(Inc,Dec)
is a summary function for List(Inc,NC,NC,Dec)
using the simulation relation ~1.
In the relaxedExists
method example it doesn't matter if after the first increase there were more increases or no change, the method abstract of these using the simulation relation ~1.
We can visualize the trace in a graph by using the following command and obtain the figure below.
// Example 1
val traceExists = exists(tmp.behavior,1,List(Inc,NC,NC,Dec))
//Example 2
val traceRelaxed = relaxedExists(tmp.behavior,3,List(Inc,Dec))
// convert to dot the reachability graph and highlights the states in the trace
Example 1 (exists ) |
Example 2 (relaxedExists ) |