This is a Node.js/Typescript API that uses express.js
to manage the backend logic for the front-end application
First, fill the .env
file with the variables present in the .env.example
and use the appropriate values
To serve the API locally, run the commands:
nvm use // to set node version to 20.11.1
npm install // to install dependencies
npm run dev // to serve the project on http://localhost:3000/
The API has 3 endpoints, to be found in the src/routers
: healthcheck, should return { "message": "health OK" }
: requests a payment session to be used to build a payment component to the API, in the sandbox environment.
: requests the data necessary to generate a hosted payment page, also in's sandbox API.
The project uses a simple layer architecture, with routers, controllers, services and infra (http calls)
No database is being used, because the only external data needed is coming from