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1. Instruction
Author: | Rykka G.F |
Update: | 2014-08-09 |
Version: | 0.77 |
Github: | https://github.com/Rykka/riv.vim |
- 1 Instructions : Detailed Instructions
- 2 Appendix : Extra Infomations
This is the detailed Instruction for Riv.
To View the Riv Intro , Use :RivIntro
Following features are improved with vim built-in one.
Folding is a vim feature.
It shows a range of lines as a single line. Thus you can get a better overview of the document structures.
And you can operate the folded lines with one line actions, like: select(V), copy(yy), paste(p) ... Etc.
See :h folding
for more infos.
With Riv, Sections, lists, and blocks are folded automatically, And extra infos are provided.
Normal Mode
These 'z' folding commands can be used. Like 'zo' 'zc' ...
Also extra commands are provided.
Open/Close Folding:
Update Folding:
And foldings will be auto updated whilst writing buffer to file,
.You can disable it by setting 'g:riv_fold_auto_update' to 0.
NOTE: When you write to a file without updating folding, Previous folding structure of the document will be breaked. Manual updating is needed.
So use it with caution.
NOTE: When document's folding stucked, you can use :RivReload or
to reload document and the folding. -
Toggle Folding:
...You can define your own mappings for folding in your vimrc, I use
to toggle folding:nno <silent> <Space><Space> @=(foldclosed('.')>0?'zv':'zc')<CR>
Toggle folding with Cursor.
or double clicking on folded lines will open the fold. Likezo
or double clicking on section heading will close the fold of the section. Likezc
Extra Infos:
Some extra info of folded lines will be shown at the first line. And the number of folded lines will be shown.
- Folded Sections will show it's section number.
- Folded Todos will show the Todo progress in percentage.
- Folded Table will show number of rows and columns.
- 'g:riv_fold_info_pos' can be used to change info's position.
Extra Options:
To show the blank lines in the end of a folding, use 'g:riv_fold_blank'.
For large files. Calculate folding may cost time. So there are some options about it.
- 'g:riv_fold_level' set which structures to be fold.
- 'g:riv_auto_fold_force', 'g:riv_auto_fold1_lines', 'g:riv_auto_fold2_lines' reducing fold level when editing large files.
To open some of the fold when entering a file . You can use
:set fdls=1
or usemodeline
for some files:.. vim: fdls=0 :
Improved highlights for syntax items.
File Link are highlighted.
- normal style:
- extension style:
xxx.rst xxx.vim
- moinmoin style:
[[xxx]] [[xxx.vim]]
- Sphinx style:
:doc:`xxx` :download:`xxx.vim`
- normal style:
- Todos Item are highlighted.
- You can use
:set spell
for spell checking, andspell
is on in Literal-Block.
For the code
directives (also sourcecode
and code-block
Syntax highlighting of Specified languages are on
.. code:: python # python highlighting # github does not support syntax highlighting rendering for rst file yet. x = [0 for i in range(100)]
There are code block indicator for every code directives, It's first column of the line in code block are highlighted to indicate it's a code block.
You can disable it by setting g:riv_code_indicator to 0.
The highlights
directives in Sphinx could also be used to
highlight big block of codes.
.. highlights:: python x = [0 for i in range(100)] .. highlights::
- Use 'g:riv_highlight_code' to set which languages to be highlighted.
To highlighting codes in converted file, pygments package must installed for docutils to parse syntax highlighting. See http://docutils.sourceforge.net/sandbox/code-block-directive/tools/pygments-enhanced-front-ends/ |
Some item that could operate by cursor are highlighted when cursor is on.
- Links are highlighted in
- if the target file is invalid, it will be highlighted by '`g:riv_file_link_invalid_hl`_'
- Todo items are highlighted in
You can disable Cursor Highlighting by set 'g:riv_link_cursor_hl' to 0
For python files. DocString can be highlighted using reStructuredText.
You can enable it by setting g:riv_python_rst_hl
to 1.
Also you can set the file type to rst
to gain riv features in python file.
set ft=rst
Smarter indent in insert mode.
As indenting in reStructuredText is complicated. Riv will fixed indent for lines in the context of blocks, list, explicit marks.
If no fix is needed, shiftwidth
will be used for the indenting.
will indent with fixed indent.To use original
- Newline (
in Normal mode): will start newline with fixed indentation -
(Backspace key) and<S-Tab>
. Will use fixed indentation if no preceding non-whitespace character, otherwise<BS>
(Tab key). Will use fixed indentation if no preceding non-whitespace character, otherwise<Tab>
Super <Tab>
and Super <Enter>
in insert mode.
(Keypad Enter) (with modifier 'Ctrl' and 'Shift'): -
If insert-popup-menu is visible, will act as
Disable it by setting 'g:riv_i_tab_pum_next' to 0.
When in a table ,
to next cell ,<S-Tab>
to previous one. -
When not in a table,
If it's a list, and cursor is before the list item, will shift the list.
if have fixed indent, will indent with fixed indent. See indent.
if 'g:riv_i_tab_user_cmd' is not empty , executing it.
It's for users who want different behavior with
:" For snipmate user. let g:riv_i_tab_pum_next = 0 " quote cmd with '"', special key must contain '\' let g:riv_i_tab_user_cmd = "\<c-g>u\<c-r>=snipMate#TriggerSnippet()\<cr>"
else act as
NOTE: <S-Tab>
is acting as<BS>
when not in list or table . -
Backspace: indent with fixed indent. See indent.
Most commands can be used in insert mode. Like
To disable mapping of Set it in 'g:riv_ignored_imaps' , each item is split with " no <Tab> and <S-Tab> let g:riv_ignored_imaps = "<Tab>,<S-Tab>" You can view default mappings with 'g:riv_default.buf_imaps' |
- Insert extra fields.
- :RivCreateDate : Insert current date
- :RivCreateTime : Insert current time
- :RivCreateEmphasis : Create Emphasis text
- :RivCreateStrong : Create Strong text
- :RivCreateLink : Create Link based on current word
- :RivCreateFoot : Create Footnote
- :RivCreateDate : Insert Current Date
- :RivCreateTime : Insert Current time
- :RivCreateInterpreted : Interpreted
- :RivCreateLiteralInline : LiteralInline
- :RivCreateLiteralBlock : LiteralBlock
- :RivCreateHyperLink : HyperLink
- :RivCreateTransition : Transition
- :RivCreateExplicitMark : ExplicitMark
Following features are for all document which filetype is rst
And are all standard reStructuredText syntax.
Section level and numbers are auto detected.
And it's folded by it's level.
Normal and Insert Mode
Create and Modify titles:
Use :RivTitle1
... :RivTitle6<C-E>s6
, To create level 1 to level 6 section title from current word.If the line empty, you will be asked to input a title.
And :RivTitle0
will create a section title with an overline.Other commands is
only.Riv use following punctuations for titles:
= - ~ " ' `
, (HTML has 6 levels)You can change it with 'g:riv_section_levels'
The :RivTitle0 will use
NOTE: Keep in mind sub titles should be one level deeper than current one. -
or double clicking on the section title will toggle the folding of the section.The section number will be shown when folded.
or Clicking on the section reference will bring you to the section title.E.g.: click the link of Lists will bring you to the
Section (in vim) -
Create a content table:
Use :RivCreateContent or
to create it.It's similar with the
directive, except it create the content table into the document.The advantage is you can jumping with it in vim, and have full control of it.
The disadvantage is you must update it every time after you have changed the document structure.
You can set 'g:riv_content_format' to change it's format.
Extra Options:
Section mark:
Section number are separated by 'g:riv_fold_section_mark'
See reStructuredText sections for syntax details.
For convenience, Page-break
(Ctrl-L in insert mode) was made to break current section in vim, works like transitions.
There are several types of list items in reStructuredText.
They are highlighted. Some are folded.
Auto Leveled:
Bullet and enumerated list.
When you shift the list or add child/parent list , the type of list item will be changed automatically.
The level sequence is as follows:
* + - 1. A. a. I. i. 1) A) a) I) i) (1) (A) (a) (I) (i)
You can use any of them as a list item, but the changing sequence is hard coded.
This means when you shift right or add a child list with a
list item, the new one will be1.
And if you shift left or add a parent list item with a
list item , the new one will beA.
Auto Numbered:
Bullet and enumerated list.
When you adding a new list or shifting an list, these list items will be auto numbered.
Auto Indented:
Bullet and enumerated list and field list.
When you adding a new list or shifting an list, these list items will be auto indented.
Normal and Visual Mode
Shift right:
:RivShiftRight or<C-ScrollWheelDown>(UNIX only)
Shift rightwards with
If it's a list item, it will indent to the list item's sub list
Shift left:
:RivShiftLeft or<C-ScrollWheelUp>(UNIX only)
Shift leftwards with
If it's a list item, it will indent to the list item's parent list
Format list's level and number. -
To act as the vim's original
, just preceding a<C-E>
, as<C-E><
can be used in UNIX
Tips: To make shifting with mouse more easier.
You should make sure the vim option
not containmouse
, in order to use mouse to start visual mode, not select mode As commands not working in Select Mode.And this option will be reset by
:behave mswin
. So you should put it behind that.Insert Mode
when cursor is before the list's content will shift right. -
when cursor is before the list's content. Will shift left.
NOTE: As this will break the
inserting operation invisual-block insert
.You should use
instead of<Tab>
or use
visual-block replace
See:h v_b_i
and:h v_b_r
New List:
Insert Mode Only. Note that some terminals pass
as different (or indistinguishable) mappings, so the alternative key mapping should be used.-
(enter key and keypad enter key) Insert the content of this list.To insert content in new line of this list item. Add a blank line before it.
Insert a new list of current list level -
Insert a new list of current child list level -
Insert a new list of current parent list level -
When it's a field list, only the indent is inserted.
Change List Type:
Normal and Insert Mode:
... :RivListType4<C-E>l5
Change or add list item symbol of type.The list item of each type is:
'*' , '1.' , 'a.' , 'A)' ,'i)'
NOTE: You should act this on a new list or list with no sub line.
As list item changes, the indentation of it is changed. But this action does not change the sub item's indent.
To change a list and it's sub item with indentation fix , use shifting:
. -
Delete current list item symbol
You can jumping with links.
And it's highlighted with Cursor Highlighting.
Jumping(Normal Mode):
Clicking on a links will jump to it's target.
or double click or<C-E>ko
A web link ( www.xxx.xxx or http://xxx.xxx.xxx or [email protected] ):
Open web browser.
And if it's an email address
[email protected]
will be added.Web browser is set by 'g:riv_web_browser'.
A internal reference (
xxx_ [xxx]_ `xxx`_
):Find and Jump to the target.
If it's an anonymous reference
,Will jump to the nearest anonymous target.
A internal targets (
.. [xxx]: .. _xxx:
)Find and Jump to the nearest backward reference.
A local file (if '`g:riv_file_link_style`_' is not 0):
Like (
)Edit the file.
To split editing: As no split editing commands were defined, you should split document first:
You can jump back to origin position with
Navigate(Normal Mode):
Navigate to next/previous link in document.
Create (Normal and Insert):
create a link from current word.If it's empty, you will be asked to input one.
If the link is not Anonymous References, The target will be put at the end of file by default.
'g:riv_create_link_pos' can be used to change the target postion.
create a auto numbered footnote. And append the footnote target to the end of file.
Tables are highlighted and folded.
For Grid table, it is auto formatted.
Grid Table:
Highlighted and Folded. When folded, the numbers of rows and columns will be shown as '3x2'
Will be auto formated. Only support equal columns each row (no span). Disable auto-formatting by setting 'g:riv_auto_format_table' to 0.
Create: Use
or :RivTableCreate to create table -
Format: Use
or :RivTableFormat to format table.It will be auto formatted after leaving insert mode, or pressing
in insert mode.
Insert Mode Only:
Inside the Table
Grid Table (No column or row span supported yet)
- <Enter> in column to add a new line
- This is the second line of in same row of table.
- <C-Enter> to add a separator and a new row
- <C-S-Enter> to add a header seperator and a new row (There could be only one header seperator in a table)
- <S-Enter> to jump to next line
- <C-E>tn or <Tab> or RivTableNextCell, jump to next cell
- <C-E>tp or <S-Tab> or RivTablePrevCell, jump to prev cell
- Multi Byte characters are OK
- 一二三四五 かきくけこ
See Grid Tables for syntax details.
visual-block insert
be overrided and could not be used in a table.You can use
visual-block Replace
instead. see:h v_b_r
Simple Table:
Highlighted and folded. When folded, the numbers of rows and columns will be shown as '3+2'
No auto formatting.
A Simple Table
Col 1
Col 2
row 1
row 2
- first line row 3
- second line of row 3
See Simple Tables for syntax details.
Convert rst files to html/xml/latex/odt/... (Some command wrapper, docutils required)
Convert to Html
browse the html index page. -
convert to html file. -
convert to html file and browse. Default is 'firefox'The browser is set by g:riv_web_browser, default is
converting whole project into html. And will ask you to copy all the file with extension in '`g:riv_file_link_ext`_'
convert to odt file and browse by ft browserThe file browser is set with 'g:riv_ft_browser'.
convert to xml file and browse by web browser -
convert to s5 file and browse by web browser -
convert to latex file and edit in vim -
convert to latex file and then convert to pdf file.
If you have installed Pygments , code will be highlighted in html , as the syntax highlight style sheet have been embedded in it by Riv.
You can change the style sheet with 'g:riv_html_code_hl_style'
- Syntax highlight for other formatting are not supported yet.
Some misc changing have been done on the style sheet for better view in html.
's background have been set to '#eeeeee'. -
To add some args while converting.
g:riv_rst2html_args , g:riv_rst2latex_args and Etc. can be used.
Output files path
For the files that are in a project. The path of converted files by default is under
of your project directory.-
Default is
To change the path. Set it in your vimrc:
" Assume you have a project name project 1 let project1.build_path = '~/Documents/Riv_Build'
Open the build path: :Riv2BuildPath
Local file link converting will be done. See local file link converting for details.
Set g:riv_auto_rst2html to 1 to automatic convert after writing. only project file are auto converted.
For the files that not in a project. 'g:riv_temp_path' is used to determine the output path
When converting, It will first try You'd better install the package of python 2 version. And make sure it's in your Otherwise errors may occur as py3 version uses 'bytes'. |
Following features provides more functions for rst documents.
- You can change some setting for a better working with Sphinx.
- Project, Scratch, Helpers are extra function for managing rst documents.
- File, Todos are extended syntax items for writing rst document.
Riv can work with Sphinx (see Sphinx Home ).
For now, you can use Cross-referencing document
and downloadable file:download:`xxx`
to jump to that document. With setting g:riv_file_link_style to 2.The Cross-referencing arbitrary locations
are not supported yet. -
To work with other master_doc and source_suffix, like 'main.txt' instead of 'index.rst'
Define the global '`g:riv_master_doc`_' and '`g:riv_source_suffix`_' or define 'master_doc' and 'source_suffix' in your project.
There are no wrapper for making command of Sphinx. You should use
:make html
by your own.And you can view the index page by :RivProjectHtmlIndex or
Project is a place to hold your rst documents.
Though you can edit reStructuredText documents anywhere. There are some convenience with projects.
- File
- Write documents and navigating with local file link.
- Publish
- Convert whole project to html, and view them as wiki.
- Todos
- Manage all the todo items in a project
- Scratch
- Writing diary in a project
Global Commands:
to open the first project index. -
to choose one project to open. -
Browse project html index.
All projects are in `g:riv_projects`_,
Define a project with a dictionary of options, If not defined, it will have the default value
let project1 = { 'Name': 'My Working Notes', 'path': '~/Dropbox/rst',} let g:riv_projects = [project1]
To add multiple projects
let project2 = { 'path': '~/Dropbox/rst2',} let g:riv_projects = [project1, project2]
if you are editing a rst document outside a project.
It's settings will using the first one.
The link to edit local files. non-reStructuredText syntax
As reStructuredText haven't define a pattern for local files currently.
Riv provides some convenient way to link to other local files in the rst documents.
For linking with local file in vim easily, The filename with extension , like
, will be highlighted and linked, only in vim.And you can disable highlighting it with setting '`g:riv_file_ext_link_hl`_' to 0.
Using Rst's default HyperLink syntax to link local files.
xxx.rst_ Dir .. _xxx.rst: xxx.rst .. _Dir: Dir/index.rst
) command are optimized to simplify working with them.You can type a
then use the command to make a link.For Simpify using, The local file links with `g:riv_file_link_ext`_ will be auto opened in vim with
if `g:riv_open_link_location`_ is set to 1.You can use
to move to the location only.Also, The
will be changed toxxx.html
when convert to html -
WARNING! This method is deprecated! Use rst's normal link
Two types for linking file while converting to other format. (works for document in project only.)
MoinMoin: use
to link to a local file.Sphinx: use
to link to local file and local document.See Sphinx_Role_Doc.
It will be not changed to link with Riv. You'd better use it with Sphinx's tool set.
You can switch style with '`g:riv_file_link_style`_'
when set to 1,
:Words like
will be detected as file link.Words like
[[xxx/]]' will link to ``xxx/index.rst
Words like
will link toDOC_ROOT/xxx/xxx.rst
Words like
will be considered as external file linksWords like
will be considered as external directory links, and link to the directory. -
when set to 2,
:Words like
will be detected as file link.NOTE: words like
are illegal in sphinx, You should use:doc:`xxx/index`
, and link toxxx/index.rst
Words like
will link toDOC_ROOT/xxxx/xxx.rst
Words like
will be considered as external file linksWords like
will be considered as external directory links, and link to the directory.You can add other extensions with '`g:riv_file_link_ext`_'.
when set to 0, no local file link.
default is 1.
NOTE: Difference between extension and link style.
are linked to Document RootDOC_ROOT/xxx.rst
both with MoinMoin and sphinx style(?).But the
detected with extension will be linked to/xxx/xxx.rst
in your disk -
The file links are highlighted. See Cursor Highlighting
To delete a local file in project.
it will also delete all reference to this file inindex.rst
of the directory.
As the local file link is not the default syntax in reStructuredText. The links need converting before Publish.
And it's only converted for rst file in a Project.
Those detected local file link will be converted to an embedded link. in this form:
`xxx.rst <xxx.html>`_ `xxx.py <xxx.py>`_
link converting in a table will make the table error format.
So you'd better convert it to a link manually.
Use :RivCreateLink or file.rst_ .. _file.rst:: file.html |
For now it's overhead with substitute by a temp file. A parser for docutils is needed in the future.
And for Sphinx users. You should use Sphinx's tool set to convert it.
Scratch is a place for writing diary or notes.
Create or jump to the scratch of today.Scratches are created auto named by date in '%Y-%m-%d' format.
View Scratch index.The index is auto created. Separate scratches by years and month
You can change the month name using 'g:riv_month_names'.
Scratches will be put in scratch folder in project directory. You can change it with 'scratch_path' of project setting ,default is 'Scratch':
" Use another directory let project1.scratch_path = 'Diary' " Use absolute path, then no todo helper and no converting for it. let project1.scratch_path = '~/Documents/Diary'
Todo items to keep track of todo things. non-reStructuredText syntax
It is Todo-box or Todo-keywords in a bullet/enumerated/field list.
Todo Box:
- [ ] This is a todo item of initial state.
- [o] This is a todo item that's in progress.
- [X] This is a todo item that's finished.
- You can change the todo box item by 'g:riv_todo_levels' ,
Todo Keywords:
Todo Keywords are also supported
- FIXED A todo item of FIXME/FIXED keyword group.
- DONE 2012-06-13 ~ 2012-06-23 A todo item of TODO/DONE keyword group.
- START A todo item of START/PROCESS/STOP keyword group.
- You can define your own keyword group for todo items with 'g:riv_todo_keywords'
Date stamps:
Todo item's start or end date.
[X] 2012-06-23 A todo item with date stamp
Double Click or
or :RivTodoDate on a date stamp to change date.If you have Calendar installed , it will use it to choose date.
It is controlled by 'g:riv_todo_datestamp'
- when set to 0 , no date stamp
- when set to 1 , no initial date stamp ,
will add a finish date stamp when it's done.
- [X] 2012-06-23 This is a todo item with finish date stamp,
- when set to 2 , will initial with a start date stamp.
And when it's done , will add a finish date stamp.
- [ ] 2012-06-23 This is a todo item with start date stamp
- [X] 2012-06-23 ~ 2012-06-23 A todo item with both start and finish date stamp.
- Default is 1
The Priorities of todo item
- [ ] [#A] a todo item of priority A
- [ ] [#C] a todo item of priority C
- Double Click or
or :RivTodoPrior on priority item to change priority. - You can define the priority chars by 'g:riv_todo_priorities'
Add Todo Item
Use :RivTodoToggle or
to add or switch the todo progress.Change default todo group by 'g:riv_todo_default_group'
Use :RivTodoType1
... :RivTodoType4<C-E>e4
to add or change the todo item by group. -
Use :RivTodoAsk
will show an keyword group list to choose.
Change Todo Status
- Double Click or
in the box/keyword to switch the todo progress.
Delete Item
- Use :RivTodoDel
to delete the whole todo item
- Use :RivHelpTodo or
to open a Todo Helper
Folding Info:
When list is folded. The statistics of the child items (or this item) todo progress will be shown.
Todo items are highlighted.
As it's not the reStructuredText syntax. So highlighted in vim only.
When cursor are in a Todo Item , current item will be highlighted.
A window for helping project management.
Basic Commands:
to enter search mode. Search item matching inputing,<Enter>
to quit search mode.Set 'g:riv_fuzzy_help' to 1 to enable fuzzy searching in helper.
to switch content, -
or Double Click to jump to the item. -
to quit the window
A helper to manage todo items of current project. When current document is not in a project, will show current file's todo items.
:RivHelpTodo or
Open Todo Helper. Default is in search mode.
A helper to show rst files of current directory.
Also indicating following files if exists:
'ROOT': 'RT' Root of project 'INDX': 'IN' Index of current directory 'CURR': 'CR' Current file 'PREV': 'PR' Previous file
:RivHelpFile or
Open File Helper. Default is in normal mode.
A helper showing current document section numbers
:RivHelpSection or
Open Section Helper. Default is in normal mode.
Default leader map for Riv is
. You can change it by '`g:riv_global_leader`_' -
To remap a single mapping, use
in your vimrc:map <C-E>wi :RivIndex<CR>
All commands can be executed by
. For example::RivIndex
to open the default Project Index. -
You can use menu to view the commands Shortcut either.
:popup Riv
Can be used when you not showing the menu bar. -
:RivProjectIndex : Open the default Riv project index in vim.
Normal : <C-E>ww,<C-E><C-W><C-W>
:RivProjectList : Show Riv project list.
Normal : <C-E>wa,<C-E><C-W><C-A>
:RivProjectHtmlIndex : Browse project html index.
Normal : <C-E>wi,<C-E><C-W><C-I>
:RivScratchCreate : Create Or Edit Scratch of today.
Normal : <C-E>sc,<C-E><C-S><C-C>
:RivScratchView : View The Index of Scratch Directory
Normal : <C-E>sv,<C-E><C-S><C-V>
:RivFoldToggle : Toggle Fold
Normal : <C-E><Space><Space>
:RivFoldAll : Toggle all folding
Normal : <C-E><Space>a
:RivFoldUpdate : Update Folding
Normal : <C-E><Space>u
:RivLinkOpen : Open Link under Cursor
Normal : <C-E>ko
:RivLinkShow : Move cursor to the link target.
Normal : <C-E>ks
:RivLinkNext : Jump to Next Link
Normal : <C-E>kn,<TAB>
:RivLinkPrev : Jump to Prev Linx
Normal : <C-E>kp,<S-TAB>
:RivShiftRight : Shift Right with level and indent adjustment.
Normal,Visual : <C-E>l>,>,<C-ScrollwheelDown>
:RivShiftLeft : Shift Left with level and indent adjustment.
Normal,Visual : <C-E>l<,<,<C-ScrollwheelUp>
:RivShiftEqual : Format List level
Normal,Visual : <C-E>l=,=
:RivNormRight : Normal Shift Right
Normal,Visual : <C-E>>,<S-ScrollwheelDown>
:RivNormLeft : Normal Shift Left
Normal,Visual : <C-E><lt>,<S-ScrollwheelUp>
:RivNormEqual : Normal Equal
Normal,Visual : <C-E>=
:RivItemClick : Open Link,Toggle item and toggle section folding
Normal : <2-LeftMouse>
:RivItemToggle : Open Link, Toggle item
Normal : <CR>,<KEnter>
:RivTitle1 : Create Type 1 Title
Normal,Insert : <C-E>s1
:RivTitle2 : Create Type 2 Title
Normal,Insert : <C-E>s2
:RivTitle3 : Create Type 3 Title
Normal,Insert : <C-E>s3
:RivTitle4 : Create Type 4 Title
Normal,Insert : <C-E>s4
:RivTitle5 : Create Type 5 Title
Normal,Insert : <C-E>s5
:RivTitle6 : Create Type 6 Title
Normal,Insert : <C-E>s6
:RivTitle0 : Create Type 0 Title
Normal,Insert : <C-E>s0
:RivTableCreate : Create a Table
Normal,Insert : <C-E>tc
:RivTableFormat : Format table
Normal,Insert : <C-E>tf
:RivTableNextCell : Nav to Next Cell
Normal,Insert : <C-E>tn
:RivTablePrevCell : Nav to Prev Cell
Normal,Insert : <C-E>tp
:RivListNew : Create a New List
Normal,Insert : <C-E>ln
:RivListSub : Create a sub list item
Normal,Insert : <C-E>lb
:RivListSup : Create a sup list item
Normal,Insert : <C-E>lp
:RivListToggle : ToggleList item
Normal,Insert : <C-E>l`
:RivListDelete : Delete List item
Normal,Insert : <C-E>lx
:RivListType0 : Create a List type 0
Normal,Insert : <C-E>l1
:RivListType1 : Create a List type 1
Normal,Insert : <C-E>l2
:RivListType2 : Create a List type 2
Normal,Insert : <C-E>l3
:RivListType3 : Create a List type 3
Normal,Insert : <C-E>l4
:RivListType4 : Create a List type 4
Normal,Insert : <C-E>l5
:RivTodoToggle : Toggle Todo item's status
Normal,Insert : <C-E>ee
:RivTodoDel : Del Todo Item
Normal,Insert : <C-E>ex
:RivTodoDate : Change Date stamp under cursor
Normal,Insert : <C-E>ed
:RivTodoPrior : Change Todo Priorties
Normal,Insert : <C-E>ep
:RivTodoAsk : Show the todo group list
Normal,Insert : <C-E>e`
:RivTodoType1 : Change to group 1
Normal,Insert : <C-E>e1
:RivTodoType2 : Change to group 2
Normal,Insert : <C-E>e2
:RivTodoType3 : Change to group 3
Normal,Insert : <C-E>e3
:RivTodoType4 : Change to group 4
Normal,Insert : <C-E>e4
:RivTodoUpdateCache : Update Todo cache
Normal : <C-E>uc
:RivCreateLink : Create Link based on current word
Normal,Insert : <C-E>ck
:RivCreateFoot : Create Footnote
Normal,Insert : <C-E>cf
:RivCreateDate : Insert Current Date
Normal,Insert : <C-E>cdd
:RivCreateTime : Insert Current time
Normal,Insert : <C-E>cdt
:RivCreateContent : Insert Content Table
Normal : <C-E>cc
:RivCreateEmphasis : Emphasis
Normal,Insert : <C-E>ce
:RivCreateStrong : Strong
Normal,Insert : <C-E>cs
:RivCreateInterpreted : Interpreted
Normal,Insert : <C-E>ci
:RivCreateLiteralInline : LiteralInline
Normal,Insert : <C-E>cl
:RivCreateLiteralBlock : LiteralBlock
Normal,Insert : <C-E>cb
:RivCreateHyperLink : HyperLink
Normal,Insert : <C-E>ch
:RivCreateTransition : Transition
Normal,Insert : <C-E>cr
:RivCreateExplicitMark : ExplicitMark
Normal,Insert : <C-E>cm
:RivDeleteFile : Delete Current File
Normal : <C-E>df
:Riv2HtmlFile : Convert to html
Normal : <C-E>2hf
:Riv2HtmlAndBrowse : Convert to html and browse current file
Normal : <C-E>2hh
:Riv2HtmlProject : Convert project to html
Normal : <C-E>2hp
:Riv2Odt : Convert to odt
Normal : <C-E>2oo
:Riv2S5 : Convert to S5
Normal : <C-E>2ss
:Riv2Xml : Convert to Xml
Normal : <C-E>2xx
:Riv2Latex : Convert to Latex
Normal : <C-E>2ll
:Riv2Pdf : Convert to Pdf
Normal : <C-E>2pp
:Riv2BuildPath : Show Build Path of the project
Normal : <C-E>2b
:RivReload : Force reload Riv and Current Document
Normal : <C-E>t`
:RivTestFold0 : Test folding time
Normal : <C-E>t1
:RivTestFold1 : Test folding time and foldlevel
Normal : <C-E>t2
:RivTestTest : Test the test
Normal : <C-E>t4
:RivTestObj : Show Test object
Normal : <C-E>t3
:RivSuperBackSpace : Super Backspace
Insert : <C-E>mq,<BS>
:RivSuperTab : Super Tab
Insert : <C-E>me,<Tab>
:RivSuperSTab : Super Shift Tab
Insert : <C-E>mw,<S-Tab>
:RivSuperEnter : Super Enter
Normal,Insert : <C-E>mm,<Enter>,<KEnter>
:RivSuperCEnter : Super Ctrl Enter
Normal,Insert : <C-E>mj,<C-Enter>,<C-KEnter>
:RivSuperSEnter : Super Shift Enter
Normal,Insert : <C-E>mk,<S-Enter>,<S-KEnter>
:RivSuperMEnter : Super Alt Enter
Normal,Insert : <C-E>mh,<C-S-Enter>,<M-Enter>,<C-S-KEnter>,<M-KEnter>
:RivHelpTodo : Show Todo Helper
Normal : <C-E>ht,<C-E><C-h><C-t>
:RivHelpFile : Show File Helper
Normal : <C-E>hf,<C-E><C-h><C-f>
:RivHelpSection : Show Section Helper
Normal : <C-E>hs
:RivVimTest : Run doctest for Vim Script
:RivIntro : Show Riv Intro
:RivInstruction : Show Riv Instruction
:RivQuickStart : Show Riv QuickStart
:RivPrimer : Show RST Primer
:RivCheatSheet : Show RST CheatSheet
:RivSpecification : Show RST Specification
:RivGetLatest : Show Get Latest Info
Syntax | |
g:riv_highlight_code 'lua,python,cpp,javascript,vim,sh' |
The language name is the syntax name used by vim. For some syntax have different name in pygments and vim, you can use | to seperate it. e.g: pygments_code_name|vim_code_name |
g:riv_code_indicator 1 |
Highlight the first column of code directives. |
g:riv_link_cursor_hl 1 |
Cursor's Hover Highlighting for links. |
g:riv_python_rst_hl 0 |
Highlight with rst syntax. |
Todos | |
g:riv_todo_levels " ,o,X" |
The Todo levels for Todo-Box. Means |
g:riv_todo_priorities "ABC" |
The Todo Priorities for Todo-Items Only alphabetic or digits. |
g:riv_todo_default_group 0 |
The default Todo Group for ':RivTodoToggle'
g:riv_todo_datestamp 1 |
The datestamp behavior for Todo-Item.
The Todo-Keywords groups. Each group is separated by ';', Each keyword is separated by ','. |
Folding | |
g:riv_disable_folding 0 |
Disable Folding or not
g:riv_fold_blank 2 |
Folding blank lines in the end of the folding lines.
g:riv_fold_level 3 |
Folding more structure for document.
g:riv_fold_section_mark '.' |
Mark to seperate the section numbers: '1.1', '1.1.1' |
g:riv_fold_auto_update 1 |
Auto Update folding whilst write to buffer. |
g:riv_auto_fold_force 1 |
Reducing fold level for editing large files. |
g:riv_auto_fold1_lines 5000 |
Lines of file exceeds this will fold section only |
g:riv_auto_fold2_lines 3000 |
Lines of file exceeds this will fold section and list |
g:riv_fold_info_pos 'right' |
The position for fold info.
Publish | |
g:riv_web_browser 'firefox' |
The browser for browsing html and web links. |
g:riv_ft_browser UNIX:'xdg-open', windows:'start' |
The browser for opening files. |
g:riv_rst2html_args '' |
Extra args for converting to html. |
g:riv_rst2odt_args '' |
Extra args for converting to odt. |
g:riv_rst2xml_args '' |
Extra args for converting to xml. |
g:riv_rst2s5_args '' |
Extra args for converting to s5. |
g:riv_rst2latex_args '' |
Extra args for converting to latex. |
g:riv_temp_path 1 |
The temp path for converting a file NOT in a project.
g:riv_html_code_hl_style 'default' |
The code highlight style for html.
Insert | |
g:riv_disable_indent 0 |
Set to 1 to use vim's default indent expr function. default is 0. |
g:riv_i_tab_pum_next 1 |
Use <Tab> to act as <C-N> in insert mode when
there is a popup menu. |
g:riv_i_tab_user_cmd '' |
User command to hook let g:riv_i_tab_user_cmd = "<c-g>u<c-r>=snipMate#TriggerSnippet()<cr>" |
g:riv_i_stab_user_cmd '' |
User command to hook <S-Tab> in insert mode. |
g:riv_ignored_imaps '' |
Use to disable mapping in insert mode.
g:riv_ignored_nmaps '' |
Use to disable mapping in normal mode.
g:riv_ignored_vmaps '' |
Use to disable mapping in visual mode.
Miscs | |
g:riv_create_link_pos '$' |
Link Target's position when created.
g:riv_month_names 'January,February,March,April, May,June,July,August,September, October,November,December' |
Month Names for Scratch Index |
g:riv_section_levels '=-~"''`' |
The section line punctuations for section title. NOTE
Use |
g:riv_content_format '%i%l%n %t' |
The format for content table.
g:riv_fuzzy_help 0 |
Fuzzy searching in helper. |
g:riv_auto_format_table 1 |
Auto formating table when leave Insert Mode |
g:riv_auto_rst2html 0 |
Auto Converting rst to html after writing. file should in project. |
g:riv_default_path '~/Documents/Riv' |
Default path for your project. |