This project serves as a playground for exploring full-stack web development concepts. It began with a basic Express/Handlebars structure and evolved to incorporate React, NestJS, NextJS, and TypeScript for a comprehensive frontend and backend experience as well as Cypress and Jest for robust testing. It also includes SQlite and TypeORM for database management and storing data
Create: Add new teams with customized names, properties, and logos (image upload supported).
Read: View a list of your user-specific teams with basic information and optional filtering.
Update: Edit existing team details (name, description, logo) to keep them current.
Delete: Remove unwanted teams from your list permanently.
Reset: Set a specific team back to its default state, clearing customised information.
Reset All: Reset all your teams to their default states, starting fresh.
Add: Assign players to specific teams, providing their names, positions, and country of origin.
Edit: Modify player information within a team.
Remove: Take players out of specific teams.
- NextJs w/React
- Bootstrap
- TypeScript
- TailWindCss
- NestJs w/Express
- express-session-sqlite
- TypeScript
- TypeORM
- SQLite
- Cypress
- Jest
- Eslint
- Prettier
This project follows a hexagonal architecture pattern. This promotes a clean separation of concerns, making the core application logic independent from external systems like the UI and database
See the diagram below for a visual representation of the application structure:
-Ensure you have Node.js (or yarn) installed on your machine
-Clone the project repository
-Navigate to the project root directory and run the following command to install all the necessary
project dependencies npm run installApp
-Create a .env file in the backend folder, add the following variables and adjust them to your needs:
# Replace with a strong secret key
# Replace with your database username
# Replace with your database password, if any
# Set to false to disable database operations logging
# Path to your user database file
# Path to your sessions database file
# Path to default user data json files
# Base URL to your frontend application
# Set to true
for production deployment
-There is an environment configuration in the frontend root folder, next.config.js, it should contain the following environment variables, modify as necessary
BASE_API_URL: "http://localhost:3000"
-There should exist sessions.db and userData.db on their corresponding paths (SESSION_DB_PATH & DB_PATH), if they do not, create them.
On windows:
npm run dev:windows
2 windows will popup - one for NextJs and the other one for NestJs
On any:
npm run dev
# this will run both back and front ends with concurrently, on the same console
The front-end server will run by default on port 8080 and the back-end server on port 3000.
-Access from a web browser to localhost:8080
-Login with any username
-Do stuff, see Team and Player Management
cd frontend
npm run dev
cd backend
npm run dev
For test runs see Tests
-Run the servers
-Run cypress npm run cypress
-Select end to end testing
-Select browser
-Select file
There's a disabled test for removing all players from a team, but it lacks any assertions
-Run jest (currently only for backend) npm run jest
If on Windows, you can run it on a separate console npm run jest:windows
The app lacks mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access or data manipulation since
password protection is not implemented, making accounts vulnerable to unauthorized access.
The current state of the project's frontend has limitations in its testing strategy,
lacking unit, component and integration tests, so there's less assurance that the codebase
functions as intended, leading to a potenial lack of confidence in the overall quality.
-Adding a player with an empty input field will throw an error, this can be solved by permitting empty fields on database input or by limitating user to add players only with full data
-"Not logged in" page
-User Password
-Credits Page
-Persistent titles bar on players data table
-Other ways to empty team earch bar (ESC key)
-Generate full crest URL in backend instead of frontend
-Combine and clean mock test utils
-Add loading spinner to team creation
-Add "creating user" message on new user login
-Add cypress test for team not found situation
-Get redirected to a page with the warning "not logged in" when not logged in instead of log in page
-Add frontend teams data cache system to reduce data transported
-Add feature to upload images by link instead of file
-When image is not found, return an image indicating "Image not found" instead of throwing error