Forge is a prefferable way to run tests for GSquared.
Block 16025905
is selected to run integrations tests on.
To run Solidity Forge tests:
forge build
forge test --fork-url https://RPC_NODE_URL -vvv --fork-block-number 16025905
It is strongly recommended to use a virtual environment with this project.
The project has been tested with Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04 and with Python3.8* and Python 3.9*
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
In future sessions, activate the virtual environment with:
source venv/bin/activate
To learn more about venv
, see the official Python documentation.
We also use hardhat for our testing node, which requires installation
npm install
The following API Keys need to be added to the system environmental variables
- Alchemy provider: $WEB3_ALCHEMY_PROJECT_ID
- Etherscan API token: $ETHERSCAN_TOKEN
Brownie networks:
Mainnet networks the following networks need to be added to the brownie network config file (~./brownie/network-config.yaml)
# Mainnet network
- chainid: 1
id: Mainnet
multicall2: '0x5BA1e12693Dc8F9c48aAD8770482f4739bEeD696'
name: Mainnet
provider: alchemy
# for tests
- cmd: npx hardhat node
fork: Mainnet
port: 8545
host: http://localhost
id: hardhat-fork
name: Hardhat (Mainnet Fork)
timeout: 120
Unit tests can run on a regular hardhat node whereas integration tests require a mainnet fork due to the external dependencies.
To run tests:
brownie test --network hardhat-fork